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Author Topic: Hi all =)  (Read 3118 times)


  • Guest
Hi all =)
« on: July 07, 2006, 12:35:34 pm »
Hi guys, is my first post here.

I want to join the group helping in whatever you need.

Im a guy from Spain, and my english isnt really good. Forgive my posible faults please =D

My Experience:

Operative Systems:
GNU/Linux (Fedora Core 4, Ubuntu 6.10, Kubuntu 6.10, Debian Sarge).
Windows (Windows 98, 2000, NT, XP...)

MySQL, SQLServer.

Programming Languages:
PHP, Visual Basic .Net, ASP.NET, Visual Basic 6.0.

Other languages or tecnologies:

FTP Servers, FTP Clients, Web Servers (IIS, and Apache), .NET Web Services.

Other interesting Skills:
I draw in my free time, im good enought to draw some good pictures =)
Im really good with story, i had a long time making histories, for Role Playing Games, and for other purposes. I have a lot of good ideas for making games.

I need some time to read all the information posted here... hehehe, if someone can guide me i will apreciatte it =)


  • Guest
Hi all =)
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2006, 05:54:10 pm »
Hello and welcome !

I'm new too here (working on code), but I suggest you to read wiki :
And particulary the page "Contribute" : .You'll probably find there something interesting for you, something you'd like to work on.

And don't worry for your english. It's probably not the natural lnguage for most of people here.


  • Guest
Hi all =)
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2006, 06:12:11 pm »
Nice to meet u, and thx a lot for your help =)