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Topics - Bartleby

Pages: [1]
Linux / Ubuntu 11.10 - Game wont start
« on: May 10, 2012, 08:35:09 pm »
maybe some1 can help a linux-noob. yesterday i updated my xubuntu to version 11.10. then i got playdeb and with the progammcenter of ubuntu i installed ufo ai 2.4.1. hurray. but when i want to start ufo ai today nothing happens. ufoconsole.log says:
2012/05/10 20:23:45 FS_RemoveFile: remove /home/username/.ufoai/2.4/base/keys.cfg
2012/05/10 20:23:45 There are still 1 opened files
not much information, i know, but could some1 plz help me :D.
EDIT: btw. gamecentral says ufo has 24.5mb. sounds not much.

Discussion / 2.3.2 and donating
« on: December 27, 2010, 11:16:42 pm »
will there be a 2.3.2 build soon?
bought a nvidia card last week and now i am waiting for a new stable-ubuntu-build. sorry for the question, but i am a bit excited :).
2 month ago i managed to get xubuntu running, but still dont think its too easy to compile the game myself.

For 225 euro / year – Intel Celeron D/215/220 1.20+ GHz, 2 GB DDR 1 / DDR 2, HDD 250 GB
For 625 euro / year – Intel Quad Core Q6600 4x 2.40+ GHz, 4 GB DDR 2, HDD 1 TB
how much "server" do all ufo games need? what would be the difference? first one sounds perfect.

btw. why shows this list sometimes around 270, sometimes 230 and sometimes around 180 missing licenses? sometimes unused pics are counted sometimes not.

Translating / German translation - discussion ranks
« on: March 12, 2010, 12:59:50 pm »
Hat jemand Vorschläge für die Übersetzung der Ränge zwecks einheitlicher Nomenklatur? Hab mich mal die Dienstgrade der Luftwaffe als Basis genommen.

Kommandant und Oberst >>> [mail_to_base_commander] Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command
Oberstleutnant >>> [mail_from_paul_navarre] Cdr. Paul Navarre, R&D: Engineering Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command
Major [Col. ist eigentlich der Oberst] >>> [mail_from_col_falkland] Col. Ingrid Falkland, Intelligence Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command
Oberstleutnant >>> [mail_from_air_cdr] Cdr. (Air) Subakh al-Kuhar, Air Wing, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command
Stellvertreter des kommandierenden Offiziers und Major >>> [mail_from_xo] XO Abel S. Howard, Command & Control, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

Oberstabsarzt (=Major) >>> [mail_from_dr_connor] Dr. Connor, R&D: Bio & Containment Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command
Stabsarzt (=Hauptmann) >>> [mail_from_surgeon] Surgeon-Captain Helen Floydd, Medical Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command

2. Generalsekritär >>> [mail_from_un] SecGen. Mahouf Serra, United Nations, New York City

Feature Requests / autofight and freelancers
« on: June 27, 2009, 10:40:14 am »
after a while playing ufo-like-games i am always not very motivated to play those small missions. just boring if u have to chase 1-2 aliens for a long time on a small ship and that some missions in a row.
a "autofight" option in which by a calculation the mission is solved would be nice. maybe. to not make those autofight not to easy u can have a less chance to win, less profit or less experience on those.

it could also be possible not to send a own transporter. maybe u could pay some amount of money to hire some freelancers :). they get the money u the materials of the ufo.

or u could just send a cruise missile to "solve" the problem and not to risk any terror or other negative effects of a not tried mission (cheaper, but no materials as profil... hm.. even though u could argue that cruise missile are quite expensive for a small "company" like our defence).

EDIT: er..................... i am sry. there is already an other discussion about that..... well.... sry :).

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