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Author Topic: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?  (Read 26822 times)


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Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2009, 08:05:03 pm »
Lol. So giving the alines outdated human weapons actually makes them stronger.
But you are right. Especially with the indestructible walls, there is little they can do agains Phalanx hiding behind corners if they don't use more stuff like Grenades and Rockets. Heck, they don't even use reaction fire most of the time. Instead they hide behind their own corners and wait for your grenades (or worse: run out into the open if they don't see anyone).
Also love the nade launcher btw.

lol, how about we improve AI based on the atopsy discription? for example, a Taman would be smarter than an alien football player Ontrok

Dear Folks,

Please remember that this is based on the old 2.2.1 version, which is no longer further developed. The current version is 2.3 (under development still though).

Its a MAJOR improvement with TONS of add-ons and stuff. Even the firing algorithms and AI are differing. You might wan to abandon playing 2.2.1 and try 2.3-dev to see whats new thats being offered - of course, expect bugs still, as debugging and quite a number of other stuffs are being worked on.

U might want to check the TODO list under ufoai:wiki for 2.3 version to see whats done, whats being tackled and wats left before 2.3-stable is being released. :D


Offline Vio

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Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« Reply #31 on: July 19, 2009, 08:39:04 pm »
You might wan to abandon playing 2.2.1 and try 2.3-dev to see whats new thats being offered - of course, expect bugs still, as debugging and quite a number of other stuffs are being worked on.

U might want to check the TODO list under ufoai:wiki for 2.3 version to see whats done, whats being tackled and wats left before 2.3-stable is being released. Cheesy

Done. Thanks for the pointer.
And yes, there were quite a few bugs... but it's a huge step ahead.

Still, laser rifles own. ;)

Offline homunculus

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Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« Reply #32 on: July 22, 2009, 07:47:55 pm »
[...]Still, laser rifles own. ;)
..and i thought coilgun was the super weapon. didn't even research laser in a recent dev build.

just out of curiosity, if anybody is playing 2.2.1, does flashbang do anything there?
i remember the only time i tried flashbang was the only time i got reaction fire from the alien (after the flasbang).
the reaction fire was absolutely horrible, killed two agents  :o


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Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« Reply #33 on: July 23, 2009, 10:53:39 am »
..and i thought coilgun was the super weapon. didn't even research laser in a recent dev build.

just out of curiosity, if anybody is playing 2.2.1, does flashbang do anything there?
i remember the only time i tried flashbang was the only time i got reaction fire from the alien (after the flasbang).
the reaction fire was absolutely horrible, killed two agents  :o

Actually, i totally dumped the idea of a grenade. Lol. Let alone flashbangs.

IMHO, i simply stuck to simple wpns like laser rifles, coil guns (in 2.3 later), sniper rifles, and perhaps stun rods later. Yupz. Stun rods rox! (Esp in 2.2.1).

Flashbang? Hmmmm, waste time to take out, put in hand and throw to activate. Unless of course everyone takes a 1 handed pistol (which sux) alongside a 'mighty' flashbang ready to dump anitime. lol.

Offline slothlord

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Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« Reply #34 on: July 23, 2009, 02:32:57 pm »
hand grenades arent so great until you research gas grenades.  since they only do stun damage, you can throw them without too much worry about killing your own troops.  i usually have 2 troopers with a laser pistol or particle pistol and a gas grenade for capturing aliens.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2009, 07:12:11 pm by slothlord »


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Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« Reply #35 on: August 01, 2009, 03:27:05 pm »
Lol! This thread still lives!

@Odie: Regarding:

Intel as in the 'briefing screen'? Hehe.....

I always hated it when I flew in blind in the earlier versions with no data (intel) on what the map will be. That's what I meant by "intel."


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Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« Reply #36 on: August 01, 2009, 06:46:55 pm »
Lol! This thread still lives!

Haha, YEAH! This thread still lives! :P

@Odie: Regarding:

I always hated it when I flew in blind in the earlier versions with no data (intel) on what the map will be. That's what I meant by "intel."

Ooooooooooo, hahahaha. Ok ok ok hahaha. Intel. :P

Offline Gunner

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Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« Reply #37 on: August 05, 2009, 04:30:47 pm »
My selection is initially

2 Assualt
2 Flamers
1 MG
1 GL
2 Sniper

each with 2 frags 1 Flash and 1 soke

the MG's have SMG as a back up weapom for close in work

Later the mix is
2 Laser R
1 Laser H
1 GL
2 Bolter / Particle R
2 Sniper

i find the snipers work good for long range work with the laser rifles to offer long range reaction fire
the Laser H works well for protecting the GL as i keep his reaction either off or single
and use the bolters /Particle R to clear buildings and mop up mid range
if I'm expecting lot of close range then MG's and HL replaced with Shotguns

Offline Gunner

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Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« Reply #38 on: August 05, 2009, 04:48:12 pm »
As for snipers, they NEVER operate alone. They are always working in pairs (in real life too. Yupz. experience in soldier's life tells me so). They cover one another's backside (if u know wat i mean..... sounds like that variety show!! lol).

depends on the nationality of the sniper, US snipers work in pairs with a spotter, but other nations have the sniper do his own target selection and operating solo.

snipers are used for taking out key targets not wiping out enemy troops with their. main contribution being psychological. a single sniper while he can't wipe out an entire force can keep then pined and out of the action for fear of having their heads blown off.

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Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« Reply #39 on: August 05, 2009, 05:17:58 pm »
hand grenades arent so until you research gas grenades.  since they only do stun damage, you can throw them without too much worry about killing your own troops.

i found grenade very useful aliens hining down a mine, lift shaft just drop a grenade on them, also smoke does wonders whwn the enemy are all in building taking pot shots from windows and you have to get accross the wide open space before you can even see then to return fire

also the fact that with only a little luck you can toss the grenade into a wall and bounce it round a corner to hit that alien that is hiding 2 tus past your ability to see him and still fire.


as for the flamers i've never had one cause friendly fire but that is probably just the fact they tend to be very separated from the rest of my forces. but if the programmers could get some persitence into the weapons then you open a new ball game. advancing on the enmy a quick sqirt of the flamer and that corridor is on fire for 5 turns. now this would be a help as well as i hindrance.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 05:21:55 pm by Gunner »


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Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2009, 01:01:35 am »
depends on map...

for dam and other Long Range Combat maps i use:

Sniper (Laser Rifle or Particle-Beam-Rifle "PBR" if no snipers available)
Sniper (Laser Rifle or Particle-Beam-Rifle "PBR" if no snipers available)
Sniper (Laser Rifle or Particle-Beam-Rifle "PBR" if no snipers available)
Sniper (Laser Rifle or Particle-Beam-Rifle "PBR" if no snipers available)
Heavy (Machinegun, Laser-Rifle or Heavy-Laser) (or also "minigun" when MP)
Heavy (Machinegun, Laser-Rifle or Heavy-Laser) (or also "minigun" when MP)
Missile Launcher (fully loaded)
Medic (Laser Pistol...usualy the best in "speed" ability available)


for Close Range Combat and Mid Range Combat maps:

Assault (any, the best available)
Assault (any, the best available)
Close (shotgun or SMG, depends on availability and map)
Close (shotgun or SMG, depends on availability and map)
Medic (usualy with SMG if available, with auto-pistol or pistol)
Medic (usualy with SMG if available, with auto-pistol or pistol)
« Last Edit: August 10, 2009, 01:05:22 am by Digin_BR »

Offline firebird76

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Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« Reply #41 on: September 20, 2009, 04:21:06 pm »
well i started the game now but im a vet in this kind of games and i use:
long range maps or medium
1 heavy machine-gun
4 sniper
rest assault rifles
all have med kits and granades and i got a smg in backpack for all for close quarters enconters as smg does a lot of dmg in 5 shot mode

In close quarters maps
so far i i use
1 flametrower with smg on backpack
rest smg

so far i got no guys killed and ony some injured sometimes

But im in first mont and i dint even shhot down a ufo but in that case im considering well the long range configuration and if i see its a close quartes map or im going to enter the ufo is smg and flamer...

what do u guys think???

Offline Fael

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Re: What's a good 2.2.1. squad loadout?
« Reply #42 on: October 21, 2009, 03:00:18 am »
I use:

4 Assault Rifle/Bolter (the first tech I research)/Fusion Rifle
1 Flamer
1 Grenade Launcher (frag grenades, shifting to plasmas when they become available)
1 Sniper Rifle
1 Medikit in one hand, Machine Pistol/Fusion Pistol in the other

Everybody but the Medic gets a secondary weapon -- Pistols (later Fusion Pistols) for everybody but Flame Guy and Grenade Guy, who get SMGs.  I keep free space in everybody's backpack to sling their primary weapon, if they need to.  Everybody carries two reloads for their primary weapon and one for their secondary, if possible (although usually there isn't enough Fusion Rifle ammo available; if one of the Fusion Rifle Guys doesn't have any reloads, he'll carry a Bolter in his backpack to switch to if his Fusion Rifle runs dry).  Remaining space goes to Grenades, the priority being Gas, Frag (later Fusion), Flashbang, Smoke, and Incendiary.  I try to give everybody at least two Gas Grenades (once available) and two Frag/Fusion Grenades, plus a Flashbang and a Smoke Grenade.  The Medic's got a lot of free space in his backpack, so he'll carry a bunch of extra Grenades to give to people for reloads, if needed.  For the brief period when I've got Stun Rods but not Gas Grenades, a couple guys will carry Stun Rods in their backpacks to switch to when it looks possible to get a prisoner.  It would be smart to give one of the other guys a Medikit in case the Medic buys it, but I don't usually bother.  Of course, everybody gets the best armor available and advanced armor is a major research priority.

I generally divide into two teams, each consisting of a pair of Riflemen and one of the heavy weapons guys (or girls).  Flame Guy's team gets assigned to the really close quarters stuff, while Grenade Guy's team gets sent to more open areas.  The Sniper will go with one of the teams until we secure a high-elevation area (a hill or second story window) with decent cover.  At that point, I'll leave him there, taking cover during the aliens' turn and sticking his head out during my turn to spot for the main teams and take long range shots at any aliens he spots.  If there is no suitable high ground, I'll park him in an area with long sight lines and have him cover that.  The Medic also gets assigned to one of the teams at first, but he'll spend most of the battle running back and forth between the two teams (assuming there's a fairly secure rear area) treating anybody who gets injured.

To make it easier to visually see who's supposed to be where, I generally give one of the main teams jungle cammo and the other one desert; the Medic gets urban; and the Sniper gets left with arctic cammo.

The Sniper could be upgraded to a Bolter once the assault teams are equipped, but I like having the 12 TU long range snap shot available from the Sniper Rifle.  On the other hand, if your Sniper also has good assault skill, the Bolter would allow him to take part in closer range combat on maps where there aren't good sniping options (like the office tower).

The Medic could carry a two-handed weapon, or a pair of pistols, but I prefer to keep the Medikit in hand so that I don't waste TUs transferring items around.  That way, he can do a heal and still have 10 TUs available for movement or a single-shot reaction fire.