TODO/General/IR Goggles

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[WIP] [medium priority] TODO/General/IR Goggles - make sure no sunglasses are used in default head-models. The intended goggles are the new 'swimming goggle' type model by Hoehrer, NOT the old binocular-type model. See: IR Goggles. There are currently 3 (sane) ways to do this (remember that texture-changes affect all existing camo-skins as well):

  • Versions of all current soldier heads with non-green sunglasses and without anything.
    • The easy way - Texture-wise only colors need to be changed to non-green.
    • IR-goggles not displayed as model in battlescape
    • IR-goggles are visible in equip screen and as a symbol somewhere (e.g. cursor)
  • Versions of all current soldier heads with 1) IR goggles & 2)without anything.
    • The middle course in terms of work.
    • IR-goggles displayable in battlescape/equip with extra code (mattn, you got ideas here?).
    • IR-goggles are visible in equip screen and as a symbol somewhere (e.g. cursor)
    • Downside: No variations of heads with sunglasses (or other neutral new geoemtry) possible.
    • Upside: Only the existing head with sunglasses have to be disabled (there are duplicates without them already)
  • Versions of all current soldier heads with 1) IR goggles & 2) variantions with and without non-green sunglasses.
    • Update: After having a quick look on the head-textures it's clear that this way is only possible if not only the uv-map is changed for each head but also the texture-files have to be made bigger and/or re-arranged quite a bit. Crap on a stick, this is far from being worth it :(
    • Most work
    • IR-goggles displayable in battlescape/equip with extra code (mattn, you got ideas here?).
    • IR-goggles are visible in equip screen and as a symbol somewhere (e.g. cursor)
    • Additional space in texture to display sunglas AND goggles (remember that this effects all skins)
    • No downside aside from the additional work .. though I still need to check if we have enough space in all textures.
  • [done] New IR-goggles model.
  • [WIP] 'Headgear' slot for inventory. (code & menu) --Hoehrer
  • [open] IR icon in HUD or at 3D cursor. (code & HUD-art)
  • [WIP] Update head-models (see also the 3 ways above)
    • A list of existing head models (as of 2.1.1) and if/what goggles they have - mind you that the color is the one in the default headxx.jpg texture, there are more variations for each head, but these are quickly checked. --Hoehrer
    • soldiers/female
      • [open] head01: n=head01a.md2 sung=head01b.md2
      • [open] head02: n=head02a.md2 sunb=head02b.md2
      • [open] head03: n=head03a.md2 sw1bl=head03b.md2
      • [open] head04: n=head04a.md2 sung=head04b.md2
    • soldiers/male - see soldiers/male/heads.blend
      • [WIP] head01: n=head01a.md2 sung=head01b.md2
      • [open] head02: n=head02a.md2 sung=head02b.md2
      • [open] head03: n=head03a.md2
      • [open] head03: sw2bl=head03b.md2
      • [open] head04: n=head04a.md2
      • [open] head04: n=head04b.md2 sw1bl=head04c.md2
      • [open] head05: n=head05a.md2
      • [open] head05: n=head05b.md2 sung=head05c.md2
    • soldiers/femalelight and soldiers/malelight
      • All the models have goggles strapped to the helmet - including the strap (texture)!! (headxxa.md2) and a second version with the same goggles in front of the eyes (headxxb.md2) ... the glass-color of the goggles is a variation of brown/black.
    • soldiers/femalemedium and soldiers/malemedium
      • All the models have a black "visor"-like thing extending out from the helmet (headxxa.md2) or nothing at all (headxxb.md2)
    • [done] (quasi) malepower and femalepower
      • Currently these models have a fully enclosed head (until I find a way to make it transparent that is). So we'll look into IR stuff with that suit later on.
sung=with sunglasses-style (green) goggles
sunb=with sunglasses-style (blue) goggles
sw1bl=with DIFFERENT swimming-goggles style (black)
sw2bl=with DIFFERENT swimming-goggles style (black)
[g=with swimming-goggles style (green)]
[b=with swimming-goggles style (blue)]
n=no goggles