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UFOpaedia Entry


TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. Paul Navarre, R&D: Engineering Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: %02i %s %i

SUB: Proposal: Alien Artifact -- Particle Beam Cannon

Commander, we've recovered a large alien cannon that fires high-energy particle beams. It is extremely deadly and has frightening effects on our armour during preliminary testing. We need to perform more research on these weapons immediately.

Please authorise this program at your earliest convenience.

--Cdr. Navarre


TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

FROM: Cdr. Paul Navarre, R&D: Engineering Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

DATE: %02i %s %i

SUB: Re: Alien Artifact -- Particle Beam Cannon

Commander, we've finished work on this big damned cannon we brought back.

We've always suspected that a real alien army would field more than just plasma weapons and Kerrblades. Now they've gone and proved us right. This particle beam weaponry is extremely advanced, a quantum leap above the plasma weapons, miniaturised far beyond our ability to duplicate.

Particle-beam weaponry is designed to hit a target object with a stream of accelerated particles moving at near-light velocities, therefore carrying tremendous kinetic energy. Until now we've only seen the aliens use this technology in large UFO weapons. Now, however, they're using it on the ground in the worst way.

This cannon has got to be the most powerful infantry particle beam the aliens can field, because I can't imagine them getting much bigger. Though smaller and lighter than the Plasma Blaster, the PB cannon's recoil is out of this world. It can blast a full grown man clean off his feet in one shot. No normal human will be able to use this weapon. We can adapt it for mounting on our UGVs, and we may be able to enhance our soldiers with cybernetic implants or powered armour, but that's all.

As bad as the recoil is, the target will have it worse. A single fleeting hit -- a heartbeat of exposure -- will buckle three inches of homogenous steel and blow the target back by several metres. This is usually all that's necessary. A second hit will turn the buckle into a fist-sized hole, clean through. Our infantry armour will perform only slightly better, but deflection will help somewhat.

The cannon's mechanics are quite simple, nothing that we can't duplicate easily with enough money and effort. The only thing we have yet to figure out is the ammo supply. The energy readings we've taken from the magazines are extreme, and despite our efforts, we haven't managed to disable or disarm one in order to safely open it up. Even shooting it dry doesn't completely deactivate one of these magazines. More research will be required before we can try and understand them, much less reproduce them.

That's all I've got for you right now, Commander. I'll keep you updated on our progress with the magazines.

--Cdr. Navarre

Damage Type



Stat Suggestions

(This information for reference only; do not translate or include in-game.)


1) Extremely high damage.

2) Long range.


1) Very long reload time.

2) Very high recoil -- cannot be used by standard infantry, must be wearing at least Medium armour.

3) Damage lowered by smoke/gas/fire.

Research Tree Data

(This information for reference only; do not translate or include in-game.)

 1 Particle beam cannon
 Enables production -- Particle Beam Cannon
 Man-Portable Particle Beams