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What should the Antareans be renamed to?

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Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: December 08, 2006, 09:40:22 am

Author Topic: New name for Antareans  (Read 19580 times)


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New name for Antareans
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2006, 10:26:00 am »
question to the Northern Wolf:

can you spell out these: Strč prst skrz krk (checz),  kvistfritt kvastskaft (swedish)


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New name for Antareans
« Reply #31 on: December 23, 2006, 04:01:58 pm »
swedish one i belive i can say check one i can spell (no idea how to say them rigth). if it went to languge test try say: jüriööülestõus, jää-äär, Kabli klubi (3times row) :P

i can read and maybe say those words but can other say that? i belive its difficult for pp from usa to say those words as alien name :) thaswhy lets go something simple :P like mutton or floater :P

Offline Czert

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New name for Antareans
« Reply #32 on: December 23, 2006, 05:15:32 pm »
Quote from: "Northen_Wolf"
. if it went to languge test try say: jüriööülestõus, jää-äär, Kabli klubi (3times row) :P

 :lol:  Woow, i vote this language as alien language.  :lol:


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New name for Antareans
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2006, 09:52:40 am »
Quote from: "Czert"
Quote from: "Northen_Wolf"
. if it went to languge test try say: jüriööülestõus, jää-äär, Kabli klubi (3times row) :P

 :lol:  Woow, i vote this language as alien language.  :lol:

you cant hear the aliens ingame (nor recive written messages from them). +Northernwolf can understand them in this way (so he is an alien).
secondly. you will never hear the aliens talk. dead ppl will never talk.

i could imagane, that the aliens talking in a Dev developed language. but we will learn that too  8)


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New name for Antareans
« Reply #34 on: December 24, 2006, 02:23:10 pm »
Quote from: "Nikron"
Quote from: "Czert"
Quote from: "Northen_Wolf"
. if it went to languge test try say: jüriööülestõus, jää-äär, Kabli klubi (3times row) :P

 :lol:  Woow, i vote this language as alien language.  :lol:

you cant hear the aliens ingame (nor recive written messages from them). +Northernwolf can understand them in this way (so he is an alien).
secondly. you will never hear the aliens talk. dead ppl will never talk.

i could imagane, that the aliens talking in a Dev developed language. but we will learn that too  8)

I'm a alien -.... l33t w00t :!: i didn't know that :oops: ?

<FACT> well come to estonia and listen how we talk :!: you see we are so ahead of your sciense, that our words are better than english  :P<STILL A FACT>

:idea: How bout that the aliens don't know how to speak :P They change signals with some light that comes out from their brain/a*s ?

:idea:  But i can doante my voice to our :twisted: GREAT DEV TEAM :twisted:  too :P i'll just talk in estonian

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New name for Antareans
« Reply #35 on: December 25, 2006, 11:14:52 pm »
I have no problem with modifiing estonian language to alien language, becuse
1. is sounds strange (no offense)
2. writer of Dune modified arabian language for language of Freemans
3. hard work with creacing whole new language is nearly done.
4. if aliens are not telepatic, then they must speak with words/hands.
5. we have volunter for creator of alien voices/language.


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New name for Antareans
« Reply #36 on: December 26, 2006, 10:30:24 am »
Nice, aliens will speak estonian then?

can I gather my tribe and start making voices?


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New name for Antareans
« Reply #37 on: December 26, 2006, 01:28:08 pm »
Taman... it has a nice ring to the name.

 Not going to strike terror into the hearts of those reading it, but if you put a scary enough of a storyline it will...

 As for the story line, are you going to follow the story line from X-com and have the alien base in our solar system on Mars, or are you going to incorporate the Alien base on the Moon that has been talked about by UFO experts here in RL on earth?

 Then again... might not be a fun to have a run at 1 Alien Base on the moon, with its massive towers of mirror finish windows, and everything plated with a gold like finish, and then have to then re-arm, re-fuel, and then fly out to Mars to kick the aliens out of that base as well.

 By chance... how much of the story line has been setup? If possible, could their be additions to the story line to include some other events? i.e fighting on the moon, then on mars?

 As for the game, please, let me take a moment of your time to tell you this with the utmost feeling and thanks.

 This is by far, the most amazing example of what hard teamwork, good code writing, and creative collaborative effort could ever produce to create a game so close and rich when compared to X-COM UFO Defence. What an absolute pleasure it is to to play this game.  ... I now have 1 more reason in my life not to focus on work as hard as I used to....



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New name for Antareans
« Reply #38 on: December 29, 2006, 04:31:10 pm »
if you need a good alien looking script for whatever you decide to call these guys, I suggest you model it after Korean. In fact if you look at star wars prerelease artwork, you can tell George Lucas only slightly modified korean script, as tanks and soldier uniforms still had phonetically legible korean writing on them.

its not pictoral like chinese as many people think, rather it uses phonetic characters to assemble syllabic pictoral like blocks. in fact its very scientific.

for example 타민 (tamin) is made from ㅌ(t) ㅏ(ah)  ㅁ(m)  ㅣ(i / ee)  ㄴ(n)

it looks alien, and with a litte font modification, we can modify it ala klingon and get somthing really out of this world.

also, did any of you notice that TAMIN (TAMEN) phonetically means "THEM" in Chinese?

FURTHERMORE in Korean "Ta" from the chinese 他 means "strange / foriegn / alien / unrivaled" while "min" comes from chinese "民" which means people / nation / race  (please note, when Koreans pronounce chinese, they masacre it, so' 他民' in chinese is not going to sound as similar as "tamin" rather its going to sound like "them")

Just an interesting sidenote. Anyway, I guess I'm saying I vote for "Tamin".


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New name for Antareans
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2006, 05:03:09 pm »
Oh, and as per what boveele was saying, you could mod the current game using the following maps from here(from the open universe project, its GNU, and is an excellent engine for a space flight simulator):

just replace map_eath_day.jpg and map_earth_night.jpg in the UFOAI-2.0-RC6\base\pics\menu\ directory with one of the pictures I linked to in the previous link (be sure to cut them down to 2048 x 1024 !) and you have effectively moved the game to mars or the moon (that is if you dont mind the time being wrong, and places like germany and mumbai shoing up identically on the red planet) but yeagh, the game could easily be moved to another planet., without any modification to the code, just models and place names...

leaving the only question of "who's got the time to do it"?


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New name for Antareans
« Reply #40 on: December 29, 2006, 08:49:36 pm »
it wouldnt be easier to use normal hungarian letters? only the hungarians know that it were once used (about 1000 years ago) so you dont have to modify it. the Taman do not means anything in hungarian


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New name for Antareans
« Reply #41 on: December 31, 2006, 08:52:20 am »
The language text for the aliens, if possible put some ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs on the ships, kinda like the ones they find on the real alien ships here on earth. The wording can be in any language in the known imagination for smoking up, but on the ships, chuck on some of them a little hieroglyphs characters as like they do in RL.

 Also, imagine the game making 3 phases. Phase 1 on earth, phase 2 on the moon, and finally Phase 3 on Mars.  

 So the game as it stands just needs to complete the story line to reach the moon, where the fight is with the Aliens at their base. for location on the moon, use those from the deleted pictures from Nasa, give a taste of reality mixed with the game, and that would complete phase 1 and then phase 2, the fight has been take from earth to the moon, and now the fight has been completed on the moon, and now we need to take the final battle to their bases on mars.

 When you start operation on the moon, its not a hunt in the sense your after the space craft and alien landings, no... your going after each of their bases, their supply bases, their launching bases, their living quarters, their hospitals, and their factory bases for replacement ships. Once all of these bases are destroyed and cleared, and as well looted... the knowledge is shared about the incidents involving the launch point to the Moon bases from Mars, and that is where the beginning of phase 3 takes place.

 As the Mars phase kicks off, you need to once again, start the fight swinging, the newly established Mars base has just landed, troops have been armed, and supplies, as well, eager to fight. The Mars aliens are well aware of the capabilities of the invaders. This time, these bases are heavily loaded with aliens, the usual landing craft will be taxed to the limit entering the underground bases one by one. Clearing the aliens as they spot them going down each level into the harbor of these hostile buggers... Once complete, the knowledge of the Alien Home world becomes available, and will leave open a sequel to the game environment.

  UFO: Humanity Fights Back  In the sequel phase 1, the base is on the surface of their home world, planet covered with incredibly artistic and symetrically shaped cities, some even looking like concentric rings of a pond as viewed from the map. The focus this time is to destroy their launching facilities, and destroy the command and control. Only to find through the missions and research, that the governments back on earth have been working with the aliens for years, in this instance, to find the entire alien war was a decoy to hide the real invasion. The insertion of humanoid aliens on earth, to live among us and blend in, all this while the aliens re-design a system of control implants for humans, as the governments of the world attempt to work against the program the aliens have been hard at work changing their tactics.

  The battles on their home world, bring you back to earth in phase 2 of the sequel, this time your fighting the humanoid aliens on earth that have made residence among the regular military. The fight on the Alien Home world is abandoned after the completion of the surgical strike missions to a majority of their tactical facilities, to include the manufacturing, engineering, birthing experimentation, and finally command and control. Now back on earth, its a fight from base to base clearing out the inserted hybrid humans on earth, with heat sensitive goggles on each troop you can identify and eliminate each alien soldier mixed in among the regular humans. Base by base encounter eliminating the scum of these aliens, the team researches to find that the alien leaders on earth are hiding among the leaders of the world in the government buildings, who also control the implants that many Humans have received at the base of their spine from the abductions secretly carried out with governmental consent for years.
  Now for phase 3, the final fight, from one major nations capital to another the fight continues into each government facility clearing out the alien leaders hiding among the capitals of those nations involved.  Their influence must be cleared, thankfully, your teams have had plenty of practice. The weapons have been tested in battle on multiple planets, and the bubble gum has run out. Unfortunately... the alien leaders have saved the best equipment for themselves. Personal shields, guided human seeking missiles, as well mind control, and the unavoidable take over of the innocent civilians as fodder to run into the path of the fighters. From your base now on earth, only after clearing all the military bases, and finished identifying and eliminating the aliens that have been inserted, this is it, the final push, each cleared government building is one push closer to the end. Can you complete the missions in time, the aliens have planted explosives at each capital, if they alien leaders are not cleared out, they will detonate the capitals as punishment for loosing control.  Can you pull it off in time?

 Oh yeah... I would LOVE to help write some of the story line.

 If you would let me. =)



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New name for Antareans
« Reply #42 on: December 31, 2006, 11:44:22 am »
Quote from: "boveele"
The language text for the aliens, if possible put some ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs on the ships, kinda like the ones they find on the real alien ships here on earth. The wording can be in any language in the known imagination for smoking up, but on the ships, chuck on some of them a little hieroglyphs characters as like they do in RL.

    Why Not? Not a bad idea but the ships can't be full of hieroglp... thingys too... This is no "Stargate:SG-1".

Quote from: "boveele"

 Kinda like the ones they find on the real alien ships here on earth

 .....:shock: i missed some important news, did a alien ship crashed to Earth? Can i see it? PLZ?

Quote from: "boveele"

 Also, imagine the game making 3 phases. Phase 1 on earth, phase 2 on the moon, and finally Phase 3 on Mars.  

IMO We already got a storyline but this is not bad but imho TOOO fictional.
i understand that clearing out some "major" bases from nearby planets, but most action should still be done on Earth. IMO firestorm like system(load spaceshuttle with units and weapon and send em to destroy 2-3 bases on mars and then let alive once to return) is better than leaving Earth without a protection.

Quote from: "boveele"

 When you start operation on the moon, its not a hunt in the sense your after the space craft and alien landings, no... your going after each of their bases, their supply bases, their launching bases, their living quarters, their hospitals, and their factory bases for replacement ships......

Just blow up the d*mn power center and control center and all done :P After you did that we get alien-ice-cream..

Quote from: "boveele"

 As the Mars phase kicks off, you need to once again, start the fight swinging, the newly established Mars base has just landed, troops have been armed, and supplies, as well, eager to fight. The Mars aliens are well aware of the capabilities of the invaders. This time, these bases are heavily loaded with aliens, the usual landing craft will be taxed to the limit entering the underground bases one by one. Clearing the aliens as they spot them going down each level into the harbor of these hostile buggers... Once complete, the knowledge of the Alien Home world becomes available, and will leave open a sequel to the game environment.

Again i support blowing up the central computer and energy system,or just nuking the base :P

Quote from: "boveele"
  The battles on their home world, bring you back to earth in phase 2 of the sequel, this time your fighting the humanoid aliens on earth that have made residence among the regular military. The fight on the Alien Home world is abandoned after the completion of the surgical strike missions to a majority of their tactical facilities, to include the manufacturing, engineering, birthing experimentation, and finally command and control. Now back on earth, its a fight from base to base clearing out the inserted hybrid humans on earth, with heat sensitive goggles on each troop you can identify and eliminate each alien soldier mixed in among the regular humans. Base by base encounter eliminating the scum of these aliens, the team researches to find that the alien leaders on earth are hiding among the leaders of the world in the government buildings, who also control the implants that many Humans have received at the base of their spine from the abductions secretly carried out with governmental consent for years.

Erm just give Earth armys those Goggles and let them to clear up alien scum left on Earth... U deal with bases they kill erm... Androids?

Quote from: "boveele"

 The weapons have been tested in battle on multiple planets, and the bubble gum has run out. Unfortunately... the alien leaders have saved the best equipment for themselves. Personal shields, guided human seeking missiles, as well mind control, and the unavoidable take over of the innocent civilians as fodder to run into the path of the fighters. From your base now on earth, only after clearing all the military bases, and finished identifying and eliminating the aliens that have been inserted, this is it, the final push, each cleared government building is one push closer to the end. Can you complete the missions in time, the aliens have planted explosives at each capital, if they alien leaders are not cleared out, they will detonate the capitals as punishment for loosing control.  Can you pull it off in time?

More likly final phase would be blowing up alien homeplanet and then (if u want) clear up some alien bases on and around Earth, Bombs in capital isn't much... More likely They would mind control/wash the presidents and force em to stop aiding Phalanx, that means no more support/money/soldiers til u free leaders from mind control (something similar to C&C:Red Alert 2 Psyhic beacons on russian side.

Quote from: "boveele"

 Oh yeah... I would LOVE to help write some of the story line.

 If you would let me. =)

I'm not the one who chooses but ur good choise :P[/quote]


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New name for Antareans
« Reply #43 on: January 03, 2007, 08:23:34 am »
As for the ships, they have writings on them that are pretty damn close if not exactly like the hieroglyphs on Ancient Egyptian structures and tunnels, as well as religious buildings.

 The pictures of these ships that have been recovered from crashes, etc... will be disclosed more in the coming years, starting with the French. The US was the first to successfully backwards engineer a pulse gravitational engine with a cheep form of Inertial nullifcation so going 8000 MPH will not kill the pilot and occupants. And on those ships (the ones we as humans built... with lots of help) out of respect to those teaching them put some of the characters on the ship, as well as USAF ID... Kinda funny to be honest. Their are a few weather satellite photos that show a sky contrail that spans from Nevada to the Atlantic Ocean, as well in other directions, in a perfect line. But they get blurred out fast, best way to identify them is from the sonic boom. ... that would be neat as well to add a little flavor, add some sound as the aircraft once are given the newer engines give a sonic boom when they leave the base.

 SO... do not need to cover the ship with those pictures from ancient Egypt, er.. more... per say... from the other civilization that is here with us. Just need a few tiny items here and their on the ship.

 As for the news about the Aliens that work here on earth doing research and training, the information about them has been qualified in a very dark manner. All of the scientists and engineers as well as doctors who have come forward to disclose what they have worked with for so many years, have been killed in many varying forms of absolutely horrific murders. As warning to others. So sick are these incidents, many of those left alive are no longer willing to speak about what they have already quoted, as well... now live in fear for their life.


 As for the bases on the Moon, it would just give another environment to fight, the skills of those making the game thus far could easily adapt the environment and images from the moon into the game. It would just be another touch of depth that the game could bring, and it would record a little more of the real extraterrestrial environment into the game. Even though it is a game.

 I still think it would be neat to at least have 1... or 2 missions on the moon, besides, once in game the faster engines are developed, its a quick flight to the moon, from the moon to earth is only a 7 hour trip using just a few rocket boosts, imagine the flight time if using the in-game developed technology.  Some runs to the moon, would still be cool. Especially if you could throw in a map of the moon for a backdrop as the craft approaches.
 Mars... it would be cool just to get even 1 neat mission to Mars. If their could be a couple of attacks, that would be great! In a tactical sense, knock out their communications on the Moon, and then on Mars. After removing their ability to traffic information from one planet to the other....  Then the landings could begin, take out the space craft base, and then on the next mission take out the Command and Control Base. The intel gathered would lead us to their home world.

 For the leaders of their units mixed in among ours in the capitals, they could use psionics to control the humans and send them forward to attack once discovered. As for the bombs... its just a story line piece, no explosive exists, its more of a motivator to remove the leaders from the alien civilization here on earth at the capitals of the various nations.
 In regards to regaining the lost revenue from the aliens taking over that country, you could just attack the capital and drive the aliens out, and that  would restore the income from the nation. It would ensure survival as the Aliens made their rounds from country to country removing human control from the decision making process. STILL... later on... on the sequal to this environment... you COULD add in this element of that phase. It would feed a little depth into what is happening already... besides.. I doubt it would be too much extra effort on the programmers part to make this possible.

 This game has proven its playability and enjoyment multiple times over for thousands of individuals around the world. Once this game is discovered in Mass...  a sequel will be demanded. Especially from what has already been completed, and how much they are capable of creating. Its very impressive, and enjoyable.

 Also... why would you let the humans back on earth take the pleasure of removing the aliens from the bases... when the Phalanx team could ... er should... do the cleaning, besides they are the only ones capable of performing these duties... So the Manual could be edited to say.

 This game has so much talent and support, as well its enjoyable, and improving frequently with new content, new innovations, and new controls, one day I believe this game will progress to the point where it in turn becomes something of an incredible experience for those playing, and those expanding and creating the game.  I look forward to seeing the next Release Candidate added.

 Now that the Map editor has been released... I can only IMAGINE the wonderful maps that will be generated to fight in. Will be exciting to say the least!!


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New name for Antareans
« Reply #44 on: January 03, 2007, 02:45:12 pm »
Let's not fill this topic with wild storyline speculation, shall we? We're not going down the extremely well-travelled road of aliens making contact with ancient Earth.

The plot is already in place, all that's left is to fill in the gaps.

As for the original topic, thank you all for your votes, we've decided to go with Tamans for the new name. You'll be able to see the great progress we've made in-game when 2.1 is ready to be released.
