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Author Topic: Bugs.  (Read 2536 times)


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« on: August 10, 2006, 06:22:22 pm »
Hi.I download version 2.0 from your site,and installed it.But there are no music/sounds there.And game closed,then i push the first button(intercept alien craft..) on the world`s survey.
 The button *Transfers* on my base isn`t working =(
In battle mode some members of my team dont have any weapon,but i am equip it on base =(
P.S Why is the name of this version 2.0?How you can see on this screenshot(below left),it`s a version 3.0


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« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2006, 09:19:06 pm »
Because the previous release was "Tech Demo 1"**.  This is "Tech Demo 2" -- I.e., not the full release, just a "demo" of what's in the works.  I don't know why it says 3.0

Note also that, if you got a binary package (not something from SVN), you will probably encounter bugs that have already been fixed.

** -- Well, there was the XMas Edition, but that was mostly TD1 + new maps and some rebalancing.