General > Discussion

Dual Wielding Pistols?

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Maybe have the soldier automatically pull a sidearm if your main weapon is out of ammo/out of order or if firing the main weapon costs too many TUs. May happen if primary fire costs 12 TUs while you have only 11, while getting laser pistol from holster and firing it costs either 9 or 11 TUs (did firing that thing cost 7 or 9 TUs?).

thats why you reserve TUs.

I dont why people are still trying to pursue dual-wielding ranged weapons. The head devs said no, I, the animator, says no, and so do dozens of other people. Can we get this topic closed?


--- Quote from: vedrit on June 24, 2009, 04:47:39 am ---thats why you reserve TUs.

I dont why people are still trying to pursue dual-wielding ranged weapons. The head devs said no, I, the animator, says no, and so do dozens of other people. Can we get this topic closed?

--- End quote ---

YES! Agreed! :D


*Topic is Closed*


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