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Aircraft Operations

Aircraft Landed

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. (Air) Subakh al-Kuhar, Air Wing, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Aircraft Landed -- {aircraft}

Commander, {aircraft} has landed at {base}. It is now being {refuelled/refuelled and rearmed/repaired, refuelled and rearmed}. Estimated work time on this craft before she can be launched again is %s hours.


Aircraft Bingo Fuel

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. (Air) Subakh al-Kuhar, Air Wing, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Aircraft Bingo Fuel -- {aircraft}

Commander, {aircraft} has run out of flight time. It has only enough fuel left to return to {base}. Mission has been aborted.


Aircraft Ready

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. (Air) Subakh al-Kuhar, Air Wing, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Aircraft Ready -- {aircraft}

Commander, {aircraft} has been {refuelled/refuelled and rearmed/repaired, refuelled and rearmed} and is ready for action.


Aircraft Lost Target

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. (Air) Subakh al-Kuhar, Air Wing, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Aircraft Lost Target -- {aircraft}

Commander, {aircraft} has lost radar tracking of {target} and is unable to reacquire. Please provide further orders.


New Aircraft Arrived

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. (Air) Subakh al-Kuhar, Air Wing, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: New Aircraft Arrived -- {base}

Commander, {aircraft} has arrived at {base} and has cleared its diagnostics and pre-flight tests. It is ready to launch at your say-so.


Alien Activity

Alien Activity Reported

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Col. Ingrid Falkland, Intelligence Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Alien Activity Reported -- {location}

Good morning, Sir.

We have a confirmed sighting of live aliens in {location}. Civilians are at risk; I recommend we send troops over there right away. Good luck and good hunting.

With kind regards,

Col. Falkland

UFO Shot Down

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Col. Ingrid Falkland, Intelligence Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: UFO Shot Down -- {target}

Good morning, Sir.

We've shot down an alien craft. The UFO has crash-landed in the national territory of {nation}, and I've already secured permission for our troops to go in and recover the craft. We should dispatch a dropship immediately.

With kind regards,

Col. Falkland

Response Too Late

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Col. Ingrid Falkland, Intelligence Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Response Too Late -- {location}

Good morning, Sir.

I thought I'd let you know, the enemy force at {location} seems to have successfully {completed its mission/repaired its UFO} due to our failure to respond. All hostiles have disappeared {into the countryside/into orbit}. %s civilians died in the incident, and our reputation has suffered as a result.

With kind regards,

Col. Falkland

New Radar Contact

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: XO Abel S. Howard, Command & Control, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: New Radar Contact -- {target}

Sir, radar is tracking an unidentified target on our screens. {target} has no scheduled flight plan and is not responding to hails. We should launch an interception immediately.

Lost Radar Tracking

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: XO Abel S. Howard, Command & Control, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Lost Radar Tracking -- {target}

Sir, an unidentified target object has disappeared from our radar screens. All attemtps to reacquire {target} have failed and we have no further knowledge of its whereabouts and activities.

Alien Base Discovered

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: XO Abel S. Howard, Command & Control, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Alien Base Dicovered -- {target}

Sir, our operatives have discovered the location of a large alien installation on Earth. This installation represents a serious threat to PHALANX and to humanity at large, we must take it out ASAP.

Mission Summary

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: XO Abel S. Howard, Command & Control, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Mission Summary -- {location}

Sir, I have a brief report for you of our mission to {location}.

The mission was a {success/failure}. The hosting country, {nation}, was {impressed/disappointed} with our performance and our relations with them have {improved/deteriorated}.

%s aliens were found and killed by PHALANX troops. %s PHALANX troops were killed or are missing in action, and %s civilians were killed over the course of the mission.

%s items have been recovered from the battlefield and moved to base storage. We captured %s live enemy specimens and retrieved %s bodies.

{The UFO has been recovered and {transferred to a UFO hangar/discarded for lack of space}.}

Base Attack Report

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: XO Abel S. Howard, Command & Control, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Base Attack Report -- {base}

Here is the report regarding the alien attack on our installation {base}.

The mission was a {success/failure}. We {held/lost} the base.

%s facilities were left undamaged by the attack.

%s facilities received minor damage and are being repaired with no additional costs.

{list of minorly damaged facilities}

%s facilities received major damage, requiring immediate repair. Costs have been subtracted from our budget.

{list of majorly damaged facilities}

%s facilities were completely destroyed in the attack.

{list of destroyed facilities}

%s aliens were killed during the fighting. %s PHALANX troops were killed or are missing in action.

%s items have been recovered from the battlefield and moved to base storage. We captured %s live enemy specimens and retrieved %s bodies.

{The UFO has been recovered and {transferred to a UFO hangar/discarded for lack of space}.}

Base Operations

New Base Ready

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: XO Abel S. Howard, Command & Control, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: New Base Ready -- {base}

Ownership of our new base has been transferred and the premises have been secured. {base} is now ready for construction.

Construction Finished

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: XO Abel S. Howard, Command & Control, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Construction Finished -- {facility}

A new {facility} has been completed and is now operational in {base}.

Equipment Order Received

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: XO Abel S. Howard, Command & Control, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Equipment Order Received -- {base}

The new equipment we ordered has arrived at {base}. It's been tested and is ready for use.

Transfer Received

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: XO Abel S. Howard, Command & Control, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Transfer Received -- {base}

The transfers you ordered for {base} have arrived and are ready to go.

UFO In Hangar

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. Paul Navarre, R&D: Engineering Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: UFO Stored In Hangar -- {base}

The UFO we recovered has arrived at one of our UFO Hangars in {base}, Commander. We can now start disassembling it for parts.

--Cdr. Navarre

Monthly Report

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: XO Abel S. Howard, Command & Control, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Monthly Report -- {month}

Sir, our monthly budget and performance review is due today. Here are the figures and overview of our operations.


Base maintenance: %s Credits

Aircraft maint.: %s Credits

Equipment maint.: %s Credits

Total maintenance: %s Credits


Base construction: %s Credits

Facility construction: %s Credits

Total construction: %s Credits


Soldiers salary: %s Credits

Workers salary: %s Credits

Scientists salary: %s Credits

Pilots salary: %s Credits

Total salary: %s Credits


Production costs: %s Credits


Aircraft bought: %s Credits

Aircraft sold: %s Credits

Equipment bought: %s Credits

Equipment sold: %s Credits

Total bought/sold: {+/-} %s Credits


The UN has been {happy/satisfied/unhappy} with our overall performance and has {increased/maintained/decreased} its funding for the PHALANX project this month.

UN funding for {next month}: %s Credits

Funding for previous month: %s Credits

Change: {+/-} %s Credits


Total income: %s Credits

Total expenditures: %s Credits

Current funds: %s Credits


Alien activity reports: %s

Missions performed: %s

Missions succeeded: %s

Missions failed: %s

UFOs spotted: %s

UFOs shot down: %s

Enemies killed: %s

Enemies captured: %s

Soldiers lost: %s

Aircraft lost: %s

Bases built: %s

Bases lost: %s


Production Finished

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. Paul Navarre, R&D: Engineering Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Production Finished -- {item}

The engineering team has completed production of {item} at {location}. All equipment is tested and ready for use.

--Cdr. Navarre

Not Enough Resources

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. Paul Navarre, R&D: Engineering Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Not Enough Resources -- {item}

There aren't enough materials to continue production of {item} at {location}. The production has been suspended.

--Cdr. Navarre

Not Enough Money

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. Paul Navarre, R&D: Engineering Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: {date}

SUB: Not Enough Money -- {item}

We're too low on funds to continue production of {item} at {location}. The production has been suspended.

--Cdr. Navarre