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Author Topic: Armour types and their models - PHALANX  (Read 93555 times)


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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2008, 07:07:03 pm »
I would recommend using relatively quick reskins to get the content in the game, playable and testable, but still request that new (or modified) models be done.

I agree and we already started working towards that goal. If you check this thread: you'll find a revamped model of a nanocomposite armour. All it needs now is a texture. The work on other models has been halted because of sitters' absence.

Offline eleazar

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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2008, 07:17:08 pm »
I agree and we already started working towards that goal. If you check this thread: you'll find a revamped model of a nanocomposite armour. All it needs now is a texture. The work on other models has been halted because of sitters' absence.

If somebody could make a "texture" that at least clearly delineated the different areas (with flat colors for example) i could probably take it from there.


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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2008, 08:15:17 pm »
I think sitters is the only person who's got access to the 3D model itself and I dont think he has already unwrapped it.


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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2008, 02:03:24 am »
So essentially the relationship between "combat armor" and "advanced combat armor" is that they are both light armors, but the technology does not necessarily have any similarities?

Sorry for this aside, but I had a brainwave while walking from work today which may be useful here. Here it is:
Quote from: WIKI
[ The light combat armour ] features pockets on the front and back that can take ceramic or metal inserts to further protect vital areas.
Quote from: WIKI
In the past, carbon nanotubes have been difficult and expensive to produce, and trying to work them into a proper shape was even worse. With the alien armour in hand and enough resources at our disposal, I believe that we can devise new production methods and shaping processes that will allow us to mass-produce shaped nanocomposite plates.

So, it seems to me the quickest way for PHALANX to "upgrade" their Combat Armour would be to replace the ceramic plates with nano-composite ones, leading to Advanced Combat Armour! Eureka! :)

Sorry, just had to share this flash of insight ;D Hopefully, it may help with the artistic and writing process.



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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2008, 10:44:43 am »
Sorry for this aside, but I had a brainwave while walking from work today which may be useful here. Here it is:and
So, it seems to me the quickest way for PHALANX to "upgrade" their Combat Armour would be to replace the ceramic plates with nano-composite ones, leading to Advanced Combat Armour! Eureka! :)

Sorry, just had to share this flash of insight ;D Hopefully, it may help with the artistic and writing process.



No, that's not an upgrade, that's a description of the intended add-on item functionality. In the final version you will be able to manufacture armour inserts and weapon add-ons.


Offline Sean_E

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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2008, 05:01:24 pm »
Ever since I read the description on your PHALANX armor classifications, it has been bugging me.  Here is my take on the issue:

* Combat Armour
Pretty obvious.  Basic Tactical armor consisting of vest and helmet.  Using advanced composite materials for stronger and lighter armor protection.

* Nano-composite Armour
This is advanced Tactical armor.  This consists of Combat armor that has been enhanced with nanocomposite technology (which we currently have in production by the way and not based on any alien technology). Armor pieces include vest and helmet.
I am still trying to figure out where we get the boots from and what purpose they yield???

* Power Armour
This one has always been a bee in my bonnet.  By your description, what you are wanting is a space suit.
I could spell out all sorts of problems with this, but I am not going to get into them.  But, I will say this.
It is very impractical and definitely not combat effective (at least by the description that is given)

* Advanced Combat Armour
This category should go after Combat Armor and before Nano-composite armor.  This would then make Nano-composite armor more inline with alien derived technology.

On another point of alien derived armor technology.  If the aliens are technologically more advanced then us, and we then derive our own versions of their technology, wouldn't it go to say that the aliens would be able to counter their own technology?  Even if it is slightly humanized?  Our own armed forces know the pros and cons of their own equipment.  So if it is ever duplicated, we know how to exploit the weaknesses.  So, if the aliens see a 'version' of their own armor on the field of battle, wouldn't they know how to exploit its weaknesses?

I am not trying to put 'reality' into an already good game.  I am just stating some obvious points that can go a long way of making the 2084 technology more advanced and feasible.

Offline Psawhn

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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2008, 09:36:44 pm »
On the other hand, why would anyone develop and field armour that they know has exploitable weaknesses?

The devs also want a new nano-composite armour model, if they can get it.

Something kinda funny, Powered Armour starts to cross the line into small mecha. The added strength from the robotic servos lets the trooper wear heavier armour and wield heavier weapons. Heh, imagine a 30mm cannon with plasma burst shells.

Offline Sean_E

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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2008, 04:27:36 pm »
I agree with you Psawhn.  They are flirting with the line of mechanized armor.
From a historical technology advancement standpoint, humans would not try to duplicate the capabilities of the alien armor but counteract the munitions used in their weaponry.
Current Tactical armor is based on stopping extreme kinetic energy weapons with minimal damage.
The alien technology is based more on energy and thermic technology.  So, humans would develop armor that dissipates this energy and/or thermic shock.

Another point on the 'mechanized' armor would be, why are we using servos 80 years in the future?  Why aren't we using electro-stimulus fibers?  It is the way current technology is currently going.  The creation of a fiber that when stimulated by an electrical current, contracts like muscle fibers.
It isn't bio-technology, so it is still in the essence of the core game.

Offline Falion

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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2008, 11:33:26 pm »
That black suit looks amazingly close, in both style and function to the suit worn by your team in Crysis. How interesting ;)

Offline Sean_E

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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2008, 10:30:43 pm »
How about this as a suggestion for the Devs....
Lets treat the design and creation of Personal Body armor like the real military does.
It puts out a spec listing of what the end product must have and must do.
As an example:
Light Personal Body Armor:
- Must weigh less than 10 pounds unloaded
- Must have front and back protection from standard small and medium caliber rounds
- Must have attach points for pouches and accessories
- etc, etc, etc.

I think these more specific design criterias will be better suited to designing an end product than just saying, nano-composite armor derived from alien acquired technology. 

Just an idea.

Koa Bosk

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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2008, 03:32:51 am »
I dont know if you could use this for Combat Armor or Advanced Combat Armor. Dragon Skin Armor by Pinnacle. You might not be able to use the name but you could always change the name and still use the discription.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 03:34:39 am by Koa Bosk »

Offline Migel

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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2009, 10:10:16 am »
Sorry for oftop, but i'v got few questions about PALAX troops models
1) I'v found afro and chinise guy skins in head models, but they are not used in game - why?
2) Where is the script, generating new troops (i suggest it responsible for q.1)?
I'm a tiny painter, but in enough time can draw new skins, if that's a problem...

Offline Mattn

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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2009, 11:55:07 am »
Code: [Select]
models {
female {
soldiers/female body head01a 0
soldiers/female body head01b 0
soldiers/female body head01c 0
soldiers/female body head03a 0
soldiers/female body head03b 0

male {
soldiers/male body head01a 0
soldiers/male body head01b 0
soldiers/male body head02a 0
soldiers/male body head02b 0
soldiers/male body head03a 0
soldiers/male body head03b 0

you can find this in team_*.ufo script files in base/ufos

the last number is the skin - but this skin must exists in the md2 file, too (just as a reference). if you can create new skins, please do it - i would be glad to add them to the md2 models and the script files to use them.

Offline Migel

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Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2009, 02:17:17 pm »
By the way, why don't you like existing skins? As i see i's ready-to-use.