Development > Artwork

Skeletal Animation Practice

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--- Quote from: Migel on October 06, 2009, 07:46:30 pm ---I'm defiantly not an animator, but I play a bit with animation and read few things about it... so just want to share some knowledge. MD2 animation need some skills because it don't have smooth transition between frames (actually it is q2 engine, that don't support smooth transition, but I hear from Kildor that UFO AI engine can read MD3 so maybe this problem solved already  ???). Meaning
1 - First and last frame of any move must be the same as the base stance. For example walking anim must begin from standing frame and return to it in the end.
2 - You must make many many frames. Calculation is simple - (frames of anim)/(time of anim in game)=fps. fps must be more than 25, or model will be twitching.
3 - That's the theory =) Someone fix me if I'm wrong...

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Blender makes this easy, I just define and pose "key" frames, and it will automatically create the in-between postures - Using Blender I do not have to pose every single individual frame, regardless of if the model is exported to MD2 or any other format, or rendered with Blender's own internal renderer.

Also, I already make it a habit to make animations at 30 FPS.  In the United States (where I live) that is the standard for digital works (although TV and DVD can be 29.97, NTSC format.)

I do quite a bit of digital video editing, so I know some things about frame rates and formats.

@Mattn: Is there a standard frame rate for the in-game models?  Is 30 FPS OK or should I use something else?

linear interpolation of vertex is very simple, and i think the code use it already.

Anyway i dont think it is a Blender problem, because thats the model exporter job. You should to the keyframing like you want, and exporter should cut it like it is need.

yes - we are lerping the vertices from one to another frame - but if the end frame of a animation doesn't match the start frame of the animation it will jump and look ugly.

I am not sure i understand but,

Skeleton and skeleton key framing is only for the source document (designer). The game engine (exported document) will only use vertex key framing.


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