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Latest revision as of 17:34, 12 September 2010


  • size: V_INT The field size on battlefield
  • hit_particle: V_STRING The particle that is shown if an actor from the given team was hit
  • name: V_TRANSLATION_STRING The name of the team (translatable)
  • race:
  • robot: V_BOOL Team is for robots
  • armour: V_BOOL Team can carry armour
  • weapons: V_BOOL Team can carry weapons
  • templates: List of character templates
  • names: A list of actor-names for the given language. Uses sub-lists as follows:
    • neutral:
    • female:
    • male:
    • lastname:
    • female_lastname:
    • male_lastname:
  • models: A List of model-paths with the following syntax:
<path/to/model/relative/to/base/models> <model_file_name> <model_head_filename> <skinnumber>

The skinnumber is always refering to the reference texture saved in the header of the body model file. The heads have at present time usually just one skin defined. To change the filenames of the textures or the amount of available skins you maybe (depends on the model format) have to edit the model files.

Model file name & model head filename are always refering to md2 files, the references to the path, the name & the amount of skin-textures are stored inside the header of the md2s.

The model file name is the name for the unarmoured model. If the actor was equipped with armour, the path is extended with the values from the particular armour definition.

If e.g. a taman is equipped with the alien light armour (which has the armour path "light") the path is extended by the engine to base/models/aliens/tamanlight. Thus the bodyXX and headXX md2 files will be used from base/models/aliens/tamanlight/body01.md2.

The skin that is used here must be available in the head and the body model.

Another example:

models {
 neutral {
  aliens/ortnok body01 head01 0
  aliens/ortnok body01 head01 1

An Ortnok that is not equipped with any armour will use the models from base/models/aliens/ortnok (both body01.md2 and head01.md2) - either with skin 0 or 1.

Now let's equip the Ortnok with some armour (depends on the equipment definition you are using for the mission you are spawning). The path where the engine will load the model from now depends on the armour item that was equipped. Imagine we added the armour_light_alien item to the Ortnok inventory. The path the engine will search for body01.md2 and head01.md2 is now base/models/aliens/ortnoklight (notice the light in the path name).

Uses sub-lists as follows:

    • neutral:
    • female:
    • male:
  • actorsounds: A list of soundfiles for the various sound-events. Syntax
<sound-event> <path/to/soundfile/soundfile/relative/to/base/sound>

Uses sub-lists as follows:

    • neutral:
    • female:
    • male:

Possible sound-events are:

    • hurtsound:
    • deathsound:


team shevaar
	name			"_Shevaar"
	tech			"rs_alien_shevaar_autopsy"
	race			shevaar
	armour			false
	size			1
	hit_particle	blood

	names {
		neutral {
		lastname {
			"Uk Kronok"
			"Np Zlrok"

	models {
		neutral {
			aliens/shevaar body01 head01 0
			aliens/shevaar body01 head01 1

	actorsounds {
		neutral {
			hurtsound aliens/shevaarhurt01
			hurtsound aliens/shevaarhurt02
			hurtsound aliens/shevaarhurt03
			hurtsound aliens/shevaarhurt04
			hurtsound aliens/gurgle
			hurtsound aliens/shevaarcall01
			deathsound aliens/slithering
			deathsound aliens/shevaar
			deathsound aliens/shevaardeath01
			deathsound aliens/shevaardeath02