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Messages - Soul

Pages: [1]
Design / Re: Underwater?
« on: July 09, 2010, 11:33:51 am »
It's ok, I don't mind some jokes :)

Although DiDiT's avatar makes him look like an irritating moron (no offense, I'm just talking about avatar :))

So, you'd like the Underwater approach... OK.
How do you believe that will improve the game experience?
I thought it could enrich the game's universe, add few interesting research options and add a little (very little, hehe) verity to missions' tactics by placing soldiers at the entrance instead of around the aircraft.

And first of all, in my ideas there's no need to make textures for underwater "exterior" environment. Although underwater settlements could use a few new textures for some specific equipment, etc. Also, i.e. a 2D picture of exterior view while loading mission and some nice lighting effect inside, like in places close to windows or all over the map if it was located under a dome.

Design / Underwater?
« on: July 06, 2010, 12:39:16 pm »
Hi guys, what do you think about it? It comes from this thread.

I guess it's not a good idea to make a new game in underwater environments (too boring). But some of those ideas could be incorporated into this game. For example, alien bases on Earth could be located only underwater and require a specifically designed craft/ship to get there and dock to entrance. Also, in 2083, there could be some small human underwater settlements attacked by aliens, i.e. built close to deuterium mining plants for our thermonuclear reactors - most important since aliens interrupted all deliveries from Mars (in Martian underground water tanks there's much greater deuterium percentage then on Earth). Of course, all of these would require whole new, interesting research branches.

Wait, humanity already made it to Mars in this storyline?

Well, we could easily do it by 2083. Although I guess we won't. But, hypothetically, we could build those clumsy ships that look like space stations with engines, some modules for transport from the ground and one mining plant (which could mine enough deuterium for one third of Earth's electrical power needs - thermonuclear reactors are very powerful).

Discussion / Re: UFO: AI 2 --- underwater (Like TFTD)
« on: July 06, 2010, 12:31:14 pm »
Wait, humanity already made it to Mars in this storyline?
Well, we could easily do it by 2083. Although I guess we won't. But, hypothetically, we could build those clumsy ships that look like space stations with engines, some modules for transport from the ground and one mining plant (which could mine enough deuterium for one third of Earth's electrical power needs - thermonuclear reactors are very powerful).

Discussion / Re: UFO: AI 2 --- underwater (Like TFTD)
« on: July 05, 2010, 11:20:50 am »
I guess it's not a good idea to make a new game in underwater environments (too boring). But some of those ideas could be incorporated into this game. For example, alien bases on Earth could be located only underwater and require a specifically designed craft/ship to get there and dock to entrance. Also, in 2083, there could be some small human underwater settlements attacked by aliens, i.e. built close to deuterium mining plants for our thermonuclear reactors - most important since aliens interrupted all deliveries from Mars (in Martian underground water tanks there's much greater deuterium percentage then on Earth). Of course, all of these would require whole new, interesting research branches.

Discussion / Re: do explosions travel thorugh walls
« on: June 21, 2010, 09:04:33 pm »
I guess it would make sense if it was impossible to destroy walls in UFOs (because it would require too powerful explosives that could destroy everything around the ship).

Discussion / Re: Congratulations for the Realese UFO A.I 2.3
« on: June 19, 2010, 01:13:02 pm »
Finally it's out ;D Great job, guys!

Artwork / Re: GUI Design
« on: June 17, 2010, 10:08:14 am »
Oh no, please, do not ufoet. It is very ugly piece of graphic.

I meant only the details (resolution) of the GUI.

Artwork / Re: GUI Design
« on: June 16, 2010, 06:27:18 pm »
Hi. Would it be possible to use some more detailed graphics for GUI? I guess it would be necessary to change something in the engine, but maybe that's not insanely time consuming?

I think it looks very nice with the attention to detail of... i.e. UFO:ET.


Artwork / Re: Armour types and their models - PHALANX
« on: June 16, 2010, 06:04:58 pm »
For me, Power Armour looks like one of those childish armors from World of Warcraft. And soldiers look too fat in it (like wearing a space suit in a vacuum). It just doesn't look serious. I think it would be great if it looked like something between this and nanosuit from Crysis.

Windows / Re: Graphic video problems: the word is in darkness
« on: June 15, 2010, 05:27:12 pm »
Does it look normal (version 30507)? Is the ground really made of steel (?) or is it some kind of a glitch? It's hard to see anything here.

map [ufo landed]

OK, I tried all different settings and it looks like that only with lightmap block size set to High.

Windows / Re: Win32 Development Binary Installer Links
« on: December 21, 2008, 05:31:31 pm »
if you're still running Windows 2000 Professional, you can install this preview to get some limited IPv6 support

FAQ / Re: Are there any UFO:AI related tutorials available?
« on: December 09, 2008, 04:12:32 pm »
Yeah, I know. I was just wondering if producting of targeting computer shoud take 500h. But now, when I built another workshop it shows it will take only 143h. I'm not really sure why.

FAQ / Re: Are there any UFO:AI related tutorials available?
« on: December 08, 2008, 06:56:40 pm »
In current system - all workers are working on first task in list.
Thanks. Nevertheless I'm not sure if everything is fine in my game because Navigation Computer (or something like that) is going to take 500h to complete production. I hired 20 workers but have one workshop. Is that alright?

FAQ / Re: Are there any UFO:AI related tutorials available?
« on: December 07, 2008, 09:39:23 pm »
Hi. I found this game yesterday. I always wanted to play a little more modern version of a game similiar to UFO (damn, it's been so long... :)). It's wonderful. Thanks, guys :a pack of beer:

I have a question. I've looked around here a bit but haven't found an answer. How do I assign more workers to one task? Is there a bug or there's something not implemented yet?


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