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Snipers, and some questions
Sort of. We intend to use mission briefings that tell you a little about the map, which can give you a clue about what weapons to use. No preview, though.
--- Quote from: BTAxis on March 21, 2009, 09:12:21 am ---Maybe you have a point with the close TU cost, but I want to be very careful with the explosive damage. I tuned it down once already because they were too powerful, particularly the grenade launcher. I certainly don't want to touch this until the armour arsenal fills out, and the grenade bouncing is fixed.
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Yupz, i understand that this should be close to last stage of game execution - at balancing and fine tuning.
I am alrite with that. :) A point though, GL (AGL - automatic grenade launchers if ever on UGV), they should be just good enough like grenades. But rockets? Hmmm, i recommend they be more potent. Lol.
Oh yar, i did not exactly understand the armour vs wpn strength algorithims. But if its a armour points that requires minus and stuff, perhaps that could be striped off abit in the case of rockets.... that way, its significantly more powerful than that of the GL but not yet not enuf to overwhelm. :D
--- Quote from: Lew Yard on March 22, 2009, 12:15:38 am ---Surely load-out choice depends upon the map? I can't see a sniper-heavy setup being optimal for clearing building interiors, compared to gas grenades, lasers, or going PlasmaWoo. Whereas going PlasmaWoo on maps like the dam is probably a pretty bad idea.
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Ah ha, the current issue is that there are no loadouts preplanning possible based on maps.... why? Cos there is no mission briefing screen. I believed that this is under planning. Look out for that. :) Hence, when we have at least an idea (like in FIBUA or Wildlands fight), we would be better able to plan our strategy.
For now, its functionalities that the folks are working on fast and furious. :P
And oh, until then, i am sticking with my sniper super squads with my usual rocket specialist and perhaps 1 or 2 machine ultraman. :P
G'day again all
Imo i found that an all snipers team made this game too easy, apart from being unlucky and eating 2 or 3 long range shots from the aliens, having a all sniper team wouldnt give the aliens any chance at all.. now i know some will think "isnt that the point, to snipe your enemy b4 they have the chance to do the same".. ill have to agree.. but for the sake of enjoyable gameplay and not overkilling i prefer to use a setup like/but not restricted to...
2 snipers (1 with standard sniper rifle the other with Particle Beam Rifle.. ive also noticed a very big difference with the 2 in accuracy.. but the particle rifles discription states it has a lower accuracy)
4 Assult (being a bigfan of UFO: Enemy Unknown, i decided to play with the plasma rifle's.. 2 of these will be my main pushers and will do the grunt work of hunting out and killing all the aliens, i have recently givin them stun-rods so i can capture some live aliens due to the fact that i forgot to do it when i was first notified about the new propsals.. i have also replaced thier plasma nades with flashbangs to assist with stunning... the other 2 will be close support for my 2 snipers which i will postion in the best highground spots i can find, map dependant, basicly these 2 will watch the snipers backs if there is no cover already..
this seems to leave a challange in the game that is lacking with an all sniper team.. but again.. this is only my opinion ..
I just do not know how do you guys take on cleaning the big ships without assault or heavy guns.
Snipers take up to half of my teams weapons sometimes as they are reliable with their long range but to manoeuvre in short, curvy corridors you have to have a rapid fire gun. You take then something with smaller range but bigger fire power. For taking ships also one flame-thrower is nice.
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