Here is my first draft of my todo list. So far it does little more than indicate what steps need to be accomplished, and where. Not sure this should be posted here since it's very code oriented, but thought you guys might need to know in case I missed something. It's subject to change as I see more, but this is what I saw on my first quick look...
By the way, nothing needs to be done with this list if you don't want, it's mainly just for your information...
(+) 1) Add wounds to the save games. (cl_team.c:CL_SaveCharacterXML).
(+) 2) Load wounds from the save file. (cl_team.c:CL_LoadCharacterXML).
(+) 3) Add wounds to actors. This can be done in entity_t, or character_t. Not sure which. For now assuming character_t. (inv_shared.h:character_t)
(+) 4) Add a function that adds wounds to actors. (g_actor.c:G_ActorDamage)
(+) 5) Research all locations that need to add wounds to actors. (g_combat.c:G_Damage)
(+) 6) Add a function that treats wounds. (g_actor.c:G_ActorTreat)
(+) 7) Research all locations that need to treat wounds on actors. (g_combat.c:G_Damage)

Add a function the heals wounds. (cp_hospital.c:HOS_Heal)
( ) 9) Research all locations that heal wounds on actors. (cp_hospital.c:HOS_HealCharacter) (cp_hospital.c:HOS_HealAll_f) (g_combat.c:G_Damage)
(+) 10) Research all location where morale damage can be fixed by medikits. (g_combat.c:G_Damage)
(+) 11) Research all location where stun damage can be fixed by medikits. (g_combat.c:G_Damage)
( ) 12) Research all locations where we can use a medikit to stun an enemy. (g_combat.c:G_Damage)
(+) 13) Modify weapons.ufo with the new medikit script. (0ufos.pk3:weapons.ufo)
(+) 14) Research how to interpret the new medikit script. (scripts.c:Does not exist!) .. Initial examination suggests 'name' is not used. May need to use different -damage amount to specify what we are attempting to do with the medikit.
( ) 15) Apply wound damage to weapon accuracy for head and arm injures. (g_combat.c:G_ShootSingle) (g_combat.c:G_ShootGrenade)
( ) 16) Apply wound damage to TUs needed to shoot (arms). (g_combat.c:G_ClientShoot)
( ) 17) Apply wound damage to TUs needed to move. (legs). (cl_actor:CL_MoveLength)
( ) 18) Apply wound damage to TUs needed for reaction fire (chest). (g_reaction.c:G_ResolveRF) (cl_actor.c:CL_SetReactionFiremode)
( ) 19) Ensure if a person is shot in the chest not on their turn, we update the reaction fire turn units needed. (g_reaction.c:G_GetFiringTUs)
( ) 20) For each combat turn, make any big wounds bleed. (g_client.c:G_ClientEndRound)
( ) 21) Set the wounds whenever a character's values are usually set. (g_client.c:G_ClientTeamInfo)
( ) 22) Set all wounds to treated when combat ends. Do not heal any hp though. (Assume 1 turn to treat all the wounds) Should this be changed? Should it be 1 turn for each wound? If so, they can bleed to death even after mission has ended... For now, they can't.