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Coilgun best weapon in Close Quarter Combat - human cqc weapon?

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New weapons are out of the question IIRC, devs have said that no new human weapons for official campaign. Human-alien hybrids might have hope though.

But one idea is that PHALANX invents something to replace the gunpowder in normal guns. A new type of round that, for example, uses alien plasma tech to propel itself out of the barrel. Or gunpowder more similiar to high explosives. Or something.

Also try the flamer. It has not failed me yet.

I agree with Viento, it would be nice to re-engineer the old weapons to make them better, after a certain point in the game - and that may be a key point, to have such a thing but only allow it after a certain "milestone" is passed.  Otherwise the player could un-balance things by starting research on improved human weapons right at the start of the game.

It could be after something is researched, or some other trigger that an email comes in the player's inbox from one of his/her staff (game characters) where someone thinks newly discovered technology should be used to remake human weaponry to keep up.  It wouldn't need to be complex or hard to code.

As Hertzilla said though, perhaps new ammunition would be enough.

Perhaps we could have a few things in conjunction required for upgrading the old weapons.

Some of the alien materials are obviously stronger and denser so using them along with propelling bullets in a different manner would allow for new slug/penetrator rounds to be used. Imagine it being sort of like extremely advanced depleted uranium rounds.

Also don't rule out the idea of using biological and chemical weapons for such things. After all the only good alien is a dead alien. Perhaps another heavy weapon could be a sabot style armour piercing round loaded with a chemical deadly to the aliens.


--- Quote from: Sepelio on December 30, 2009, 02:38:59 am ---...After all the only good alien is a dead alien...

--- End quote ---

Most of your post I agree with, but not this point - One goal that comes up and becomes more important as the game progresses is capturing live aliens for interrogation and research.  At the start of the game, yes, shooting them dead works fine, but later on this is not as true.


I believe that is the purpose of modding, and is what I was trying to do (experimenting with adding a new grenade launcher ammo) and I had partial success that resulted in [what i call] 'not working ammo'. This experimentation exposed modding attempt to be complex.  :o

I initated a post in forum in modding section asking for information, because I could not find information nor locate any shared tidbits on the wiki or other forums in relation to modding the scripts.

Later I killed the post promptly, because the replies is starting to become insulting.  :(

Apparently Dev's are busy and focus is still on the development of 2.3.  :)




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