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Feedback 2.3

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Hello Brasher,
your feedback is (probably) mostly appreciated, but the style is lacking.

First and foremost:

--- Quote from: Brasher on November 15, 2010, 05:22:52 am ---... GREAVER I have seen too many posts from you stating "it doesn’t go with the story line... it doesn’t go with... it doesn’t..." shuddafukup ...

--- End quote ---
Are you referring to Geever!?
It's one thing to come and make suggestions for improvement;
It's another (ugly) thing to waltz into an open-source project forum, having nothing to contribute, and telling one of the developers to "shuddafukup".

Regarding the AI, you could have spared us the mega-rant (2 paragraphs, one for the enemies, one for civilians).
This is a well known issue which is constantly under development and tweaking, as you've read on the forums.
Also, try reading the AI discussion to get a sense of scale and effort on this subject.

Regarding variety - Repetitive maps, soldier\civilian models, not enough weapons, "visually stale" UFOpedia articles:
In one word: Contribute.
In many words: If you can bother to complain about it, can you bother to help in fixing it?
You claim you're not a coder, and that's alright. But you don't need coding skills to help with creating models and textures, and with mapping.
You don't see other people here rant about it because they don't have the time to contribute,
and while it would be "nice to have", this project's limited resources are directed towards issues with higher priorities.

Having said all that, I do agree with you on:

* The anti-matter (fuel) paradox - Some alternative way(s) of getting it should be thought of and implemented, IMO.
* The frequency of UFO activity - I'm pretty sure it can be easily changed, and will be, as a matter of final fine-tuning.
BTW, notice how this issue also leads to ridiculously high income (and hitting the 10M credits cap).
* Your complaint of the inability to interact with civilians.
I'm 99.9% sure you'll never be able to actually control any of them, unless you could code that yourself somehow.
I've thought that maybe, every non-sharp weapon should have a special "fire-mode" say, "Physical Strike" in order to beat civilians into unconsciousness.
For this to work without messing with game balance, I suppose a new damage type (say, "civilian_stun") should be implemented, to which combatants are totally resistant.
Anyway, Brasher, you do have a certain style which I generally like, but please remember you're a guest here...

Understand I meant no offense; don't take my post any where near being a hostile review, please.  I'm rough around the edges, but this is completely a compliment.  Maybe I should have made it more clear the issues I mentioned are well known and are constantly being worked on which is why I praised every one involved on effort.  This game has made my year.  Out of all the games I have (Fallout, BF, CIV, and many more) you’d see me playing UFOAI the most. 
As far as Greever, it was late and you're right, I should have used a little more tact.  Reading my post again, it seems more like I singled him out, but there are others that I've seen having a tendency to shut people down in the forums, as well, with a manner that could harm publicity (this includes new people, young people who show an interest in this genre which is amazing as I thought this style of game play phased out of recent generations with the common ADD style need for instant gratification through the multitude of modern-day crappy games).  It's a personal peeve of mine.  My intent was to hopefully jolt some one out of the mundane (or what ever) which seems to have tainted their creativity and sincerity, not bash them as I believe they have been key players in the success of UFOAI, attitudes aside.  “Shudafukup” is quite different than STFU; it is impossible to express connotation via text, but if you were to have heard me speak it, it carried a light-hearted and playful tone.  I urge all of you to encourage people’s creative thoughts and let them down gently if a proposed idea is a bit too far-fetched or not possible.  Don’t forget you were “like that” at some point lol.
I’m looking into helping out with the maps, you totally got me stoked.  The only reason I haven’t contributed to this point is because I was worried about the old saying, “Too many cooks spoil the soup”, but if this area needs help enough for you to ask then I’m there and would love to support where I can.  I’ve never been a part of an on-line project like this; do you have a link to groups with a leader for certain tasks that I could get in touch with?  I get lost in your forums.  As an outsider, things look chaotic to me and I’m a bit intimidated… I’m old and accustomed to a structured chain of command lol.

Brasher, it's not that well coordinated on the mapping side. But there's a forum for mapping questions and the mapping section of the wiki has lots of info to get started. Ask (in the mapping forum) if you have any questions.

Brasher, I'm glad to hear you want to contribute :)

You will probably want to skim the 'contribute' section of our wiki and find out which task suits you most. In the process, you will learn why some of your points require soooo much work.

In addition to that, I'd like to see you take notes of that *process*.
That is, plz write some wiki articles like
"How to find a suitable way to contribute"
"Why certain features are incredibly hard to implement"
Got the idea ?

Feel free to rant about everything that keeps you from 'directly contributing the next day', but NOT without telling us what would have helped you to do so ;)


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