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Author Topic: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)  (Read 18106 times)

Offline Destructavator

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This is another news story posted on an American news station website, where a guy who at one time walked on the moon is speaking up:

Due to copyright and permission restrictions, I am not permitted to copy and paste the story here.  Please also be aware that after a couple of weeks these stories are typically removed from the site.

Unlike the other story link I posted, as I understand it this person, an astronaut from an Apollo mission, has a reputation and his words carry some weight, unlike the guy in the other story who was more of a nobody and claimed to see aliens on his property.

Offline EchizenR

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2008, 02:19:06 pm »
Just like NASA's 1969 moon hoax.

Offline BTAxis

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2008, 02:33:35 pm »
You mean to say the mission to the moon was staged, BUT the government is indeed covering up UFOs?

Offline Darkpriest667

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2008, 11:20:46 am »
They are covering it up

Offline EchizenR

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2008, 03:52:39 pm »
I'm not particularly interested in the alien phenomena, but it is very likely that the US Government staged the moon landing and is covering it up. I'm sure you have heard how the flag planted on the moon was fluttering as if they was wind on the moon.

Also, it is also significant how there has not been anymore manned trips beyond the two Van Allen belts whose radiation could potentially kill any astronaut passing through it. Astronauts in shuttles 400km below the inner belt could already see stars due to the radiation penetrating the shuttle and their suit hitting their optic nerves. So I believe that Man has not reached the moon.

The space program just serves as a means to expend resources which would otherwise have raised our standard of living to the point where we don't see the need for national leaders (Read the Report From Iron Mountain) and as a way to put surveillance satellites in space.

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2008, 06:52:59 pm »
I'm not interested in conspiracy theories. My point was that you seemed to imply that although you believe the moon mission was a hoax you do seem to believe in aliens. How can you NOT believe in something that by all accounts is documented and publicized, yet believe in something that is based on rumors and hearsay? It's just not logical.

Offline DanielOR

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2008, 07:10:49 pm »
wikipedia has a great article specifically on moon landing hoaxes and mentiones the "waving flag". 

having recently seen the Kennedy space center at cape Canaveral, I have to say: that sh*t looked just crazy enough to have been really done.  If they faked it, they would have done a better job.  the real deal does anything but instill confidence - a modern PC - two at the most - have more computing power than what they sent those poor bastards to the moon with.  An average modern car has more computing power, for sure.

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2008, 03:05:56 pm »
Regarding the news story, it made it to the national news, and later appeared on Yahoo!'s front news page only a couple of days later.

...And now, at this point I'll stop being neutral for a moment and offer my personal opinion:

I think the governments have indeed been covering up a lot about life that doesn't originate from this planet, and I think non-Earth intelligent life has probably been studying us for some time (and probably can even read this forum, even this post) although I don't believe that every UFO sighting claim is real (many have been proven false with concrete facts), and I don't buy every alien life/UFO theory out there, although some I suspect do have merit.

Regarding the moon landing, I think it was real, we did land on the moon I think.

Bottom line, long story short, I think much of the hoax/alien/UFO ideas and claims are bulls**t, but not all of them.  Exactly which ones are closer to being right or wrong isn't something I'm fully sure about though.

Offline EchizenR

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2008, 03:44:58 pm »
I'm not interested in conspiracy theories. My point was that you seemed to imply that although you believe the moon mission was a hoax you do seem to believe in aliens. How can you NOT believe in something that by all accounts is documented and publicized, yet believe in something that is based on rumors and hearsay? It's just not logical.

So you believe that two Boeing 747 brought down the Twin Towers? Thats "documented and publicized" by the Bush Administration, the 9/11 Commission and the NIST report.

They're two very different issues. But I'm basing this on the track record of government accounts. If the government version says something, it is LIKELY (I'm not saying always) a lie. As for aliens, I treat such sightings as demonic manifestations. After all, Satan is described as the "prince of the air". Admittedly, this is being biased towards my own faith, but I assume everyone here agrees that aliens exist.

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2008, 04:03:40 pm »
So you believe that two Boeing 747 brought down the Twin Towers?

Yes. What the hell.

If the government version says something, it is LIKELY (I'm not saying always) a lie. As for aliens, I treat such sightings as demonic manifestations. After all, Satan is described as the "prince of the air". Admittedly, this is being biased towards my own faith, but I assume everyone here agrees that aliens exist.

Ahhh, religion. That explains a lot.

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2008, 07:12:31 pm »
If the government version says something, it is LIKELY (I'm not saying always) a lie.

Having been here (alive) long enough to have seen various presidents (and leaders of other nations as well) come and go, having also gone to polls as a registered voter and casting ballots, having remembering conversations with people from other countries and nations - even before the internet arrived - and having also worked a job in the law enforcement area (which is government), I have to say that, yes, this particular point has truth to it, and I can at least partially agree with you, although I wouldn't state it quite the same way, but then again, that's me.

As for aliens, I treat such sightings as demonic manifestations. After all, Satan is described as the "prince of the air". Admittedly, this is being biased towards my own faith, but I assume everyone here agrees that aliens exist.

Ahhh, religion. That explains a lot.

Yes, religion can do that, in a sense.  I do agree that aliens exist, with "aliens" defined as intelligent life that doesn't come from Earth, although I don't personally agree with the "demonic manifestations" part, although, again, that's just me.

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2008, 08:08:20 pm »
Governments lie a lot, especially governments in undemocratic regions such as the USA. That's fact. But conspiracy theories are the other extreme. I'd say that they are untrue at least as often as anything a government claims.

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2008, 08:48:19 pm »
Governments lie a lot, especially governments in undemocratic regions such as the USA

Yes, very true.  What disgusts me is that most Americans who live in the USA are unaware of this and wouldn't say that, in part because of that very fact.

Another major factor that comes into play is how very few United States citizens have a clear picture of what's going on in the political world.  They have done studies that show that most Americans can name all members of a fictitious family from a popular television cartoon show, but don't know the names of important leaders and figures in the world.  Many in the U.S. are submerged in pop culture (ugh!), reality TV shows (urk! yuck! vomit!) and other crap, but don't know who their vice president is or what he supports, have never heard of Tony Blair, etc., and of the minority that go to the polls to vote, many vote based on physical attractiveness and other trivial and non-job-related qualities they perceive in the people who run for office.  Of course, in the end it hardly matters as there is actually verifiable, concrete evidence out there that shows that counting and recording of ballots for a specific presidential hopeful is in some cases manipulated or "fudged" for someone specific to win an election, and yes, it really has happened, I'm sorry to say.

...And of course, governments like that of the United States are unlikely to change that (people who are in power like to stay in power), and they like it that way.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 08:50:12 pm by Destructavator »

Offline BTAxis

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2008, 09:18:42 pm »
Hey, I can't name every single member of the Dutch parliament either. That's got nothing to do with manipulation or backhanded methods, it's just that I can't be bothered to memorize them. I suspect it's the same with the Americans you mention. They just don't care about foreign leaders because they don't care about anything not American. That says something about their mentality, but not about their leaders. It's not as if you can't look up the names or policies of foreign leaders on the web from within the US borders. The information isn't censored like in China.

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Re: News Story: "Astronaut Says Government Covering Up UFOs" (USA)
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2008, 11:07:25 pm »
I didn't mean memorizing everyone, and I didn't mean every American should be a political expert, but believe it or not many Americans don't even know who their vice president is, or who the governor of the state they live in is, which are basic and important ones they should know.  Myself, I don't have all members of congress memorized, but at least I know the names and a little about the more important people, and I know about Iraq and Afghanistan.  I also can't name all of the past presidents, but my point is that too many Americans are on the extreme opposite end, ignorant and not caring about the Iraq war, and not being interested in what's going on in the world, but instead deep into the reality TV shows, celebrity news about some famous American movie actor getting arrested for something stupid or the like, and sports news, and they don't care about much else.

I'm not suggesting every American be an expert in global politics, just that they should know a few of the basic, important things about what's going on and not be ignorant.  Heck, many kids right now from 18 years of age to their mid-20s aren't aware that there is talk in the US govt. about bringing back the draft (meaning serving in the military whether they want to or not) because of where we are currently fighting as well as where we might soon be fighting and going to war.  Heck, they've been pushing back re-instating the draft for some time now, allowing people in their 40s to join the military for the first time voluntarily, something they don't typically do, simply because the military needs more troops quite badly.