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Topics - Stalins Organ

Pages: [1]
Discussion / difficulty picking up weapons
« on: May 24, 2007, 01:11:43 am »
I found I had difficulty picking up large alien weapons - the ones that take up 8 squares such as the Plasma cannon (IIRC) and Particle Beam Rifle.

I had sold off some spare equipment & didnt't realise I'd equiped one of my crew with one of hte no-longer-existing weapons, so he started the game without a primary weapon.

I had him use his secondary, but got to an alien corpse and tried to pick up the Plasma cannon and it's ammo - the ammo was fine, but I couldn't get the gun to stick.

I had no shortage of TU's, and 2 empty hands.  the right hand highlighted when I clicked on the weapon, as did the back-pack.  I could put hte weapon in the back pack without bother, but not in hand.

I had researched the weapons (both of those mentioned above) and others in my crew are using them.

Discussion / Single screen limit?
« on: May 21, 2007, 12:57:11 am »
I've noticed that there seems to be a limit of 1 screen for most things where inventory is concerned - eg when equipping soldiers there's only 1 screen available for weapons, so if you ahve more weapons in your base than can fit in the picture on 1 screen they do not show up.

Also the number of soldiers, medics, workersand scientitsts seems to be limited to 1 screen-full, regardless of how many bases there are.

Is this correct or have I missed something?


Discussion / Soldiers health
« on: May 16, 2007, 11:34:51 pm »
A couple of questions - can you check soldiers health in base, and can/how do you use use hospitals to fix-em up after battle?

I have figured out the med kits in battle, but have these medics back at base I'm not sure what to do with......

Discussion / SMG ammo description
« on: May 16, 2007, 02:34:20 am »
sometimes I can be Mr Picky.... 8)

It fires an upgraded version of the Belgian 5.7mm armour-piercing round, a steel penetrator with aluminium core....'s got to be some really amazing technology to have an aluminium core for AP ammo - one would normally expect AP ammo to have a hard core such as steel, tungsten or DU, and the aluminium to be the outer material to reduce weight thus increasing velocity and AP performance.

Discussion / shotgun and GL ranges....
« on: May 15, 2007, 04:16:22 am »
80 for the Shotgun, but only 24 (? from memory) for grenades........shouldn't they be the other way around?

I can see the flechettes having less effective range than the shotgun due to eth story line (GL flechettes have lower velocity), but in "real life" existing GL's already put their projectiles out to 500m viz 50 effective max for a shotgun.

Discussion / How do you tell what ammo is loaded?
« on: May 13, 2007, 01:10:24 pm »
For weapons with different ammo available such as the GL and shotgun?

Also how do you change what the initial load is?


Discussion / Game doesn't load
« on: May 12, 2007, 08:45:05 am »

Obviously lots of people are not having this problem - I'm using XP, 512mb - I just get a blank screen for a few seconds then back to the desktop.

Any hints?

I've tried a couple of things from hte FAQ but no joy.

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