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Feedback 2.3

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Lew Yard:
'k, will do after some testing.

Was a bit wrong on the goggle usage -- there IS a bug, but it's not based on reaction fire (that was coincidental), but what's happening is that the code that is used when deciding whether or not the button should be lit thinks that the TU cost is 10, but it actually costs 12 to scan -- hence the disconnect.  Tested this by crouching up/down (3 TUs ea) or passing grenade from belt to hand (2 TUs it seems).  Scan stops working at 11, lights out at 9.  Will file but need to head out now.

> The Snake Mans from UFO AI 221
> Alienbases (dont found one)
They are both in game. Play some more to get shevaars and alien bases. And particle weapons too.

> The medium and strong Armor (not Implemented?)
Don`t know about this point.

Lew Yard:
Filed -- my suspicion is that the 10 TU "throw" mode is what's fooling the UI code into thinking that the goggles are still usable with 10 TUs. 

Also added
for the blinking textures.

Double-checked medikit, cannot reproduce so not filing an issue there.

Thx Lew, someone will sooner or later take care of that.

i know u dont like that questions, but is there anywhere a 2.4 todo? havent found one.
what are the aims for next release?

will there be a 2.3.1 bugfix version - maybe with new gui? ;)
well... i am just very excited. great work until now.


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