General > Discussion

reaction fire fix?

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1. I have had reaction fire work, BUT ONLY when reserving TUs. The aliens usually have to take a lot of action, but sometimes the troops fire off a single shot. This was with sniper rifles and heavy lasers at range.
2. I would be really happy with reaction fire if it was just like it is except that no TU reservation was made. It takes too many clicks at the moment to micromanage all your troops RF for every round and turn it on and off depending on how far you intend to move in that particular round.
3. Don't see the 'overpowered' argument at all - if it's the same for aliens and humans (barring very bad AI which seems not to be the case), how can it be overpowered? If turtling is the problem, why not add a big randomizer and penalties in there etc?  It just seems stupid that all your troops can see enemies walk all over and nobody fires a single shot.
4. Partly related to 3 - reaction fire was in UFO 1. It seems to have worked very well, reservation wasn't required, everyone was really happy with it. Why not duplicate the same?


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