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Author Topic: Over 60 minutes in an hour? (+other bugs and lots requests)  (Read 2021 times)

Lupin III.

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Over 60 minutes in an hour? (+other bugs and lots requests)
« on: January 03, 2007, 05:50:03 pm »
The clock on the world map seems to run on some future time system. Or did the aliens warp the space-time-continuum? ;-) The minutes count 2 .. 4 .. 6 ...... 26 .. 28 .. 20?? .. 22 .. 24 .... 48 .. 40?? .... 62?? .. 64?? .. 66?? .. 68?? .. 00 something like this.

During the missions some of my soldiers got stuck and couldn't move anymore while tt was still possible to turn, to crouch and stand up, and to fire. This happened on the map with the two large office buildings. One time in the staircase leading to the roof of the smaller building (in the small room right before you get out to the roof). Another time I got stuck in the room with the projector while standing on one of the chairs.

A corpse lying on the ground blocks the line of fire!

Now to the requests:
1. and most important: DESTRUCTIBLE OBJECTS/WALLS!!
Either make everything out of concrete or make it destructible! Nothing is more annoying, as when you see an alien behind a paper-wall (e.g. japan-map) and have three snipers and two guys with grenades from another direction, but you cant do anything, because the walls seem to be made out of kevlar bolted to the ground. Same goes for the rocket launchers and fences/walls. I often "enlarged" windows in the original series with grenades/rockets to take out the aliens behind with snipers!

2. smaller squares on map
It would be nice, if the map would consist of smaller squares (soldiers thereby taking up 3x3 squares for example; the finer the better), so movement could be finer. Of course you would have more timeunits in this case. You could move "half" around a corner and wouldn't have to expose the whole soldier.
This would also make small drones possible (hey it's 2050!)

2.1. more than 8 directions of movement/looking
at least when moving, characters should not stick to the grid, but use a direct way to move.

2.2. more natural movement around corners
By leaving out the 4 corner squares of the 9 squares a soldier occupies (leaving a cross-form), movement could be more natural, as it would be possible to turn before being completly around the corner.

3. stand - crouch - lie
for more cover

4. mark soldiers as done
maybe I didn't get it, but can I mark soldiers as done so they don't get selected by tab till the end of the turn?

5. realtime mode
I really liked the pauseable realtime mode in the newer parts of the commercial games. Is this planned!

6. more soldiers per mission
why the limitation on 8 soldiers in a mission?

7. more scientists/workers
is this one screen of scientists really all I can get? Research takes forever!

8. Salvage
why is everything sold automatically? I want to keep the cool stuff! When I ended a UFO-mission there was no Element-115, no alien operating tables, no unidentified navigation device. They ar needed for the atmosphere!

9. production and selling price
producing and selling alien technology should earn you big money. You are the one who has the knowledge!

10. supply of human made weapons
there are only 1 assault rifle, 2 sniper rifles, 5 kevlar wests, 10 grenades on the whole planet? Come on, make this unlimited from the beginning!

11. more clearly presented interface
the old series had a really good interface in most aspects (assigning/equipping soldiers, hiring personnel, research, production, storage managment). Take some hints there.

Many request, far to go. As you can see, I'm still quite influenced by the original game, which was nearly perfect for its time! Thank you for all your effort put into the game! Keep up the good work!