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Author Topic: [REQUEST] A simplified Import/Export workflow  (Read 2140 times)

Offline RaXaR

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[REQUEST] A simplified Import/Export workflow
« on: July 05, 2011, 02:55:02 am »
Hi devs I know you're busy with a looooong todo list so I hate to add this as a
request. Nonetheless after struggling for a good couple of hours to achieve
exactly zero, I decided to make a feature request.

The request:
Please consider using as a format for import/exporting
models+animations+textures. directly into the game engine OR writing a small
executable to covert from .dae to .md2+.anm automatically. The tool only needs
to extract the relevant information from the .dae file. Since the COLLADA format is
basically XML and already has a c++ library it shouldn't bee too difficult to
do (correct me if I'm wrong).

The reasoning
First and foremost, the COLLADA format is an open format. It will be in use for
many years to come. The format is supported by all major and minor 3D
packages and applications.
I'm not saying throw away the .md2 stuff, but now (4+ years later) the
format is basically dead. Any tools out there that still supports .md2 are also
dead/broken. The biggest gripe I have with the current system is that in the
time I've spent trying to mix and match tools to get it into the game engine
I could have modelled/textured/tested and submitted for review a whole bunch
of models (or 1 bigger complicated model). In addition to the time involved,
the .dae format is plain text, so you can easily open it with a text editor and
look at the data for finding bugs etc.

I think that using this format would really benefit the project as a whole. So
if you took the time to read all this babble then thank you.

As for me, I'm off to a dreamy/happy place where I can contribute
to UFO:AI easily ;D

Offline Mattn

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Re: [REQUEST] A simplified Import/Export workflow
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2011, 07:07:21 am »
Please make this a Feature Request on the tracker and assign it to me. I will Look into it.

Offline RaXaR

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Re: [REQUEST] A simplified Import/Export workflow
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2011, 01:02:34 pm »
Hi Mattn, thanks for the reply.
There wasn't an option to assign it specifically to you, so I selected the options that I thought it fit best.
I used the tracker here:
It got auto-assign to "screamingwns".