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Messages - igor140

Pages: [1]
Bugs in older version (2.4) / Re: Mouse cannot scroll to bottom
« on: May 15, 2012, 12:26:49 am »
glorious day!

i was just fiddling around with the aspect ratio and resolution settings (i think), and it suddenly works fine!  i honestly don't know what i changed, but it seems to be up and running.  i think i just put in more specifically the dimensions of my screen.  the part that confused me was that my settings for that never successfully applied to 2.3, so i just ignored it on 2.4. 

Bugs in older version (2.4) / Re: Mouse cannot scroll to bottom
« on: May 06, 2012, 12:21:27 am »
i tried to reinstall, but i have consistently found that that works better in windows than it does linux, haha! 

and unfortunately it is the case here as well : /

still looking for any help...

Bugs in older version (2.4) / Mouse cannot scroll to bottom
« on: May 03, 2012, 04:07:58 am »

I'm glad 2.4 is up and running... but I seem to have a bit of a problem with getting my mouse to scroll to the bottom of the screen... like it doesn't do it.  I'm running Ubuntu 12.04, but I don't have this problem with any other program or the OS itself.  I also never had this problem with 2.3 (though I never ran 2.3 on U12.04).  I've tried fiddling around with the setting, but none of those seem to make a difference... any ideas?

Linux / Re: installing 2.4-1?
« on: April 27, 2012, 05:34:27 am »
it also keeps telling me that it needs but i don't know where this is.  is this part of the -data package?

Linux / installing 2.4-1?
« on: April 27, 2012, 05:32:10 am »
so, i'm still an ubuntu newb, but i've been look forward to 2.4 for a while.  i've come to find that is down, which is unfortunate.  i've individually downloaded each of the .deb packages (data, server, music, the "basic", and even the radiant that i don't need), but i can't seem to install them. 

as far as i understand it, i need to first install the servers, then the data, then the music, then the "basic" package... the server tells me it's installed, but not configured.  what does that even mean?  why was this not nearly as complicated with 2.3...?

Linux / Re: updated to ubuntu 11.10, major slow performance hit
« on: October 18, 2011, 10:37:36 pm »
drivers fixed it!  thank you!

for some asinine reason, i assumed that would happen automatically when i updated the OS.

Linux / updated to ubuntu 11.10, major slow performance hit
« on: October 18, 2011, 05:16:41 pm »

i'm still basically a linux noob, so i may be overlooking something very simple.  anyway, i updated to oneiric yesterday, and i've noticed some serious slowdown on the geoscape and in missions (but not at the title screen).  i guess it's not game breaking, but it's certain frustrating... ideas?  should i try a complete reinstall?

and on that subject, is the deb package for 2.4 considered stable enough for regular use?

Pages: [1]