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--- Quote from: BTAxis on March 24, 2009, 04:04:19 pm ---I think that's the player's responsibility. I see no reason to deny him a soldier just because that soldier is badly wounded. Streamlining things to reduce micro is okay, but this really affects gameplay, and that isn't good in my opinion.

--- End quote ---

I agree.... its really up to the player. I mean afterall, the soldier could be reassigned to other tasks such as being the suppress firer - where risks is minimal, yet experience can be gained.

Thats the risk the player (and the soldier) takes. There are afterall, kamikaze (aka brave) soldiers in real life, who takes on mission after mission, knowing that every experience (and man) counts.

We should wonder what mean the health bar. What mean to be at 50% of health ? Broken legs or arms ? Heavy trauma ?
Can you imagine soldiers on battlefield with crutch or wheelchair ?  ;)
Any base should have at least 2 teams, just to let their people the chance to get some rest. That mean enought soldiers to complete a team.

I preferred the reaction fire method in the stable version as opposed to the development version. That's about the only "too much micromanagement" issue I can think of.

The revised RF system may be a little more micro than the previous one, but the previous one encouraged RF and was unfair.

Not sure what you mean exactly. I don't use RF any more or less than I did in the stable version. I just click more buttons. If clicking more buttons is meant to "discourage" RF, then it's pretty lame.


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