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Author Topic: TODO messages and lack of ufos landed  (Read 2584 times)


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TODO messages and lack of ufos landed
« on: January 24, 2008, 07:26:22 pm »
Hi. I started a new game and I have encountered two 'problems' (no bugs at all):

- sometimes, when you make an automission on a crash ufo, appears a story screen (like the introduction's one) with only a "<TODO>" message. Then it drives you to the options screen and you have to click on continue to return to the game. I think that screen should be deactivated, at least until there is any message to show  ;)

- I have a game which I can't continue because the lack of landed ufos. I only have seen one landed ufo but I had to sell it because the ufo hangar was not finished. It happened early in the game, maybe march or april in gameplay's time, but now I have reach october and have nothing to do except the ocasional terror attack and the ufos I crash. Nothing new to research. Is this normal?