I probably won't work at the speed you'd like,
I hoped that you are motivated to see the new stuff in action !?

but if you prepare the textures I or someone else can get them swapped in time for the 2.3 release. It would make it much easier (and therefore more likely to get done quickly) if you spell out very clearly which textures are to appear in which locations in which UFO (ie - which map files).
I would make screenshots with the exact locations of all the textures + add a description which is to be exchanged with which one, but that means work for me, that I only want to do if someone is willing to help me with this

I already made a feature request regarding this subject on sourceforge, but I can't reach the server @ the moment so I will post a link to this here later...
Also, I know you're eager to get everything completely done, but smaller changes are more likely to get implemented.
That's why I uploaded 7 new flares yesterday, as 1st step

If you prepare the textures to appear in one UFO on one map, and then prepare a brief on what's to be changed, that will be much better for the person doing it than being faced with a list of dozens and dozens of changes to be made across dozens of maps.
That is why I want to finish documenting everything, so the code will be easy to understand...
If you get impatient waiting, though, I'll tell you that swapping out the textures on the UFOs is actually something you could do pretty easily without needing to learn almost anything about Radiant. You'd only need to get to grips with the most basic controls.
Side question to those who have built more of UFORadiant's features: is there any way to track prefabs across maps so that changes on a prefab effect the maps where it's used? My guess is no, but thought I'd double check.
This is one of the questions regarding this subject, that also were floating through my mind & I have no experience using UFORadiant, know just the absolutely basics regarding this tool & I really have no time for long experiments, when I know there are UFORadiant professionals around who could do this stuff in 20 minutes for all 3 of the U.F.O.s, with no questions left unanswered & I would need hours & hours of testing to get it done
The benefit of this work done would be that there would be different animations for every panel & every monitor in all the big U.F.O.s on every map ! The bomber for example has one monitor-texture used throughout the whole ship, so there can be only one material definition defined for this monitor with the effect that all monitors in the ship would have the same animation running, we could just change the configuration for other maps, but not for each monitor separetely...