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Official Description

Jump Pack is a practical tool for soldiers that allows them to jump up or down around 3 meters (one storey) or to jump over obstacles on the battle field. It propels the soldier with help of a concentrated gas burst from the Jump Pack. Unfortunately it uses a special mixture of gases that can be compressed to much higher density than air making it usable only 2 times until refilled only in laboratory. Another disadvantage is that it uses whole backpack space and because of its weight is makes the person little more clumsy and slows him down significantly. As this tool uses a burst of gas it does not allow any movement coordination and will slightly propel the owner in direction where he is heading. It's usage is very easy and therefore does not require any special training.

Further research can improve this device to a much more sophisticated device that will allow hovering over ground in much higher levels as well as maneuvering.

Battle Implications

Jump Pack is ideal for soldiers that need to get on or jump down quickly from roofs or when they need to pass obstacles. Both snipers and close combat units can benefit significantly from JumpPack as they can take their strategic positions much faster. For safety reasons it is equipped with a sensor disallowing it's usage in closed spaces. When depleted, soldier can drop it on the floor and collect it after the battle. This will bring back soldiers full movement capabilities.

Possible uprade to JetPack