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Author Topic: Thank you and some feedback.  (Read 3213 times)

Offline ITOS

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Thank you and some feedback.
« on: November 29, 2009, 06:06:17 pm »
Hello and thanks to all who work hard with making this game. :)
I recently found a couple of notes I made while playing version 2.3 Dev r26563 and figured some might be of interest.

1: Civilians on ALL maps.
Doesn't the aliens ever crash in uninhabited areas? I know the earth is overpopulated but what are the odds that I always shoot them down over populated areas?

2: Annoying ambidient sound loops.
Especially the alien engine on harvesters where I usually stand a while to gather the troops before moving in. I've actually replaced that sound file with a silent file.

3: Tracers not from muzzles.
At least for some weapons, the tracers from bullets or beams seems not to originate from the muzzle of the gun.

4: Message sound stacks.
If several messages are received at once, the sound get's very loud. Granted, this hardly ever happens but still...

5: CTD Bug: Com_AddToInventory: No free inventory space!
This has happened twice when entering tactical combat.

6: Shot reservations settings are not saved between sessions and needs to be changes every time you start the game. This means that each time I start the game I have to go through and click for each soldier how many TUs to save for reaction shots. Mildly annoying.

7: Fast flying camera cause eye strain.
During the alien turn the camera follows the shots fired by aliens. While this tells you where they are and what they shoot at the quick jumping and panning of the camera hurts my eyes.

8: TUs required and TUs left, displayed next to the mouse, are hard to read when over light terrain such as base concrete. Not very annoying but still...

9: Randomly generated maps lacks variation in buildings, environment types and terrain features. I guess this is something that is considered and is due to lack of mappers and modellers.

10: Soldiers stop when they spot civilians.
Seems somewhat unnecessary unless the civilian is infected and constitutes a threat.

Some of thee notes might be well known, some might not. Some may be easy to solve, some might be impossible. I don't know. Either way, I want to thank the people working with this game, doing their best in making it an enjoyable experience.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2009, 10:19:07 pm by ITOS »

Offline shevegen

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Re: Thank you and some feedback.
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2009, 08:07:48 pm »
Quite many points in one post :D

I do agree with the civilians slightly. Perhaps in the future we can have more variation, so that it would make a difference if we shoot down an alien ship over a town, or over a tiny village. However, I believe you should give better advice, for example:

- How to specifically improve that situation?

This helps developers a lot more.

Point 4 with the message sound stacks seems easy to fix, but I think you should describe a bit more in detail when it happens exactly.

Offline ITOS

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Re: Thank you and some feedback.
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2009, 10:15:12 pm »
- How to specifically improve that situation?

As I know little of what is possible to do and what is already planned, I tried to stay away from suggesting specific solutions in favour of having an open discussion about various ways of dealing with the problems.

Points like three and five are things I have no idea on how to solve as I don't know the coding behind these parts.

Points like six and ten has quite obvious solutions like saving shot reservation settings and only having soldiers stop if they spot a hostile. I have no idea on how these things could be implemented, though.

Point like two and seven are special as they involve many aspects of the game. How it plays and how it feels, as well as how it's coded.

As for point four, this happened to me when I wanted to try out some new tech and wanted to speed up the climbing of the tech-tree. I set the research time to one for all research projects and researched about eight at one time with one scientist on each. As all eight projects finished at the same time the game seemed to play eight you've-got-mail-sounds at the same time. These eight sounds seemed to have stacked in amplitude resulting in a much louder sound than if I had only received one mail.

As this would not be likely to happen in a normal game, I guess there is little harm in it.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2009, 10:18:04 pm by ITOS »

Offline Duke

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Re: Thank you and some feedback.
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2009, 12:58:07 am »
As for point four, this happened to me when I wanted to try out some new tech and wanted to speed up the climbing of the tech-tree. I set the research time to one for all research projects and researched about eight at one time with one scientist on each. As all eight projects finished at the same time the game seemed to play eight you've-got-mail-sounds at the same time. These eight sounds seemed to have stacked in amplitude resulting in a much louder sound than if I had only received one mail.

As this would not be likely to happen in a normal game, I guess there is little harm in it.
You should make it an item in our SF-tracker. Just cut&paste your good description there.
It may be an easy fix.