Talk:Equipment/Proposed/Dirty Harry's Revolver

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Heh, good joke (souvenir rather than against ailen) , but I have nothing against making revolver/pistol powerful weapon (flor pistol - e.q Desert Eagle).

funny harry

If people find my idea funny, than I wish this weapon to be a secret unique item like an easter egg. It has one bullet left, but hey, after you find it you can find hidden rounds throughout the missions. --Sirg 16:46, 28 September 2006 (CEST)


May be is better to give civilians "right to bare arms" i.e. wide-spread (at our time) .35 or .45 short-barrel revolvers? Not very effective against aliens, but better than golf-club. And 12g shotgun can do the job, or at least give civilian a chance. --Eltar spinne 18:27, 20 July 2007 (CEST)