How do you think im building up the diff patch
or a full build?
your suggegstion will make also Destructavator build obsolete
'couse everyone can build Ufoai
but not everyone want to spend h or d to do so.
Yes, i agree. In fact i rebuild my SVN everyday now, once i got it to work last nite. Today just, i rebuilt 21950. Lol. Thats why if someone can upload it, its good. Aniwae, this is developers' stuff, not for the averagers. If they want, i thnk we would agree we prefer them download the stable release (2.2 as of now).
Also think about
i'm unable to store a ufoai build on a stick
and share it with someone in asia or australia.
The diff patch does nothing else than to deliver only those files that are different from the last full build
There is no difference between a full build after applying the patch
only that people need to download <70MB
That whole discussion about the patch is absurd
No one would reinstall his OS 'couse of a ServicePack
Eh? Whats this abt OS? SP? The patches are nothing about OS stuff.... its abt patching the UFOAI i hope thats what u meant......? Its too complicating and ties down the developers. I thnk if they are fanatic enough, they would learn SVN like Destructavator and me, and well..... compile and start giving bugs feedback.