Development > Artwork
Skeletal Animation Practice
I've almost got the skeleton fully attached to the in-game model, as soon as I finish it I'll hand the files over to you, vedrit. These examples were done with a separate model built differently and not meant for the actual game, just practice.
The attached .zip is the last practice example I'm doing for now, another Xvid AVI, I admit it looks quite clunky but I'm still a bit proud of it as its a first for me.
I've also got two screenshots (attached) of the working in-game model, that doesn't have fingers, the top half is just about done but the left leg still needs to be attached (it shouldn't take long, given that I've almost got the right leg, and if I use the right as a guide for the left, the whole model is symmetrical, after all...)
Side note: The test pose for the in-game model might ring a bell or two for those of you who saw the old "Karate Kid" movie... ;)
OK, I've finished attaching the skeleton. As far as test poses go, it handles everything that I throw at it OK. Later on the head mesh will be replaced by a TAG, and TAGs will also eventually be added to the hands.
It should also be a simple matter to later add Migel's texture.
Here it is:
Edit: Whoops! Hold on - It seems I have just one single vertex that isn't attached to anything - I'll fix it...
OK, here it is, fixed:
I'm defiantly not an animator, but I play a bit with animation and read few things about it... so just want to share some knowledge. MD2 animation need some skills because it don't have smooth transition between frames (actually it is q2 engine, that don't support smooth transition, but I hear from Kildor that UFO AI engine can read MD3 so maybe this problem solved already ???). Meaning
1 - First and last frame of any move must be the same as the base stance. For example walking anim must begin from standing frame and return to it in the end.
2 - You must make many many frames. Calculation is simple - (frames of anim)/(time of anim in game)=fps. fps must be more than 25, or model will be twitching.
3 - That's the theory =) Someone fix me if I'm wrong...
you are not ;)
ufoai has the same requirements here
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