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Snipers, and some questions

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Hi Baal,

--- Quote from: Baal on April 04, 2009, 06:44:07 pm ---1 hide them, 2 find a way to hit the aliens.

--- End quote ---
Since you need to protect civilians, I don't think you can hide and wait without finally losing the game...

Of course, i'm just talking about hiding the soldiers at the very beginning of the game. When they appear all around the ship and have aliens in sight. My first idea was to shot immediatly. But in very difficult it's a very bad idea ! When all your soldiers are dead, nobody left to save civilians ;)

Captain Bipto:
When I have 2 coilguns (i have just stopped using the bolter at this point) I always try to peg at least two aliens I can see. I tried that with bolters and well...i would have done more damage throwing my TUs at the guy.


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