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name of campaign

example: "_Standard Campaign"

example: "_txt_standard_campaign"

campaign description

example: human

which team?

how many soldiers in this campaign?

example: 12

what is the difficulty of this campaign? 0 is standard, the greater the harder. This modifies the rate at which alien interest increases throughout the campaign.

example: 0

  • minhappiness V_FLOAT

if more than half the nations have a happiness below this value, game will be lost.

example: 0.30

  • maxdebts V_INT

the maximum money you can borrow before loosing game.

example: 20000

  • xvirate V_INT

maximum average XVI rate of nations before the game is lost.

example: 70

  • researched V_STRING

list of researched topic when the game starts.

example: rslist_human

  • ugvs V_INT

number of UVGs you start the game with.

example: 2

which equipment to use

example: campaign_player

which market definition to use. This is an equipment definition, too

example: campaign_market

how much credits at start

example: 500000

which map to use for geoscape? The maps are in base/pics/geoscape. There need to be different maps, for the 2D geoscape a version for day and a version for night, for the 3D geoscape a map for each season in at least the low resolution version; masks for culture, nations, population and terrain are also needed. Have a look at the existing ones for more information.

example: map_earth

is this campaign visible in campaign list

example: true

starting date

example: "2000 0 7"

  • researchrate V_FLOAT

The number of research hours a single scientist produces for each hour of game time. Raising this number makes research go faster.

example: "0.8"

  • uforeductionrate V_FLOAT

This number is used in the equation that determines how many UFOs are spawned in a given cycle. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Higher numbers will result in fewer UFOs spawning.

example: "0.75"

  • employeerate V_FLOAT

An abstract number to increase or decrease the number of new employees a player receives each month. The base number will be multiplied by employeerate. If a nation was going to give 2 soldiers and employeerate is set to 1.5, the player will receive 3 soldiers. Note: nation happiness influences this as well so there is more at play than the nation employee value in nations.ufo.

example: "1.0"

  • initialinterest V_INT

The alien interest level at which the game starts. Alien interest increases one per day and is used to determine at what stage of the game UFOs appear, as well as some special events. Default is 20.

example: "20"

  • alienbaseinterest V_INT

The alien interest level at which aliens begin building bases. See initialinterest above.

example: "200"

Salary definitions

You can define the salary values for each campaign. Valid identifiers are:


salary {
	soldier_base 3200


campaign main
	name		"_Standard Campaign"
	text		"_txt_standard_campaign"
	team		human
	soldiers	9
	scientists	6
	workers		14
	medics		2
	difficulty	0
	minhappiness	0.30
	maxdebts	200000
	xvirate		70
	salary {
		soldier_rankbonus 500;

	researched rslist_human
	ugvs	2
	equipment	campaign_player
	market		campaign_market
	credits		1350000
	map		    map_earth
	visible		true
	date		"2084 79 6"