Talk:Comprehensive weapon table

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add splash damage info.
for example, this is important for the particle cannon.
Plouj suggests "repeat the table headings a few times, that way people don't have to scroll up ... to see what the columns mean"
blondandy: I think I will see if I can make the tables more compact so this is not required.

Zenerka "In the comprehensive weapon table empty fields in 1st and 5th columns should be filled
         because otherwise i need to scroll up to see for which weapon and which ammotype this fd is"
blondandy: Again I will try to make them more compect so this is not required.

Plouj	"I think it'd be best if blondandy merged some cells
         because the grenade launcher has so many
         if blondandy merges the 1st column of all grenade launcher
         it should display "grenade launcher" in the vertical middle of the cell
         that would work fine, I think"
blondandy: I will leave this for now, see if other improvements help

Plouj   "I suspect that repeating all the weapons will add unnecssary clutter"
blondandy: I agree. unless I have the repeated weapons in a font color close to the background. I will leave this for now.

blondandy: I agree with Plouj, repeating names would be make the tables cluttered.

Plouj	"change the background of cells for every other weapon"
blondandy: I have done this in my code - next time i update a table, you should see this.

Plouj suggests a light grey border
blondandy: done in code - will see in new tables

blondandy:will try moving handedness columns to skills table, to share clutter.