UI script from 2.4 to 2.5

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Component syntax

  • Component syntax was unclear. Now it use the same syntax as window with extends keywork. Be carefull the order of the terme change.
    • component my-component extends another-component instead of component another-component my-component

Extension of sprites to merge code

Sprite support now tiled image we use for button and window. For a first small step, the file base/ufos/sprites_tiled.ufo contains all descriptions of tiled sprites [1]. But idea is to move later this properties next to image, and syntax will change.

On a side note, we can now use tiled or untiled sprites for most of the nodes, and we can easilly add more tile templates if it is need (bigger/smaller borders...)

  • image is deprecated for most of nodes window/button/panel/optionlist/checkbox/optiontree... Others will come later. We must use background property which is a sprite.
    • base/ufos/sprites_tiled.ufo curently override old image name with new sprite name. Then for nodes which support background, it should only need to rename the image propery to background property. [2]
  • custombutton is then useless and deprecated.
    • A simple rename to button should work. [3]
  • tiled images should be moved into base/pics/tiled
  • Cause we use sprites, image for checkbox is not at the same location, and it do not use anymore image, but sprites.
    • Two components have been created: checkbox_blue and checkbox_green. You can check the code on the file _menu.ufo.
    • images are located inside pics/banks/checkbox_*, and next everything will be splited into pics/icons/checkbox_*
    • while images are not splited, script ufos/sprites_tmp.ufo contains name of the sprites used to the checkboxs (which will became later name of image inside pics/icons).

Event callback

  • click event are detected on the mouse up, and not the mouse down
  • a click event can be disabled with another button down. Left button down, then right button down, then left button up, then right button up will not produce any click event.
  • onScroll/onScrollUp/onScrollDown is now fired to parent nodes if the node do not catch it. An empty event will stop the propagation (onScroll {})
    • click events will follow the same way
  • panel node is scrollable by default with mouse wheel/long left click/drag move.