This is one of the things that hasn't been improved, and it really makes things harder later on when you have lots of candidates.
* a sorting feature, to sort soldiers by a certain skill, like when I'm searching for a good sniper, I want to see who's best at it
* a tab to separate the list of assigned/employed soldiers from the candidates
* a remove from list feature (please) sometimes the list has very mediocre soldiers which will never see action under my command, so they are just taking space in that list.
* the option to change the number of your soldier in the squad
* when transfering a craft, transfer the people assigned to it too, or make it optional (someone suggested that, and it's a very good idea)
* soldiers should transfer with their equiped gear
* name and health bar displayed in battlemode (optional, but I would really want that, like toggling their name/health with a key)
* gear templates
* how about a 1st aid skill?