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Messages - xcomfanatic20

Pages: [1]
Newbie Coding / Re: Changing the number of combatants
« on: May 19, 2012, 12:51:09 am »
Sorry for the 'want'. It was a 'want' because I really would like to ramp up some intensity in the game. I finished it and believe that even in the normal campaign, there must be a point where you just get flooded with alien troops. By the mid stage you are more than capable of handling them on the ground. In the skies is another matter.
I do realise that you need to put more alien, civilian and soldier entities in the map using ufo-radiant. I have a rough idea as to where in the ufo files to change to increase the number of aliens/civilians/soldiers in the map/ships (team_<--->.ufo I think). I just wanted (here it is again) to know what part of the code and user interface you need to change to take these into account.

Thanks in advance.

ps. I have always used 'want'. If I was insistent I would use 'need'. Apologies if I sounded rude. It will be a 'would' from now on.
(you say to-may-toe, I say to-maa-tow).

Newbie Coding / Cowboys and Aliens (and Civs) Artificial Stupidity
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:24:20 pm »
Hello again
Where in the code can I tinker with the AI of the aliens and civilians?
Thanks in advance.

Newbie Coding / Changing the number of combatants
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:20:36 pm »
Hi there,
I want to be able to do the following when it comes to combatant numbers during the single player full campaigns:
- Be able to increase the number of alien attackers, whether it be during recovery missions or terror campaigns. I also want to increase the number of civilians to make it trickier.
- I want to be able to change the combatant numbers during base defenses. I want to be able to use all of the available soldiers and dramatically ramp up the alien numbers.
Where do I start in the code?
Thanks in advance.

Newbie Coding / Re: libjpeg-8.dll
« on: May 13, 2012, 02:27:42 pm »
Thanks. No more error messages. I knew it was something obvious.
Learning the quirks of codeblocks and the code structure as I go along.
Wish me luck. Great open sauce game.

Newbie Coding / libjpeg-8.dll
« on: May 13, 2012, 09:41:30 am »
Hello Folks
Tried to download source using Git but for some reason, Git would not download to my Windoze 7 system.
Undaunted, I simply downloaded the source from the Downloads page (source and data versions 2.4).

After a lot of stuffing around, including using the codeblocks installable with MinGW configured (from codeblocks site) instead of the
version for UFO-AI, I was able to build the code. I noticed a couple of things.
- When I select BUILD->RUN from the menu in codeblocks, the program runs no problems.
- When I try to run the executable directly from the UFO-AI directory, I get the error:

    "The program can't start because libjpeg-8.dll is missing from your computer...."

- I downloaded the full game installer as well and installed in a separate directory. This one runs fine. When I compared the sizes of the files, the one I built was around 11726k, while the file in from the game installer was 30,713k.

As I said earlier, the program runs fine from the development environment, but not when you run the executable directly. What am I missing here?

Thank you for your help and patience in advance.

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