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Latest revision as of 21:36, 15 September 2010


Currently all research related stuff is in research.ufo.

The unique name of the research item. It is a convention to start the name with rs_
Just says where to look for more information (this is internal information and will not be displayed anywhere, but is needed to check/find information)
  1. tech: V_STRING
    • Items have all the information in here. Especially the name and the model/image.
  2. everything else (weapon, craft, building, alien, etc...)
self-explaining i hope :) Only needed when type=tech
Defines in which chapter of the ufopedia this item will show up. (The chapters are defined in up_chapters main)
A short string that is used by gettext to be translateable (e.g "_itemname_txt").
This needs to be a unique string in all desciptions. See the po files in the source directory (src/po/*.po)
A short string that is used by gettext to be translateable (e.g "_itemname_pre_txt").
This needs to be a unique string in all desciptions. See the po files in the source directory (src/po/*.po)
This string is displayed if you've collected some items but have not researched them yet
  • require_AND:
This is a list of required techs or collected items that all are possible to get the current tech
  • require_OR:
This is a list of required techs or collected items where at least one has to be researched already to get the current tech
The item (only one allowed) name in the correct ufo file or data-structure (e.g inventory).
The given names are not "tech" items.
This items can be produced once the "tech" item has been finished.
Default: 0
time the research needs (the time that one scientist would need to research the item i.e. the maximum time to complete the research with no pauses). If time is 0 the item can be produced at the same time all the "required" items are finished.
Default: false
  1. false: You need to research this tech.
  2. true: You can produce it from the beginning.
Default: false
  1. false: You only need to have the required technologies researched to research this item.
  2. true: To be able to research this item you need to have all required technologies researched and at least one item collected.
Path to the image that should be displayed on the top (big) or bottom (small) in the ufopedia.
Same as the image but for 3d-models.
It overrides the image-definitions if it is provided.
How many days per item


Currently there are two files containing "tech" descriptions:


tech rs_weapon_kerrblade
	name	"_Alien Artifact - Kerrblade"
	type	weapon
	up_chapter	artifacts

	description {
		default "_kerrblade_txt"
	pre_description {
		default "_kerrblade_pre_txt"

		from	"_mail_from_paul_navarre"
		to		"_mail_to_base_commander"
		// subject	defined by "name"
		icon	icons/artifact

		from	"_mail_from_paul_navarre"
		to		"_mail_to_base_commander"
		// subject	defined by "name"
		icon	icons/artifact

		item kerrblade 1
		tech rs_skill_close
		tech rs_damage_normal
	provides	kerrblade
	time	200
	producetime	-1
