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Messages - qubodup

Pages: 1 [2]
Sounds and Music / Re: Sound and Music standard. Alex?
« on: January 12, 2008, 04:41:31 am »
concider .flac format as replacement for .wav and .ogg. It's a lossless compressed format, normally 33-66% size of wav.
Though it's probably a bad idea to use flac in-game, it would be good as a source format.

Sounds and Music / Re: [Wanted] Bloodspider attack sound
« on: January 12, 2008, 04:34:51 am »
I cleaned up a bit, not perfect unfortunately

I also had some fun ^^ unfortunately It probably won't suit your needs, as I didn't read the text first. I had something like the Tremulous aliens in mind when doing this plus it's not very aggressive. Tell me the seconds you like though (if any) so I can clean them and cut them out.

Thanks for your offer, Destructavator! I was hoping to see you on the irc today. Anyways:
For recording the sounds of my post above, I used one of them cheap-as-air mics. You can see it stripped here. I used the default windows sound recording tool back then and I think I tried to create an effect as if I was speaking through a bad connection (I wanted to eliminate/make use of the terrible recording quality when using the software booster which makes mic recording more loud.)

The recordings (9x male death, "uaarrgh") are made using an hp ipaq hx4100 with the software "Audio Recorder". I removed noise and cut in to pieces using Audacity.

Is the noise removal noticeable? I think these recordings are much better.

License again WTFPL, text included in archive. If you want to use these files, I'd be glad if you kept the license (even if it entitles you to change it to any other) because I think that using=spreading this license would make some people use it who otherwise would not use a license at all.

Tell me if I can make life easier for you with the sound files or future submissions (upload to wiki, svn using some standard archive format.. you name it)

I want to get a mobile sound recorder - I'd use it for voice recording too I'm sure. I was recommended the zoom h2 (200EUR) on but first I'll find out if I can get away cheaper by building something myself.

Tell me what you think of the recordings.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Hey, I made some recordings quite a while ago. *Very* bad recording quality.;topic=1527.0;attach=95 - Four files, male death. I am mostly German, though born in Russia.

License: WTFPL :)

Please tell me what exactly you find bad about the tracks, as I am interested in recording and sound design and thus want to improve and like to know peoples' points of view.

Check the attachment (in case you didn't see..)

[attachment deleted by admin]

Sounds and Music / Re: sound license & sound resource page link
« on: January 02, 2008, 12:29:22 am »
Sorry, I forgot two things:
1. See this thread for art resources in general
2. See this thread for an awesome cute nice sound-making tool

Sorry for bothering =)

Sounds and Music / sound license & sound resource page link
« on: January 01, 2008, 09:11:16 pm »
Hey there, I just had to take this game's article down Libregamewiki because it has strict rules about licensing (about like the Debian guys.) I hope the sounds which are according to the CONTRIBUTORS file cc-sampling plus licensed are the only thing non-free in the game now.

I recently found a sound resource, which features non-suckey licensed sounds. Here it is: (pd for public domain =) )

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