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Author Topic: ERROR: Actor is still moving  (Read 25120 times)

Offline setimike

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ERROR: Actor is still moving
« on: July 18, 2009, 09:00:46 am »
I am getting a server crash during a mission which drops me back out to the desktop.

Code: [Select]
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
ERROR: Actor is still moving
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====

I am running revision 25213 on Linux x86_64. I currently have a saved game where this does seem to be repeatable, I have started this mission 4 times now, and at some point in the scenario, after I finish a round, it crashes to desktop.

Here is the latest console msg:
Code: [Select]
Starting the game...
mike has joined team 0
(player 0) It's team 1's round
mike has taken control over team 1.
music change to PsymongO5 (from PsymongR3)
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
ERROR: Actor is still moving
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
Error: Received signal 11.

It is a fighter crash, I'll see if I can post the whole console log from start of the mission (loading everything, I notice some messages about unable to post lua file that I am not sure if they are expected messages or not.
I am also trying to attach the save game from right before the mission.


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Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2009, 11:47:02 am »

Offline jack1232

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Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2009, 04:18:08 pm »
I noticed this bug, when aliens attacked my base.

And map africa :

Code: [Select]
Connecting to localhost...
load material file: 'materials/africa.mat'
music change to PsymongO6 (from karlmacklin_geoscape)
Starting the game...
jacek has joined team 0
(player 0) It's team 1's round
jacek has taken control over team 1.
music change to PsymongO2 (from PsymongO6)
jacek: drawspottedlines
jacek: drawspottedlines
jacek: drawspottedlines
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
ERROR: Actor is still moving
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
« Last Edit: July 19, 2009, 04:59:54 pm by jack1232 »

Offline jack1232

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Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2009, 05:43:03 pm »
another map ufo crash

Code: [Select]
load material file: 'materials/ufocrash.mat'
music change to PsymongO6 (from van_geoscape)
Starting the game...
jacek has joined team 0
(player 0) It's team 1's round
jacek has taken control over team 1.
music change to dbsea (from PsymongO6)
jacek: drawspottedlines
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
ERROR: Actor is still moving
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
Error: Received signal 11.

Offline jack1232

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Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2009, 11:13:01 pm »
I puted more code from terminal, maybe this help:

Code: [Select]
LoadLibrary (./base/
==== InitGame ====
SV_AssembleMap: Map assembly 'craft_crash_fighter' not found
CM_LoadMap: "-ufocrash/uc_ +drop_firebird +craft_crash_fighter +h07 +h03 +h01 +h05 +h01 +h01" "-16 0 0 -8 -16 0 8 8 0 -24 -16 0 16 -16 0 -24 0 0 -8 16 0 -24 16 0"
Map:ufocrash/uc_drop_firebird  Offset:(-16, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(112, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 143, 3)
Tile bounds: (112, 128, 0) to (135, 143, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_drop_firebird in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_craft_crash_fighter  Offset:(-8, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(167, 151, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(120, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 135, 3)
Tile bounds: (120, 112, 0) to (159, 135, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (167, 151, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_craft_crash_fighter in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h07  Offset:(8, 8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(136, 136, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 151, 4)
Tile bounds: (136, 136, 0) to (159, 151, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 143, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h07 in   1.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h03  Offset:(-24, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 143, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(119, 127, 4)
Tile bounds: (104, 112, 0) to (119, 127, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 143, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h03 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h01  Offset:(16, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(144, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 119, 3)
Tile bounds: (144, 112, 0) to (159, 119, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h01 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h05  Offset:(-24, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(111, 143, 3)
Tile bounds: (104, 128, 0) to (111, 143, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h05 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h01  Offset:(-8, 16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(120, 144, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 151, 3)
Tile bounds: (120, 144, 0) to (135, 151, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h01 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h01  Offset:(-24, 16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 144, 0) wpMaxs:(119, 151, 3)
Tile bounds: (104, 144, 0) to (119, 151, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h01 in   1.0s
Rerouted for RMA in   0.0s
checksum for the map '+ufocrash': 3135849616
ufo script checksum 2489862118
Not enough spawn points for team 0
Created AI player (team 0)
Created AI player (team 7)
Connecting to localhost...
load material file: 'materials/ufocrash.mat'
music change to ufo1 (from van_geoscape)
Starting the game...
jacek has joined team 0
(player 0) It's team 1's round
jacek has taken control over team 1.
music change to space (from ufo1)
jacek: drawspottedlines
jacek: drawspottedlines
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
ERROR: Actor is still moving
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
Error: Received signal 11.

Offline Mattn

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Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2009, 08:44:34 am »
try to reproduce with

  setdeveloper DEBUG_EVENTSYS

that output might be useful.

you also have a file called events.log in your ufo userdata directory. the last few (let's say twenty lines) could be useful, too.


  • Guest
Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2009, 11:44:10 am »
same problem..
and it happens really often...
output with DEBUG_EVENTSYS (i havent moved my men ... just pressed next round)

Code: [Select]
==== InitGame ====
SV_AssembleMap: Map assembly 'craft_crash_fighter' not found
CM_LoadMap: "-ufocrash/uc_ +drop_firebird +craft_crash_fighter +h07 +h05 +h05 +h01 +h01 +h02 +h02 +h02 +h02" "8 -8 0 -16 0 0 -24 -16 0 -24 0 0 0 -16 0 8 -16 0 -24 16 0 24 -16 0 -8 16 0 24 8 0 24 16 0"
Map:ufocrash/uc_drop_firebird  Offset:(8, -8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(136, 120, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 135, 3)
Tile bounds: (136, 120, 0) to (159, 135, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_drop_firebird in   1.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_craft_crash_fighter  Offset:(-16, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(167, 151, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(112, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 151, 3)
Tile bounds: (112, 128, 0) to (151, 151, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (167, 151, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_craft_crash_fighter in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h07  Offset:(-24, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(127, 127, 4)
Tile bounds: (104, 112, 0) to (127, 127, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 143, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h07 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h05  Offset:(-24, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(111, 143, 3)
Tile bounds: (104, 128, 0) to (111, 143, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h05 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h05  Offset:(0, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(128, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 127, 3)
Tile bounds: (128, 112, 0) to (135, 127, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h05 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h01  Offset:(8, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(136, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 119, 3)
Tile bounds: (136, 112, 0) to (151, 119, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h01 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h01  Offset:(-24, 16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 144, 0) wpMaxs:(119, 151, 3)
Tile bounds: (104, 144, 0) to (119, 151, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h01 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h02  Offset:(24, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(152, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 119, 3)
Tile bounds: (152, 112, 0) to (159, 119, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h02 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h02  Offset:(-8, 16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(120, 144, 0) wpMaxs:(127, 151, 3)
Tile bounds: (120, 144, 0) to (127, 151, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h02 in   1.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h02  Offset:(24, 8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(152, 136, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 143, 3)
Tile bounds: (152, 136, 0) to (159, 143, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h02 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h02  Offset:(24, 16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(152, 144, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 151, 3)
Tile bounds: (152, 144, 0) to (159, 151, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h02 in   0.0s
Rerouted for RMA in   0.0s
checksum for the map '+ufocrash': 890679298
ufo script checksum 3513711902
Unable to parse Lua file 'ai/civilian.lua'
Unable to parse Lua file 'ai/civilian.lua'
Unable to parse Lua file 'ai/civilian.lua'
Unable to parse Lua file 'ai/civilian.lua'
Unable to parse Lua file 'ai/civilian.lua'
Unable to parse Lua file 'ai/civilian.lua'
Unable to parse Lua file 'ai/civilian.lua'
Unable to parse Lua file 'ai/civilian.lua'
Created AI player (team 0)
Created AI player (team 7)
Connecting to localhost...
load material file: 'materials/ufocrash.mat'
music change to van_mission4 (from van_geoscape)
event(now): EV_START
Starting the game...
drowsy has joined team 0
event(now): EV_RESET
(player 0) It's team 1's round
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1ade09bc
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b37a2dc
event(at 83918): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b212384
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b21247c
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b212574
event(at 83918): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b21266c
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b4aeacc
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4aebc4
event(at 83918): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b4aecbc
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b4aedb4
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4aeeac
event(at 83918): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b48bec4
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b48bfbc
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b48c0b4
event(at 83918): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b48c1ac
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b48c2a4
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b48c39c
event(at 83918): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b48c494
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b48c58c
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b48c684
event(at 83918): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b48c77c
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b48c874
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b48c96c
event(at 83918): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b4c44c4
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b4c55a4
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b4c6684
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b4c677c
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6874
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c696c
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6a64
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6b5c
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6c54
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6d4c
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6e44
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6f3c
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c7034
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4c712c
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4c7224
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4c731c
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4c7414
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4e63c4
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4e74a4
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4e8584
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4e9664
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4ea744
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4eb824
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4ec904
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4ed9e4
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4eeac4
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4efba4
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4f0c84
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4f1d64
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f2e44
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f3f24
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f5004
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f60e4
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f71c4
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f82a4
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f9384
event(at 83918): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4fa464
event(at 83918): EV_START_DONE 0x1b4fb544
drowsy has taken control over team 1.
music change to PsymongR3 (from van_mission4)
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1ade09bc
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b37a2dc
event(dispatching): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b212384
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b21247c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b212574
event(dispatching): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b21266c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b4aeacc
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4aebc4
event(dispatching): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b4aecbc
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b4aedb4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4aeeac
event(dispatching): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b48bec4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b48bfbc
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b48c0b4
event(dispatching): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b48c1ac
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b48c2a4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b48c39c
event(dispatching): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b48c494
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b48c58c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b48c684
event(dispatching): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b48c77c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b48c874
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b48c96c
event(dispatching): EV_INV_ADD 0x1b4c44c4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b4c55a4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b4c6684
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_APPEAR 0x1b4c677c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6874
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c696c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6a64
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6b5c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6c54
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6d4c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6e44
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c6f3c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_ADD 0x1b4c7034
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4c712c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4c7224
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4c731c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4c7414
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4e63c4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4e74a4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4e8584
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4e9664
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4ea744
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4eb824
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4ec904
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4ed9e4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4eeac4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4efba4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4f0c84
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b4f1d64
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f2e44
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f3f24
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f5004
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f60e4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f71c4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f82a4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4f9384
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 0x1b4fa464
event(dispatching): EV_START_DONE 0x1b4fb544
event(at 92577): EV_ENDROUND 0x18e5f474
event(dispatching): EV_ENDROUND 0x18e5f474
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
event(at 93133): EV_ACTOR_TURN 0x179b2b6c
event(at 93133): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 0x1b0f44b4
event(at 93133): EV_ENT_PERISH 0x1b0f5594
event(at 0): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN 0x1b0f6674
event(at 93633): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN 0x1b0f7754
event(at 95033): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f8834
event(at 95033): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f892c
event(at 95033): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f8a24
event(at 95033): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f8b1c
event(at 95033): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f8c14
event(at 95033): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1a22c24c
event(at 95033): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1a22d32c
event(at 95033): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1a22e40c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN 0x1b0f6674
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_TURN 0x179b2b6c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 0x1b0f44b4
event(dispatching): EV_ENT_PERISH 0x1b0f5594
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN 0x1b0f7754
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f8834
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f892c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f8a24
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f8b1c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f8c14
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1a22c24c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1a22d32c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1a22e40c
event(at 96973): EV_ACTOR_START_SHOOT 0x179b2954
event(at 97273): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x179b2b14
event(at 97473): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x18e5ff84
event(at 97673): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x18e60a8c
event(at 99784): EV_ACTOR_START_SHOOT 0x18e60b84
event(at 100084): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x18e60c7c
event(at 100284): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x18e60d74
event(at 100484): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x1b0e2d3c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_START_SHOOT 0x179b2954
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x179b2b14
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x18e5ff84
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x18e60a8c
event(at 100684): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN 0x179b299c
event(at 102881): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN 0x1b0f593c
event(at 104281): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f5a34
event(at 104281): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f5b2c
event(at 104281): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f5c24
event(at 104281): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f5d1c
event(at 104281): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f5e14
event(at 104281): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f5f0c
event(at 104281): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f6004
event(at 104281): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f60fc
event(at 103081): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN 0x1b0f61f4
event(at 103281): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN 0x1b0f62ec
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_START_SHOOT 0x18e60b84
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x18e60c7c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x18e60d74
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x1b0e2d3c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN 0x179b299c
event(at 104681): EV_ACTOR_START_SHOOT 0x179b3854
event(at 104981): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x1b0bc144
event(at 105181): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x1b0bc23c
event(at 105381): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x1b0bc334
event(at 107192): EV_ACTOR_START_SHOOT 0x1b0bc42c
event(at 107492): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x1b0bc524
event(at 109517): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bc61c
event(at 109517): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bc714
event(at 109517): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bc80c
event(at 109517): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bc904
event(at 109517): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bc9fc
event(at 109517): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bcaf4
event(at 109517): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bcbec
event(at 109517): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bcce4
event(at 109517): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bcddc
event(at 107692): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x1b0bced4
event(at 107892): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x18156e3c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN 0x1b0f593c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN 0x1b0f61f4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN 0x1b0f62ec
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f5a34
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f5b2c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f5c24
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f5d1c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f5e14
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f5f0c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f6004
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0f60fc
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_START_SHOOT 0x179b3854
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x1b0bc144
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x1b0bc23c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x1b0bc334
event(at 109822): EV_ENDROUND 0x1b0e2de4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_START_SHOOT 0x1b0bc42c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x1b0bc524
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x1b0bced4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 0x18156e3c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bc61c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bc714
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bc80c
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bc904
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bc9fc
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bcaf4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bcbec
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bcce4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 0x1b0bcddc
event(dispatching): EV_ENDROUND 0x1b0e2de4
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
event(at 109865): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 0x1a1575d4
event(at 109865): EV_ACTOR_TURN 0x1a357894
event(at 109865): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 0x18e9f1fc
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 0x1a1575d4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_TURN 0x1a357894
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 0x18e9f1fc
ERROR: Actor is still moving
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
music change to karlmacklin_geoscape (from PsymongR3)

and the last 21 lines of event.log
Code: [Select]
2009/07/20 11:40:19 - Crashed UFO:     102691 EV_ACTOR_START_SHOOT
2009/07/20 11:40:19 - Crashed UFO:     102691 EV_ACTOR_SHOOT
2009/07/20 11:40:19 - Crashed UFO:     102691 EV_ACTOR_SHOOT
2009/07/20 11:40:19 - Crashed UFO:     102691 EV_ACTOR_SHOOT
2009/07/20 11:40:21 - Crashed UFO:     107173 EV_ACTOR_START_SHOOT
2009/07/20 11:40:21 - Crashed UFO:     107473 EV_ACTOR_SHOOT
2009/07/20 11:40:21 - Crashed UFO:     107677 EV_ACTOR_SHOOT
2009/07/20 11:40:21 - Crashed UFO:     107891 EV_ACTOR_SHOOT
2009/07/20 11:40:23 - Crashed UFO:     109513 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/20 11:40:23 - Crashed UFO:     109513 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/20 11:40:23 - Crashed UFO:     109513 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/20 11:40:23 - Crashed UFO:     109513 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/20 11:40:23 - Crashed UFO:     109513 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/20 11:40:23 - Crashed UFO:     109513 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/20 11:40:23 - Crashed UFO:     109513 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/20 11:40:23 - Crashed UFO:     109513 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/20 11:40:23 - Crashed UFO:     109513 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/20 11:40:23 - Crashed UFO:     109821 EV_ENDROUND
2009/07/20 11:40:23 - Crashed UFO:     109865 EV_ACTOR_MOVE
2009/07/20 11:40:23 - Crashed UFO:     109865 EV_ACTOR_TURN
2009/07/20 11:40:23 - Crashed UFO:     109865 EV_ACTOR_MOVE

Offline Kildor

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  • Posts: 757
  • Project mapper and some other stuff`er
    • View Profile
Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2009, 07:49:40 pm »
Here is mine outputs:
Code: [Select]
Change gametype to 'Skirmish mode'
==== InitGame ====
CM_LoadMap: "-village/vil_ +c01 +c04 +craft_drop_firebird +craft_ufo_harvester +d02 +s08 +r02 +s03 +h01 +s02 +h03 +r01 +d02 +d03 +s04 +s03 +d03 +r03 +d07 +s05 +s03 +d04" "16 8 0 16 -16 0 -8 16 0 -32 -32 0 -32 -8 0 8 -16 0 -32 16 0 8 -8 0 -32 0 0 -32 -32 0 16 -32 0 -16 0 0 -24 -8 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 8 0 0 0 8 0 16 0 0 24 0 0 8 -32 0 8 -24 0 16 -32 0"
Map:village/vil_c01  Offset:(16, 8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 151, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(144, 136, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 159, 4)
Tile bounds: (144, 136, 0) to (159, 159, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 151, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_c01 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_c04  Offset:(16, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 143, 5)
Shifted wpMins:(144, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 127, 5)
Tile bounds: (144, 112, 0) to (159, 127, 5)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 143, 5)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_c04 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_craft_drop_firebird  Offset:(-8, 16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 5)
Shifted wpMins:(120, 144, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 159, 5)
Tile bounds: (120, 144, 0) to (143, 159, 5)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 143, 5)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_craft_drop_firebird in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_craft_ufo_harvester  Offset:(-32, -32, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(167, 159, 5)
Shifted wpMins:(96, 96, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 127, 5)
Tile bounds: (96, 96, 0) to (135, 127, 5)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (167, 159, 5)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_craft_ufo_harvester in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_d02  Offset:(-32, -8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 5)
Shifted wpMins:(96, 120, 0) wpMaxs:(103, 127, 5)
Tile bounds: (96, 120, 0) to (103, 127, 5)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 5)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_d02 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_s08  Offset:(8, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(136, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 119, 3)
Tile bounds: (136, 112, 0) to (143, 119, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_s08 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_r02  Offset:(-32, 16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 5)
Shifted wpMins:(96, 144, 0) wpMaxs:(119, 159, 5)
Tile bounds: (96, 144, 0) to (119, 159, 5)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 143, 5)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_r02 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_s03  Offset:(8, -8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(136, 120, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 127, 3)
Tile bounds: (136, 120, 0) to (143, 127, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_s03 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_h01  Offset:(-32, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 143, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(96, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(111, 143, 4)
Tile bounds: (96, 128, 0) to (111, 143, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 143, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_h01 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_s02  Offset:(-32, -32, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(96, 96, 0) wpMaxs:(103, 103, 3)
Tile bounds: (96, 96, 0) to (103, 103, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_s02 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_h03  Offset:(16, -32, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(144, 96, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 111, 3)
Tile bounds: (144, 96, 0) to (159, 111, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_h03 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_r01  Offset:(-16, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 143, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(112, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(127, 143, 4)
Tile bounds: (112, 128, 0) to (127, 143, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 143, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_r01 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_d02  Offset:(-24, -8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 5)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 120, 0) wpMaxs:(111, 127, 5)
Tile bounds: (104, 120, 0) to (111, 127, 5)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 5)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_d02 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_d03  Offset:(0, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 5)
Shifted wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 5)
Tile bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 5)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 5)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_d03 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_s04  Offset:(8, 8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(136, 136, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 143, 2)
Tile bounds: (136, 136, 0) to (143, 143, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_s04 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_s03  Offset:(8, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(136, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 135, 3)
Tile bounds: (136, 128, 0) to (143, 135, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_s03 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_d03  Offset:(0, 8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 5)
Shifted wpMins:(128, 136, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 143, 5)
Tile bounds: (128, 136, 0) to (135, 143, 5)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 5)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_d03 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_r03  Offset:(16, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(144, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 135, 2)
Tile bounds: (144, 128, 0) to (151, 135, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_r03 in   1.0s
Map:village/vil_d07  Offset:(24, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(152, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 135, 2)
Tile bounds: (152, 128, 0) to (159, 135, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_d07 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_s05  Offset:(8, -32, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(136, 96, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 103, 2)
Tile bounds: (136, 96, 0) to (143, 103, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_s05 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_s03  Offset:(8, -24, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(136, 104, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 111, 3)
Tile bounds: (136, 104, 0) to (143, 111, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_s03 in   0.0s
Map:village/vil_d04  Offset:(16, -32, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(144, 96, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 103, 2)
Tile bounds: (144, 96, 0) to (151, 103, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile village/vil_d04 in   0.0s
Rerouted for RMA in   1.0s
checksum for the map '+village': 1384939317
ufo script checksum 286461347
Created AI player (team 0)
Created AI player (team 7)
Connecting to localhost...
load material file: 'materials/village.mat'
Starting the game...
Kildor has joined team 0
(player 0) It's team 1's round
Kildor has taken control over team 1.
music change to PsymongO5 (from van_theme)

event(at 321975): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 27901F4C
event(at 321975): EV_ACTOR_STATS 27903A94
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 27901F4C
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 27903A94
event(at 328840): EV_ACTOR_TURN 27903ADC
event(at 328840): EV_ACTOR_START_SHOOT 27901F04
event(at 329140): EV_INV_AMMO 27903D1C
event(at 329140): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 27903DAC
event(at 332429): EV_ACTOR_STATS 27903E3C
event(at 332429): EV_ACTOR_STATS 27903ECC
event(at 332429): EV_ACTOR_STATS 27903F5C
event(at 332429): EV_ACTOR_STATS 27903FEC
event(at 332429): EV_ACTOR_STATS 2790407C
event(at 332429): EV_ACTOR_STATS 2790410C
event(at 332429): EV_ACTOR_STATS 2790419C
event(at 332429): EV_ACTOR_STATS 2790422C
event(at 332429): EV_ACTOR_STATS 279042BC
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_TURN 27903ADC
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_START_SHOOT 27901F04
event(dispatching): EV_INV_AMMO 27903D1C
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_SHOOT 27903DAC
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 27903E3C
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 27903ECC
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 27903F5C
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 27903FEC
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 2790407C
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 2790410C
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 2790419C
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 2790422C
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATS 279042BC
event(at 339196): EV_ENDROUND 2790422C
event(at 339196): EV_ENT_APPEAR 279041E4
event(at 339196): EV_INV_ADD 27904154
event(at 339196): EV_INV_DEL 279040C4
event(at 339196): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 27904034
event(at 339196): EV_CENTERVIEW 27903FA4
event(at 339196): EV_ENT_PERISH 27903F14
event(at 339196): EV_INV_ADD 27903E84
event(at 339196): EV_ACTOR_TURN 27901F04
event(at 339196): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 27903A94
event(at 339196): EV_ACTOR_TURN 27904394
event(at 339196): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 27904424
event(at 340516): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 279044B4
event(at 344640): EV_ENT_PERISH 27904544
event(dispatching): EV_ENDROUND 2790422C
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
event(dispatching): EV_ENT_APPEAR 279041E4
event(dispatching): EV_INV_ADD 27904154
event(dispatching): EV_INV_DEL 279040C4
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE 27904034
event(dispatching): EV_CENTERVIEW 27903FA4
event(dispatching): EV_ENT_PERISH 27903F14
event(dispatching): EV_INV_ADD 27903E84
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_TURN 27901F04
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 27903A94
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_TURN 27904394
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 27904424
ERROR: Actor is still moving
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
Shutdown gametype 'Skirmish mode'
music change to van_theme (from PsymongO5)
music change to van_theme (from van_theme)
Menu 'popup_tipoftheday' is not on the active stack
event(not executed): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 279044B4
event(not executed): EV_ENT_PERISH 27904544
Wrote config.cfg.
Wrote keys.cfg

Code: [Select]
2009/07/21 00:39:49 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_START
2009/07/21 00:39:54 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_RESET
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_INV_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_INV_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_INV_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_INV_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_INV_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:56 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_INV_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_INV_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_INV_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_ADD
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ADD_BRUSH_MODEL
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ADD_BRUSH_MODEL
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ADD_BRUSH_MODEL
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ADD_BRUSH_MODEL
2009/07/21 00:39:57 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ADD_BRUSH_MODEL
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ADD_BRUSH_MODEL
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ADD_BRUSH_MODEL
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ADD_BRUSH_MODEL
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:39:58 - Village commercial:     126622 EV_START_DONE
2009/07/21 00:42:39 - Village commercial:     321975 EV_ACTOR_MOVE
2009/07/21 00:42:39 - Village commercial:     321975 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:42:46 - Village commercial:     328840 EV_ACTOR_TURN
2009/07/21 00:42:46 - Village commercial:     328840 EV_ACTOR_START_SHOOT
2009/07/21 00:42:46 - Village commercial:     329118 EV_INV_AMMO
2009/07/21 00:42:46 - Village commercial:     329118 EV_ACTOR_SHOOT
2009/07/21 00:42:49 - Village commercial:     332413 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:42:49 - Village commercial:     332413 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:42:49 - Village commercial:     332413 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:42:49 - Village commercial:     332413 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:42:49 - Village commercial:     332413 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:42:49 - Village commercial:     332413 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:42:49 - Village commercial:     332413 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:42:49 - Village commercial:     332413 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:42:49 - Village commercial:     332413 EV_ACTOR_STATS
2009/07/21 00:42:56 - Village commercial:     339196 EV_ENDROUND
2009/07/21 00:42:56 - Village commercial:     339196 EV_ENT_APPEAR
2009/07/21 00:42:56 - Village commercial:     339196 EV_INV_ADD
2009/07/21 00:42:56 - Village commercial:     339196 EV_INV_DEL
2009/07/21 00:42:56 - Village commercial:     339196 EV_ACTOR_STATECHANGE
2009/07/21 00:42:56 - Village commercial:     339196 EV_CENTERVIEW
2009/07/21 00:42:56 - Village commercial:     339196 EV_ENT_PERISH
2009/07/21 00:42:56 - Village commercial:     339196 EV_INV_ADD
2009/07/21 00:42:56 - Village commercial:     339196 EV_ACTOR_TURN
2009/07/21 00:42:56 - Village commercial:     339196 EV_ACTOR_MOVE
2009/07/21 00:42:56 - Village commercial:     339196 EV_ACTOR_TURN
2009/07/21 00:42:56 - Village commercial:     339196 EV_ACTOR_MOVE

Offline jack1232

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Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2009, 11:22:22 pm »
another map : tropic drugs

SVN: 25296

Code: [Select]
==== InitGame ====
CM_LoadMap: "-tropic/tr_ +h01 +h02 +h03 +h04 +craft_drop_firebird +craft_ufo_harvester +h01 +f05 +h04 +p01 +p01 +p02 +f02 +f02" "0 16 0 -24 -16 0 -24 0 0 8 24 0 -24 16 0 -8 -24 0 -24 -24 0 0 24 0 -8 8 0 -8 0 0 16 24 0 16 16 0 16 0 0 16 8 0"
Map:tropic/tr_h01  Offset:(0, 16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(128, 144, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 151, 3)
Tile bounds: (128, 144, 0) to (143, 151, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_h01 in   0.0s
Map:tropic/tr_h02  Offset:(-24, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(119, 127, 3)
Tile bounds: (104, 112, 0) to (119, 127, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_h02 in   0.0s
Map:tropic/tr_h03  Offset:(-24, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(119, 143, 3)
Tile bounds: (104, 128, 0) to (119, 143, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_h03 in   0.0s
Map:tropic/tr_h04  Offset:(8, 24, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(136, 152, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 159, 3)
Tile bounds: (136, 152, 0) to (143, 159, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_h04 in   0.0s
Map:tropic/tr_craft_drop_firebird  Offset:(-24, 16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 144, 0) wpMaxs:(127, 159, 3)
Tile bounds: (104, 144, 0) to (127, 159, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_craft_drop_firebird in   0.0s
Map:tropic/tr_craft_ufo_harvester  Offset:(-8, -24, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 167, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(120, 104, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 4)
Tile bounds: (120, 104, 0) to (151, 143, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (159, 167, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_craft_ufo_harvester in   0.0s
Map:tropic/tr_h01  Offset:(-24, -24, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 104, 0) wpMaxs:(119, 111, 3)
Tile bounds: (104, 104, 0) to (119, 111, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_h01 in   0.0s
Map:tropic/tr_f05  Offset:(0, 24, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(128, 152, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 159, 2)
Tile bounds: (128, 152, 0) to (135, 159, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_f05 in   0.0s
Map:tropic/tr_h04  Offset:(-8, 8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(120, 136, 0) wpMaxs:(127, 143, 3)
Tile bounds: (120, 136, 0) to (127, 143, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_h04 in   0.0s
Map:tropic/tr_p01  Offset:(-8, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(120, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(127, 135, 2)
Tile bounds: (120, 128, 0) to (127, 135, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_p01 in   1.0s
Map:tropic/tr_p01  Offset:(16, 24, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(144, 152, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 159, 2)
Tile bounds: (144, 152, 0) to (151, 159, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_p01 in   0.0s
Map:tropic/tr_p02  Offset:(16, 16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(144, 144, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 151, 2)
Tile bounds: (144, 144, 0) to (151, 151, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_p02 in   0.0s
Map:tropic/tr_f02  Offset:(16, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(144, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 135, 2)
Tile bounds: (144, 128, 0) to (151, 135, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_f02 in   0.0s
Map:tropic/tr_f02  Offset:(16, 8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 2)
Shifted wpMins:(144, 136, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 2)
Tile bounds: (144, 136, 0) to (151, 143, 2)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 2)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile tropic/tr_f02 in   0.0s
Rerouted for RMA in   0.0s
checksum for the map '+tropic': 2363822969
ufo script checksum 268837569
Created AI player (team 0)
Created AI player (team 7)
Connecting to localhost...
load material file: 'materials/tropic.mat'
music change to van_mission2 (from karlmacklin_geoscape)
Starting the game...
jacek has joined team 0
(player 0) It's team 1's round
jacek has taken control over team 1.
music change to turinItalyM (from van_mission2)
jacek: drawspottedlines
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
jacek: drawspottedlines
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
ERROR: Actor is still moving
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
Error: Received signal 11.

setdeveloper DEBUG_EVENTSYS - how to do this?

Offline Kildor

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Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2009, 05:34:39 am »
Jack, write this in game console.


  • Guest
Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2009, 11:34:05 am »
for me the error does not occur while UFO:AI isnt the focused window. so when i focus the console after i finished my turn, i wont get this error (even if the UFO:AI window is still visible).
When it happens in my round, it seems to have something to do with some kind of "complex pathfinding", but cant say this for sure.

kubuntu 8
Revision: 25236

Offline jack1232

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Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2009, 11:34:56 pm »
Bug fixed in map (checked) arica, tropical drugs. SVN: 25344

But there is another bug : ERROR: LET_PathMove: Actor movement is out of sync: 159:124:0 should be 155:125:0 (step 5 of 5) (team 7) - map Africa

Code: [Select]
MN_DisplayNotice: 'mn_hud' not found
MN_DisplayNotice: 'mn_hud' not found
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
Team 7 ended round, team 0's round started!
Team 0 ended round, team 1's round started!
MN_DisplayNotice: 'mn_hud' not found
MN_DisplayNotice: 'mn_hud' not found
MN_DisplayNotice: 'mn_hud' not found
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
MN_DisplayNotice: 'mn_hud' not found
MN_DisplayNotice: 'mn_hud' not found
MN_DisplayNotice: 'mn_hud' not found
ERROR: LET_PathMove: Actor movement is out of sync: 159:124:0 should be 155:125:0 (step 5 of 5) (team 7)
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
Error: Received signal 11.

Offline jack1232

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Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2009, 03:28:08 pm »
Bug :"Actor still moving"is active

Offline jack1232

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Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2009, 11:56:05 pm »
tested on :r25463
maps: bungalow forest, africa, civ commercial, scout crash, +farm.
On this maps error didn't happens.

Code: [Select]
Commit by tlh2000  ::  r25459 /ufoai/trunk/src/client/ (cl_le.c cl_le.h events/e_time.c): (link)

    * removed per le event time delay (produced more problems as it solved)
    * we are now only able to move one soldier at a time again

maybe this fix it.

Offline Mattn

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Re: ERROR: Actor is still moving
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2009, 08:18:04 am »
yes - this and the "Actor is dead" bug should be fixed - if not, please let us know.