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New soldier stat increase system

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recruits aren't going to change in quality...   already recruiting the best of the best.   this gives you a diffrent method to get them up to speed that will scale with the game.  and it is both realistic and reasonable.   Units teach themselves.  somebody does something well so he gets called on to teach it to others...

can make it as complicated or simple as you like.  or even code it in stages getting more complex

a.poll existing soldier skills to create "ghost" instructor whos stats are equal to the best in each catageoy found in all your soldiers... and improve all skills according to the scale i mentioned.  the bigger the difffernce the better the bonus.  the closer student gets to instructor the slower the gains.

b. pick 1 soldier to teach at a time...  can use all his stats and do general instruction with tiny bonuses to everthing or just pick one stat and do fucused instruction.  this mon we are teaching assault,  next month we will be breaking out the heavy weapons...  in which case the improvements would be greater but limited to 1 stat.

c. heck you could also assign every recruit their own mentor...   but thats probably more complicated then it needs to be. and way more coding then is needed....

i do like option B

Another Guy:

--- Quote from: PhilRoi on July 09, 2009, 10:05:10 pm ---recruits aren't going to change in quality...   already recruiting the best of the best.   this gives you a diffrent method to get them up to speed that will scale with the game.  and it is both realistic and reasonable.   Units teach themselves.  somebody does something well so he gets called on to teach it to others...

can make it as complicated or simple as you like.  or even code it in stages getting more complex

a.poll existing soldier skills to create "ghost" instructor whos stats are equal to the best in each catageoy found in all your soldiers... and improve all skills according to the scale i mentioned.  the bigger the difffernce the better the bonus.  the closer student gets to instructor the slower the gains.

b. pick 1 soldier to teach at a time...  can use all his stats and do general instruction with tiny bonuses to everthing or just pick one stat and do fucused instruction.  this mon we are teaching assault,  next month we will be breaking out the heavy weapons...  in which case the improvements would be greater but limited to 1 stat.

c. heck you could also assign every recruit their own mentor...   but thats probably more complicated then it needs to be. and way more coding then is needed....

i do like option B

--- End quote ---

The simpler, the better. Assigning instructors would add unecessary codes and unecessary micromanagement. But i liked idea "a" very much. Very simple, and will work well at any stage of the game at any dificulty, and still give player an extra incentive to keep specialist veterans alive (better training for rokies). Awesome!

Just chiming in again as a part timer.  I was just offering an idea.  I like the planed method equally well if not better. 

Of the options listed above, if they're on the table, I think option (B) is the most straighforward, however, the "ghost instructor" option of (A) could really be thought of as team mentorship.  A new guy is recruited and everyone on the team takes him/her under their wings and crams everything they all know about surviving in the field they can think of.  He gets up to speed fast and within a few missions is battle ready, somewhat equal to the overall level of the team. 

In reality though, there would be some kind of classroom training from a qualified instructor that would bring new recruits up to speed, and option B is probably more representative of how a real military organization would go about it structurally. 

But extending the ideas just a bit further, perhaps what really happens is a mix of A and B where people really learn by instruction and by mentorship.  It may be too complicated to mix those two models, though, and just simpler to go with an assigned instructor as the main means of getting recruits up to speed.

you need better soldiers in later game, and your (ghost) teachers become better :) looks neat imho.

myself i would be thinking more about how combat experience would fit into it.
somehow i would assume that the rookies already know how to shoot, but shooting at aliens can be confusing, so they need to see some real aliens.
the reason for this kind of nitpicking is, of course, that you would actually need to shoot something with the rookies on the battlefield, and that would, hopefully create some appropriate minor challenges.
if it's just pure training back in the safety of the base, then it sort of seems to be almost equivalent to having a delay for recruiting.

and, btw, getting at least one soldier with lots of combat experience suddenly becomes one of the main objectives, doesn't it?
if it will be balanced so that it will not create ridiculous behavior in the tactical field, i think it would make perfect sense that you would benefit from experienced instructors in your training simulator.

T3 Center (Tactical Team Training Center).

For your consideration:

I am a combat soldier and I won't mince words. We need someplace to train.  We have learned a metric ton about fighting the aliens but need a space to call our own so we can hone our skills.  Up until now we have just been using the rooms and hallways around here to try and get the rookies up to speed.  It really isn't working, we are doing everything we can but the rookies are still getting hammered out there.  We have had to do it wherever we can find space and we aren't underfoot. My guys tend to bump into things, sometimes sensitive things, while moving around and there are places where that isn't a good idea,  strangely those places also tend to be the only places we can find enough space to train.  Navvare says one of my guys tripped in a lab and nearly upset some lab equipment and set the research team back several months.  They managed to rescue the specimens in time though. He talked to the engineer and he agreed since they are tired of finding us crawling around the workshops and running into gun barrels in the dark corners whenever we bump something out of alignment and they have to go in and fix it. The two of them put their heads together and think they can rig up some fancy computer controlled and simulated shoot house of sorts for us.  I won't say i understood half of what they went on about,  but they say they can rig it up to handle some live fire training too.  For those things it can't handle, they can rig simulated weapons that it can handle.   It will also have the capability to do variable terrain and whatnot.  The engineers say they will be happy to rebuild the thing if we manage to demolish it.  After all, a few hours rebuilding plywood walls is nothing compared to the hours spent troubleshooting and recalibrating the power plant anytime we bump the wrong thing doing what we are doing now.  The scientists say that based on the recordings from the mission recorders we all wear during missions they can rig holograms, projectors and whatnot to re-create those missions for us to train with.  Claim they can rig it up as a controlled virtual reality experience or something.  I won't claim to understand it, but i believe they do.  Quite frankly, We don't have a good place to hone our skills.  And if this thing they have in mind can do half of what they say it can, it may be just the thing.  I am tired of losing soldiers and if this thing helps us to get the training we need to keep from getting blasted.  I am all for it.  Truth is we have a lot of experience on the team already and we can rotate through the Training Centers as our own instructors.  We can be better, We can stop losing rookies every time we go out,  we just need the right place to get better.

Da Gruntz!

sounds like option A above was the most liked idea.  Helps to solve the rookie getting up to speed problem especially and does what we want a training center to do, slightly increase the improvement of all soldier skills.


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