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Author Topic: ufo extraterrestrials  (Read 5569 times)


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ufo extraterrestrials
« on: January 01, 2007, 11:01:24 pm »
First of all, happy new year to everyone.

I wonder if people there are planning to purchase ufo afterlight or ufo extraterrestrials. Both projects should go gold before beginning marsh 2007.

Also, thx to all ufo ai team, especially to Mattn and Hoeher who had faith and saved the project together.

I never donated anything to free project gamers and when and I see them working freely I feel sometimes very selfish.

Personnally I will buy UFO extratterestrials, and if Mattn, and hoeher are interested I will purchase for them the game too.

Just PM me your adress, and I will do the necessary once the game is released.

Thx again for all the ufo ai team,



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ufo extraterrestrials
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2007, 01:21:36 pm »
UFO:ET will be bought by me for SURE.  :P

Aftrlight... Hm... I think i download it first, check it out and buy it if it is good... But from what i saw in the screenshots, it is too comic-like for me...
Afterlight is a copycat like hell! Wanna a nice example?

See this pic:
and notice the weapon she holds.

OK. Now check out the Spinfusor Tribes 2: or
Or Tribes 3: Vengeance:
Doesnt the tribes 2-variant exactly look like hte weap of the chick?

Gamemags say "The spinfusor: a genuine Tribes classic" Yeah... And now copycatted...  :evil:

Wikipedia tells:
Spinfusor / Stormhammer / Disc-Launcher
The most popular weapon in the series and the bread-and-butter weapon in Tribes. A slow-reloading, disc projectile launcher. For most people, the Spinfusor is included in every loadout because it has an good damage rating and large explosive splash area. Known for being one of the most difficult staple weapons to master in online gaming, players are complimented for "Mid-Airs" (or "MAs"), hitting another player with a disc while both are in flight. It is considered a distinction of the Tribes Universe.


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ufo extraterrestrials
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2007, 11:14:26 am »
quite impressing.

I purchase the first one aftermath. At the beginning i was quite impressed buy the large weaponry choice in the game, I am a weapon freak.

But this was the only thing interesting in the game, I didn't have the slight feeling of playing an x-com game.

Having a wide variety of weapons and creatures with different damage resistance is nearly futile and annoying if it is not a TBS game.

I didn't even bother myself buying the 2nd of this serie. In afterlight they are finally trying the capture again some feeling of the mythos game. I guess that's why they made it more like a comics game. Also base manageemnt seems to be a little more related to the former x-com serie.

I am gonna check dozens of forums and read hardcore gamers feelings before thinking of buying this game.

Regard UFO ET, i have watched the gameplay movie, and even if it seems like a home made low budget game, I am going to buy it straightforward.