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reaction fire fix?

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--- Quote from: DreamWorker on June 26, 2010, 01:57:22 pm ---Ок with this fix RF work good except sniper rifle in precise mode (sniper rifle snap shot work well)
also sniper rifle snap shot do not work at close range.

--- End quote ---

Are you serious?

Can you specifiy a bit what exactly you did please:

Which lines did you put in? Did you restart the campaign? Did you just try it in Skirmish-mode? ...


I read earlier about someone restarting the campaign to make it work ... so I went and tried it in Skirmish-mode:

- Shotgun + Laserrifle fired pretty well as in almost every shot, even in burst-mode
- Sniper (snapshot): fires sometimes, not very reliable though
- Magnetic-gun (was it?) fired hardly
Now this is still not "the old RF-system" but seemed a lot better to me than what I experienced in the campaign.

Then again, I don't have any idea how much better the soldiers in skirmish-mode are trained ... I was under the impression that those with high mind-stats actually fired more often than the dumb-nuts. Also, it seemed like having a soldier sit and wait for at least one turn increased the chance of RF, sort of like they "entrenched" themselves.
Also, I was up against some 10 aliens in a tight spot and didn't really care about the lives of my soldiers. I therefore had the aliens in plain view most of the time. Possibly, my guys just accumulated a ton of RF-APs in short time by seeing all those aliens move around ... this would have certainly "paid" for a couple 14AP-bursts per turn or for the occasional sniper-snapshot.
Maybe it was just a "lucky round" and once I restart a campaign I will be faced with the same old casualties caused by only 1 or 2 aliens who hardly generate enough APs to reaction-fire a warm fart ...

Still a lot of guessing and variables here so far ...

Can you specifiy a bit what exactly you did please:
- uninstall game and delete all files (have some problems with graphics)
do exact as you tell in "Guide"

set g_reaction_fair 0
set g_reaction_fair "0"
set g_reaction_fire 0
set g_reaction_fire "0"

then tried campaign - send to mission 8 snipers and they killed aliens in RF with snap shots

I'm using snipers with snap shot in harassing fire tactics, sometimes they hit somebody.

A bad with RF - it's floating instability.
IRL if you have weapon(or device) that somtimes work well and sometimes have malfunction and you doesn't know when it will work and when will not - better do not use this device or weapon.

RF works for me with snipers in V 2.3.  The alien had a chance to shoot me with a plasma blaster 4 times before my guy shot back though.  about 5 spaces away. >:(

Reaction fire is very weak, however, good strategy on the battle field will win every time.  I win 95% of my battles with zero losses and not a single reaction fire takes place, and the other 5% I either retry successfully or sacrifice a squadie to move on. 

It does seem to get better the longer you keep people alive, but I still don't rely on it.  Don't leave your soldiers exposed and make them come to you, trying to meet them at the point that you have points and they don't.  The AI is very cocky and dumb and leaves itself exposed all the time.  I think it relies on reaction fire too, and they'd be here complaining that their reaction fire isn't fast enough for me if they could.  ;)  Don't copy it. 


--- Quote from: dodon on June 24, 2010, 02:41:38 pm ---No it is not, but in 2.2 it was broken - it was way to powerful ;)

--- End quote ---

In 2.2 it made sense, if they saw an alien they would shoot it.


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