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Author Topic: RC4 SVN-2497 - Bugs: no scientists, mismatched Soldier-Names  (Read 2938 times)


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RC4 SVN-2497 - Bugs: no scientists, mismatched Soldier-Names
« on: August 09, 2006, 09:35:26 pm »
I have just updated to SVN-2497 via xdelta, and started a quick game to test.

Good news:
* there is a new button "Hire employees"
* savegames work again

Bad news:
* only soldiers are available (no workers, scientists, medics) yet
* the base does not have the 2 free scientists as before,
 so you cannot research anything.

* Base#2 has an empty name
* edit during "rename base" does not echo the keystrokes

* mismatched Soldier-Names: the first soldier in the team
 is shown with the name of first soldier in the hire-list

* The bug 'Cannot "Enter" mission site + Aircraft jumps away' is still there,
ufoconsole.log now says "Dropship not near landingzone: mis->active: 1"

* Picture for weapon_flac (aircraft) is gone

Offline Bandobras

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RC4 SVN-2497 - Bugs: no scientists, mismatched Soldier-Names
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2006, 01:58:52 am »
Just for your information, in case you didn't read logs, the code is currently very broken, due to large changes to bases, employees, etc. So, for a week or two, bug reports have a small value, unless they are unknown on the IRC and from the current trunk SVN. But thank's a lot for previous bug reports (they will last us for long :) ) and for your patches.


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RC4 SVN-2497 - Bugs: no scientists, mismatched Soldier-Names
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2006, 02:21:08 am »
Quote from: "Bandobras"
the code is currently very broken,

Maybe someone from 'the developers' should coordinate with v29a
about the time / version when it is reasonable to create a new xdelta ?

Or even better, incorporate the xdeltas into the build-process ?

Otherwise, you should expect bugreports of outdated versions -
general users still try out RC3...