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Topics - SharkD

Pages: [1]
Discussion / How many new maps are there?
« on: May 29, 2010, 11:50:22 am »
A quick question: About how many new maps are there in the dev version?


Artwork / Image of all character models
« on: July 24, 2009, 07:12:01 am »
I was wondering if anyone could take a screenshot of all the character models standing next to each other. Thanks.

Tactics / Keyboard diagram
« on: May 24, 2009, 11:50:17 pm »
I created a diagram of all the keyboard shortcuts used in the game. You can find it here:


Updated link.


The site has moved once again. This time it's at:

Artwork / Silly idea... Lego!
« on: April 05, 2009, 12:27:37 am »
This may sound like a silly idea, but I ask the same question for every open source game. :D Have you ever thought of using LDraw to generate all your models?

* Well-suited to grid-based games (element sizes change/grow in discrete steps).
* Huge existing library of part elements. Few elements would need to be constructed from scratch.
* Wide-spread familiarity and low learning curve should make it easy to attract new art contributors.
* Everything looks like Lego!

* An intelligent conversion utility does not exist. Hidden and coincident surfaces would need to be merged/trimmed, and additional poly-reduction steps might need to be taken (by default, LDraw models use *huge* numbers of polygons).
* The part elements are in a transition period where some parts have transitioned over to the CC-AL license, while others have not. (See here.) The intent is that *all* parts will eventually be released under this license. I'm also not exactly sure this license is GPL-compatible.
* Everything looks like Lego!

Here's an example of what one person was able to do in this regard. Notice that the images are in-game screenshots! Except that the hard part of the conversion was done by hand instead of using a dedicated tool.

Obviously, the lack of a converter is the big barrier. And, the license may not be compatible. However, the time it would take one intelligent coder to write such a converter would be much less than the time required to create large amounts of brand new content.

I realize the project might be too mature at this point to scrap all the existing content, but I thought I'd throw the idea out there.

Windows / Which platform is preferred?
« on: April 04, 2009, 11:24:37 am »
I was wondering which of the supported platforms (Windows, Linux, etc.) is the preferred one? Does the game run noticeably smoother on one than the others? Fewer glitches? Other reasons?

Windows / Installing both versions?
« on: April 02, 2009, 09:53:35 am »
Do the development and stable version cohabit well on the same system? Can I install them both and not expect errors?



Feature Requests / Proposal: TFTD-like features
« on: April 01, 2009, 09:29:33 am »

First off, I'd like to say I've been watching this game for several years now, and have to say it is coming along wonderfully and UFO:AI is an awesome game!

I noticed the "Proposals" page in the wiki and thought I'd start one of my own. My proposal is the addition of TFTD-esque gameplay on top of the existing terrestrial missions. I'll list the things I had in mind:

1) The player can build sea platforms as bases. These platforms are identical to regular bases, except that instead of hangar bays the player can build submarine bays.
2) Playesr can purchase submarines.
3) Players can use the submarines to reach UFOs that crash into the sea.
4) Underwater battles may occur.
5) Aliens may build underwater bases.
6) Additional alien species exist that thrive underwater.
7) Troops/aliens can have neutral buoyancy and swim up and down as well as laterally.
8) etc.

Not sure if this has been suggested before, but I didn't see it listed on the wiki page.


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