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Author Topic: Newbie questions  (Read 8971 times)


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Newbie questions
« on: May 22, 2009, 10:14:55 pm »
Hi everyone, new UFO:AI player here. First of all, my congratulations to the devs for making the first game since Apocalypse that is actually worthy of the X-COM legacy. Awesome work! :D

That being said, I have a few questions about the early game. I've played through the first two months a couple of times to get the hang of it, so I'm not totally clueless.

1. How many Scientists early on? With only 10 research felt really slow. I tried making an extra lab, but that meant I need another Living Quarters and my first base is already quite cramped . Should I perhaps just start a new base as soon as I get my first paycheck and specialize it in research, with some 20-30 scientists?

2. Lasers, Boltgun or Plasma first? Which should be the first priority?

3. How in heaven's name am I supposed to shoot down UFOs? It's a suicide mission. I'm lucky if my Stiletto lands a single shot on the target. Of the weapons Shiva and Rocket Pods result in me getting shot down before I can get a single shot out. Sparrowhawks match the range of Alien weapons, but miss a LOT. And then it's the choice between ECMs to try and keep my Stiletto alive, which simply means I keep missing until the Alien finally lands a shot, or Targeting Computers which mean I might land a few missiles, but my Stilletto is dead meat. The best I've managed to get is for both the UFO and my Interceptor to crash, and that's about 1 out of 5 engagements, the other 4 is just my Stilleto down. Quite frankly, I can't even get enough equipment to keep up with the losses...

4. When reading about squad weapon loadouts I rarely see anyone mention the Grenade Launcher. Why is that? I've found that being able to auto-fire three grenades for some 12 TUs wipes out almost anything, and accuracy isn't much of a concern since it only needs to land near the target (Airburst mode).

5. Does nighttime have any gameplay effect? I assumed my accuracy and line of sight would go down, but as far as I can tell nothing changes...

6. I understand that there is a maximum number of civilians that can get killed before I'm shut down regardless of my overall performance. Is this true? If yes, what's the limit? Is it monthly or grand total? Also, if yes, why is such a mechanic in place? Wouldn't it be better to just make civilian deaths have a larger impact on country happiness? Also, there's also the fact that I've had missions where almost all civilians were dead in the first two rounds, before I saw more than one Alien...

On a final note, I especially love how Reactionary Fire is handled. It actually makes sense...

Offline geever

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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2009, 09:54:50 am »
Hi and welcome.

1. How many Scientists early on? ...

It's a good idea having more scientists even more bases, yes.

2. Lasers, Boltgun or Plasma first? Which should be the first priority?

Which better fit your tactic. It's totally up to you. Play much and you will see. ;)

3. How in heaven's name am I supposed to shoot down UFOs? ...

There was a bug in 2.2 - but fixed in 2.2.1 - where aircraft was shot down on first hit. In general: put on armour plates(*) send more interceptors, build and equip base defense to help them when they're near to the base.

(*) My usual loadout on a Stiletto is: 1 Shiva, 2 Sparrowhawk, ECM, Targeting Computer, Armour plates (so everything).

4. When reading about squad weapon loadouts I rarely see anyone mention the Grenade Launcher. Why is that? ....

I remember guys speaking about the grenade launcher. Anyway balancing isn't a finished task.

5. Does nighttime have any gameplay effect? I assumed my accuracy and line of sight would go down, but as far as I can tell nothing changes...

It will have.

6. I understand that there is a maximum number of civilians that can get killed before I'm shut down regardless of my overall performance. Is this true? If yes, what's the limit? Is it monthly or grand total? ....

It 40 AFAIR grand total but successfull missions doesn't count (again AFAIR). This condition was removed in the current development version.

On a final note, I especially love how Reactionary Fire is handled. It actually makes sense...

Well, we changed the RF method since 2.2.1 it's more like in XCOM now. You reserve time for reactionfire from the current turn's TUs.



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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2009, 10:48:16 am »
Thanks for the reply, I'll try out the Interceptor loadout you suggested and see how it goes.

Well, we changed the RF method since 2.2.1 it's more like in XCOM now. You reserve time for reactionfire from the current turn's TUs.

Shame, I actually like the current RF more.


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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2009, 08:42:37 am »
Hi Jandau,

Welcome to the game!
I guess geever already answered quite a number of ur queries! Hope u have had fun!

The 2.3 is not out yet, though there have been some of the folks doing self-compiled SVN versions of it. Destructavator, Muton and myself all have these. Can check the current built here: (Though be warned, alot of bugs and testing still in process).

My SVN current builts here
Destructavator's Built + Muton's patches

I do pretty regular builts, which u can download at nakido's site. U need not the nakido flag, though it helps support resume download functions.

Muton does regular patching - do some reading up on his patches notes..... its a little bit technical but nothing u cant handle. :)

On your queries, i believe geever done a good job already. Here's some more of my own views:

1. How many Scientists early on? With only 10 research felt really slow. I tried making an extra lab, but that meant I need another Living Quarters and my first base is already quite cramped . Should I perhaps just start a new base as soon as I get my first paycheck and specialize it in research, with some 20-30 scientists?

10 is pathetic. U need 100s of em. lol. I crammed as many as i can, and u see quite a diff already when u have >30 of em.

2. Lasers, Boltgun or Plasma first? Which should be the first priority?
IMO? 1st priority is always Boltgun in v2.2.1. They have good stats. Once u r there, do Lasers. then u can manufacture DF carts and Laser Rifles.

For V2.3 dev built, u will do away with bolts and go straight into Lasers. DF Carts and Rifles are the least, wat u really want is coilguns (excellent sniper wpns). Wont spoil the game for u, or intend to impose or restrict ur style of play.

U may want to discuss them in the Tactics sections in the forum here.

4. When reading about squad weapon loadouts I rarely see anyone mention the Grenade Launcher. Why is that? I've found that being able to auto-fire three grenades for some 12 TUs wipes out almost anything, and accuracy isn't much of a concern since it only needs to land near the target (Airburst mode).

Again, read the section in tactics. For me, i do not even use GL (Grenade Launchers in military terms, btw). Lol. I prefer rocket launchers (to save cost, to save environment [ok, this does not get implemented in gameplay], and to prevent perhaps civilians [aka civi here] who might just be around). Anyway, its back to ur own style of play, and i guess everyone has diff ones. Though some might just be more effective than others lol.

5. Does nighttime have any gameplay effect? I assumed my accuracy and line of sight would go down, but as far as I can tell nothing changes...

Not too sure on this one. There used to be trace discussions on this, but perhaps u could post this separately in a diff thread to get dev's attention?

Logically, yes, there are. PLUS, there is definately the feel of eerieness. But like u, i see no diff in day / night.

6. I understand that there is a maximum number of civilians that can get killed before I'm shut down regardless of my overall performance. Is this true? If yes, what's the limit? Is it monthly or grand total? Also, if yes, why is such a mechanic in place? Wouldn't it be better to just make civilian deaths have a larger impact on country happiness? Also, there's also the fact that I've had missions where almost all civilians were dead in the first two rounds, before I saw more than one Alien...

Yes, this was in 2.2.1. Frankly, tat was simply not practical and i confirm what geever shared: that the dev team already removed this in the current 2.2.1 and instead, nations simply become less happy, and if u go below their happiness level, u lose the game (instead of like u say, X nos of civis deaths before GG).



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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2009, 04:41:08 pm »

 I am a newbie to UFO AI so I believe I will ask something, that is surely answered somewhere. But I can't find ...

1: I am trying to build up new base dedicated for research. So I built Power plant, Command centre, some living quarters and lot of Laboratories.
 I've been waiting some game days, but there are no any scientists to hire.
What should I do to have them available for hiring, please?

2: How could I compile new language file (ufoai-cs.po.txt) into the current version, please?

Thanks for reply  ::)

UFO AI version 2.2.1

Offline geever

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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2009, 05:14:40 pm »
1: I've been waiting some game days, but there are no any scientists to hire.
What should I do to have them available for hiring, please?

You get new people to hire on every month. (keep nations happy ;) )

2: How could I compile new language file (ufoai-cs.po.txt) into the current version, please?

If you have the release version from SourceForge it doesn't contain the utility which compiles the languagefiles. Note that a language file based on the trunk (latest development snapshot) - I think there was no Czech for 2.2.1 - may not fit to 2.2.1 correctly.

If you have an SVN checkout contrib/scripts/compile_po.bat can compile the languagefiles on Windows with msgfmt.exe.



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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2009, 05:54:26 pm »
Thanks a lot for answers. It helped me a lot!  ;)


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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2009, 08:19:54 pm »

 I am a newbie to UFO AI so I believe I will ask something, that is surely answered somewhere. But I can't find ...

1: I am trying to build up new base dedicated for research. So I built Power plant, Command centre, some living quarters and lot of Laboratories.
 I've been waiting some game days, but there are no any scientists to hire.
What should I do to have them available for hiring, please?


UFO AI version 2.2.1

Eloz eloz and welcome in to the game (again)! :D

Maybe since u r new, u might want to try an 'easy campaign' so that u have more scientists to begin with. And probably get more scientists along the way.

Still, u will have to wait till end of month (each month) to get new 'soldiers, workers, scientists,*

Have fun! PS: U can check out current 2.3 development versions thru either downloading the SVN trunks and compiling em to check out new stuff (though with many bugs unsquashed), or download one of the threads' SVN compiled installers from quite a few of us. :D


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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2009, 10:57:18 pm »
I know I need to reserve TUs for reaction fire, but I do I need to do anything other than make sure I have left overs? I often leave soldiers with more than enough points for a snap shot, but aliens seem to be able to walk right up to them and kill them without them reacting at all.

In order to have any chance,do I need to play missions over if I lose more than 1 soldier?

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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2009, 05:13:35 am »
this is because you don't have a team room, if you build the team room, it should happen less often.
the reason is that, without the team room, your soldiers will sometimes hate each other, and therefore they enjoy watching their comrades being blasted and cut to pieces, and they just don't pull the trigger to save their fellows with reaction fire.
and, with all those social problems, some soldiers become emo, which by definition means that they hate themselves, and therefore they don't pull the trigger even if it is to save themselves.
so, it is a feature.

but really, it is an artifact of the not extremely imaginative but simple reaction fire system (afaik the team room has no effect here at all).
avoid line of sight in shooting range by setting up a few snipers, using ir-goggles, using grenade launchers, attacking aliens from behind, etc, it really becomes very simple (to the point of extreme boredom) once you get used to it.
don't rely so much on close range reaction fire and you'll be fine.


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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2009, 11:13:40 am »
this is because you don't have a team room, if you build the team room, it should happen less often.
the reason is that, without the team room, your soldiers will sometimes hate each other, and therefore they enjoy watching their comrades being blasted and cut to pieces, and they just don't pull the trigger to save their fellows with reaction fire.
and, with all those social problems, some soldiers become emo, which by definition means that they hate themselves, and therefore they don't pull the trigger even if it is to save themselves.
so, it is a feature.

Ahem. Is this even true? lol. AFAIK, team rooms have no functions at this point. :P
But i like your RPG-ising it. :D

but really, it is an artifact of the not extremely imaginative but simple reaction fire system (afaik the team room has no effect here at all).

Aha, i knew it! :P

avoid line of sight in shooting range by setting up a few snipers, using ir-goggles, using grenade launchers, attacking aliens from behind, etc, it really becomes very simple (to the point of extreme boredom) once you get used to it.
don't rely so much on close range reaction fire and you'll be fine.

In short, vary your strategy. Use cover fire strategy. Read it up in military tactics. :D Always ensure every angle is covered before charging blindly into battle. U never know when a guerilla is awaiting to feast on your soldier. :P