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Author Topic: [2.2.1] Yet another landed scout issue  (Read 2474 times)


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[2.2.1] Yet another landed scout issue
« on: May 17, 2009, 11:47:33 pm »
Haven't found a thread on my situation just yet.

I had there small UFO hangars, one of which didn't have power to it yet as the base was still being built. I captured two landed fighters, and I *presume they were stuck in the two working hangars. Captured the landed scout, said I didn't have room, and was forced to sell it. From another thread I got the idea of setting onwin="cp_uforecovery 0;".

This worked in that the game said I recovered a UFO. However, it did not provide me with any new research options, anything to disassemble, or anything else new.

I've played all the X-Com clones and this is a great game. I'm not going to burn through another weekend though just to start over and get a scout so I can continue. ;)

Any tips?

*There wasn't any sign of them in base or aircraft inventory.


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Re: [2.2.1] Yet another landed scout issue
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2009, 09:19:02 am »
Haven't found a thread on my situation just yet.

I had there small UFO hangars, one of which didn't have power to it yet as the base was still being built. I captured two landed fighters, and I *presume they were stuck in the two working hangars. Captured the landed scout, said I didn't have room, and was forced to sell it. From another thread I got the idea of setting onwin="cp_uforecovery 0;".

This worked in that the game said I recovered a UFO. However, it did not provide me with any new research options, anything to disassemble, or anything else new.

I've played all the X-Com clones and this is a great game. I'm not going to burn through another weekend though just to start over and get a scout so I can continue. ;)

Any tips?

*There wasn't any sign of them in base or aircraft inventory.

Ah well, i guess there are not much of a choice. UFOAI IS undergoing heavy developments. :P

any ways to get it faster? Use the weekend to help the developers get more music, graphics, maybe even delve into the programmings and help? :D


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Re: [2.2.1] Yet another landed scout issue
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2009, 12:24:17 am »
Sorry, my expertise is in system administration and scripting. ;)

By the by, I think I got it working. I added the onwin as suggested, then kept fast-forwarding month after month after month. Turns out that either the game didn't like my text editor keeping the mission file open or the presence of the folder disturbed it, 'cause after I removed those everything started working fine.