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Dual Wielding Pistols?
I'll just say it again, in case it was buried back in this thread and missed - in the several years I worked in law enforcement, I didn't know of anyone in real life who wielded dual pistols, not even the same type of pistol, the same goes for cops I met from other departments all the way to federal agents and other people who I ran into. Some people who work those jobs in real life carry backup weapons, as well as sometimes knives or batons, but they never put two guns on their gunbelt ready to wield at the same time.
Honestly, it really is a "TV-slash-movie-slash-video game" type of thing.
Then again, this is a game...
--- Quote from: Destructavator on May 29, 2009, 05:47:26 am ---I'll just say it again, in case it was buried back in this thread and missed - in the several years I worked in law enforcement, I didn't know of anyone in real life who wielded dual pistols, not even the same type of pistol, the same goes for cops I met from other departments all the way to federal agents and other people who I ran into. Some people who work those jobs in real life carry backup weapons, as well as sometimes knives or batons, but they never put two guns on their gunbelt ready to wield at the same time.
Honestly, it really is a "TV-slash-movie-slash-video game" type of thing.
Then again, this is a game...
--- End quote ---
Ooooo, agreed agreed!
In all aspects, if u really want to use dual wpns, the reason is higher fire power / supressing fire. In those cases, u would be better off, offloading your single wpn full load, reload quick and empty the magazine again.....rather than end up with well.... not so quick reloads.
And if u r going for a 'higher chance' of hitting, u be better off using 1 wpn. In most RPGs (like DnD), to even use 2 wpns properly, u need specialised skill like ambidexterious / 2 wpns wielding / offhand wpn wielding.
Unless our game intend to introduce more skills.... i say we keep things as it is? :)
That's my take. The supposed "fire rate" improvement is a myth, the distraction of keeping your off-hand pointed downrange (not even at the target, just away from yourself) and pulling both triggers at the same time off-sets any gain in raw number of shots fired. And since half the shots end up being completely unaimed (the way the human brain processes visual input makes it impossible to use both sights even if you don't have an eye dominance issue), all you get is a reduction in real firepower.
The reason dual-wielding is so popular in movies (and display arts) is because it is a literally superhuman skill that can be superficially simulated with minimal special effects. The human eye, hand, and nervous system do not make actual dual-wielding as possible as a casual glance at bilateral symmetry would suggest. Thus a person who appears to be doing it is "awesome" and "heroic".
Given the relatively poor state of much of the world's military posited at the outset of UFOAI, it might be plausible that there are PHALANX personnel who like to dual-wield, but probably simply to show that they can do it without hurting themselves (I emphasize that not hurting yourself when dual wielding does take significant skill), not because they gain any real advantage from doing so.
Aye. Dual-wielding ranged weapons is only good for 1 clip for suppressing fire, because when that clip runs out, your spending a lot of time re-loading (Putting down one gun to reload the other, then loading the second, picking up, getting atleast semi-comfortable), and during that long time your enemy is making their advance/putting focused fire on your team.
Dual-wielding melee weapons, on the other hand (badum, tish) is far more practical, but only in close combat against well-defended/skill opponents, when being able to slash twice in rapid succession is more important than one aimed/powerful slash. Like against aliens (Higher defense, stronger)
Unfortunatly, I dont think UFOAI plans on blocking/parrying/dodging melee.
Regardless of any comments said, I am still keeping both dual-wielding single-handed ranged and melee weapon animations on the list
Oh, we can discuss this on and on with hypothetical reasons that might be true as to whether or not dual-wielded pistols would be effective - meaning ideas and theories thought up with logic by people here who haven't actually tried it with two handguns in real life, but it won't change the fact that in real life it just isn't something I've seen done, and as I said I've worked a job in my past where I was exposed to what people really do and don't do.
As far as the game goes though, yes we could get away with it for UFO: AI simply because it's a game and it's allowed in video games and action films, and done quite a bit on the TV/Computer screen.
...But if anyone here is going to argue about it with ideas and their own "logic" without actually trying it for real on a firing range - to see if their ideas - theories really - really do or don't hold true as they thought them up, I can't give your arguments much credit, because they don't have it - they don't hold water, and I'll maintain my position.
I have no problem with it being added to the game, because games do such a thing all the time, but please don't try to argue about it being practical and effective in real life (Unless you get up from in front of your computer, go to a range with two handguns and actually try it).
Sorry, but some of the arguments I've seen on both sides of this debate have rather unusual logic and I doubt are really true or applicable, and I'd guess that some of these arguments come from people who don't even fire guns.
I'm not trying to be an A-Hole here, but some parts of this debate really make me shake my head...
Edit: Alright, I checked YouTube to see if anyone has actually tried and documented it - Yes, some guy actually fired two Desert Eagle pistols dual-wielded, you can search for "dual desert eagle" on that site, but please notice how the guy in the video almost completely looses control of the weapons and ends up looking clumsy (and a bit stupid).
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