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Author Topic: Whats bugging me so far with 2.2.1  (Read 6050 times)


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Whats bugging me so far with 2.2.1
« on: December 19, 2008, 05:11:36 am »
Of course, I love the game, and I know that it´s not near complete yet, but still I´d like to get some thoughts out that I haven´t really gotten any answer to by reading this forum and the wiki. If you have any answers or updates to my points below please let me know ;)

Launching interceptors: I hope this bug is fixed to next release. What is the deal? Do you HAVE to equip each interceptor with fuelpods? When clicking a harvester in the geoscope i get the frame where I can choose which interceptor to send, only a few options work, and most often the wrong aircraft is sent (i.e clicking a stiletto will send a firebird and so on). I found that the ONLY way to send muliple stilettos is to start each aircraft in the base, then manually send them to the alien ship in geoscope, then hopefully by clicking each stiletto the option of intercepting alien aircraft appears.

IR-goggles: Why doesnt the use-button work? Are you supposed to move them from the head to the hand and then click scan/use? This have worked in one scenario only yet, otherwise nothing. It was a big house in the night, when using the IR-goggles in the hand they found multiple aliens inside the house. Very frustrating that there is no "how-to" in this.

Base-overview: I really lack an overview of each base in terms of different employes, living space etc. Now it´s hours of clicking back and forth to get it right.
Also it should be a all-base-overview where you could easily transfer employes without having to click each one as it is now. As now, you have 2 not very good ways to move people around:
1) un-hire at base 1, hire at base 2 (a lot of clicking)
2) transfer from base 1 to base 2 (a lot of clicking + transfer delay)
These to options practically would do the same thing, but the delay differs. So if youre willing to do the extensive clicking in option 1 you can skip the delay. Wierd.

Human AI: This is sooo frustrating, in some scenarios they do everything to be in your way blocking coridors and so on. In one scenario they surrounded an alien on all sides and just stood there for ever, so stupid.

Research/production/buying: Still cant really grasp how it works, it bothers me that the research on a captured ufo is only avaliable in a base where the ufo is, this causes problems when you dont have a lab there and therefore the months go by... Same with production.. Either it should be able to work around independent on base, or it should be alerted somehow, like "E-mail: we should move xxx to a base with xxx to research/produce/dissmantle and...."' Why can one base buy/sell something that another cant? Isnt it the same source? Confusing.

Promotions: As many others, I´d like to see more of this ;) Training possibilities would be nice, to a certain extent. I´d like an "overall"-grading also, but I guess the "Mind"-represents this now?

We´ll, I guess thats all for now, this is some of the things I dont think works so good or should be added, but otherwise I think its great what you do and its a lot of fun playing!

/Johan - Sweden


Offline BTAxis

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Re: Whats bugging me so far with 2.2.1
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2008, 12:48:15 pm »
As always, patches are welcome.

Moved to B/F forum.

Offline Chriswriter90

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Re: Whats bugging me so far with 2.2.1
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2008, 06:53:54 pm »
Launching interceptors: I hope this bug is fixed to next release. What is the deal? Do you HAVE to equip each interceptor with fuelpods?

Yah, only the Stilleto need's fuel pods because it's a short range interceptor.

To go further, you need Saracens, the more expensive of the two interceptors.

Base-overview: I really lack an overview of each base in terms of different employes, living space etc. Now it´s hours of clicking back and forth to get it right.
Also it should be a all-base-overview where you could easily transfer employes without having to click each one as it is now. As now, you have 2 not very good ways to move people around:
1) un-hire at base 1, hire at base 2 (a lot of clicking)
2) transfer from base 1 to base 2 (a lot of clicking + transfer delay)
These to options practically would do the same thing, but the delay differs. So if youre willing to do the extensive clicking in option 1 you can skip the delay. Wierd.

I don't do much transferring, it's easer to sell one base's equipment then sell it to the desired base, it's also instant.

Human AI: This is sooo frustrating, in some scenarios they do everything to be in your way blocking coridors and so on. In one scenario they surrounded an alien on all sides and just stood there for ever, so stupid.

Everyone already knows this and agrees with you.

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Re: Whats bugging me so far with 2.2.1
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2008, 08:28:38 pm »
Many of these points have already been fixed/changed/re-vamped or are being worked on for 2.3, although 2.3 isn't finished yet and will probably take some time before it is ready.  If you want to grab a development snapshot of 2.3 anyways, there are links in various places in this forum, but be prepared to deal with bugs, glitches, sometimes even crashes back to the desktop, etc., until it is finished.

Speaking of snapshots, I plan on putting up another one with a link sometime this weekend for Windows, depending on how stable it turns out to be.


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Re: Whats bugging me so far with 2.2.1
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2008, 01:34:38 pm »
Yeah, I thought most of it was going to get fixed, nut I just needed to get it out ;)

Still, I havent got any reply on some of the things, like how the IR-goggles are supposed to work and so on.
Also, the "first-person-view" toggled by "v"-button is not functioning in 2.2.1 is it? It doesnt work for me at least, and it seemed like a cool feature!

Please respond and clarify about my questions here and in the original post, if youre sitting on the answers!


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Re: Whats bugging me so far with 2.2.1
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2008, 01:36:15 pm »
I think first person view doesn't work if you've got isometric mode turned on.

Offline DuKe2112

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Re: Whats bugging me so far with 2.2.1
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2008, 02:08:07 pm »
The IR goggles arent even supposed to work in 2.2.1 so it is aktually strange that you got them working at all.

Offline Destructavator

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Re: Whats bugging me so far with 2.2.1
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2008, 03:03:17 pm »
I recall from several threads that there are plans to remove or limit first-person view from the game, as this isn't supposed to be a "shooter" type of game.  Last time I checked it still works (sort of, with bugs) in 2.3, although I don't recall if or how it works in 2.2.1, as I haven't played 2.2.1 in some time.

As far as I know the IR Goggle functionality haven't been implemented in 2.2.1, and is still being worked on in 2.3.


Human AI: This is sooo frustrating, in some scenarios they do everything to be in your way blocking coridors and so on. In one scenario they surrounded an alien on all sides and just stood there for ever, so stupid.

AI has been improved with a new system that is also under development in 2.3, although I don't know the more sophisticated details about it.  (I'm not sure if it was 2.2 or 2.2.1 where the aliens "cheat" by being able to see everything but otherwise being quite dumb.)

Offline shevegen

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Re: Whats bugging me so far with 2.2.1
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2008, 01:07:04 am »
in some scenarios they do everything to be in your way blocking coridors and so on.

Here is a rough idea, half-serious, about this. Let me first briefly describe a scenario:

- You are on a map with some kind of military building. There are two long corridors. Your team starts to explore the first.
- Suddenly, civilians which look like soldiers occupy the corridor you are in. They even run to your leading guy, and face him.
  They just stare at him, saying nothing .... this gives the poor soldier a creepy feeling. Why do civilians run right in front of armed soldiers?
  Do they need help or something? Of course the way is now blocked, and an alien will most likely shoot at that civilian guy...
- [FIRST IDEA] Civilians shout "help help help". Not everyone of them, not always, but sometimes they behave in a strange way.
- Your soldier's way is blocked, but - like in reallife - he can push objects away. He can push civilians down, he can move them aside.
[SECOND IDEA] The player should be able to move civilians to a nearby square. This should take maybe 2-4 action points (not sure what is
appropriate). He could forcefully push a civilian or otherwise get him out of the way.
- [THIRD IDEA] Ideally, although I think this might be more complicated, I think it would be kinda cool to "collect" those civilians in a
room. Ok, aliens could like it and shoot them all down Wink BUT at least when I could collect civilians in a good place, I could guard them
more easily, maybe even lure aliens in a troop, or just explore all the other areas and kill down those pesky evil aliens.

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Re: Whats bugging me so far with 2.2.1
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2008, 10:39:36 am »
I v got the same problem in the bunker map; i dont remember if i shoot down civilians :D

[SECOND IDEA] i like that.

[THIRD IDEA] i like that too, we can do rescue mission ("Save the president" or something like that), take a VIP civilian into our shoulder, and return to the craft

Offline DuKe2112

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Re: Whats bugging me so far with 2.2.1
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2008, 12:02:50 pm »
We could make it so that you can control all civilian in sight, like you would control a soldier. exept that the armed ones are constantly on rection fire and can't shoot manually.
Although they would also need a stay in place command.

Then they need much lower morale so that they panick easier and the need another mechanism, that lets them flat out refuse a command.
For that case one might want to add a foce action command for the soldiers.